"What are you doing in a daze, don't hurry up and pack the spoils, we don't have much time." Seeing everyone dumbfounded, Lu Chen quickly reminded.

"What's so great, isn't it just killing a few Hongluan?" Boyan gave a white look and walked over again with disdain.

"I..." Lu Chen felt frustrated for a while, and thought to himself, "I killed a few Red Luan, but when am I great again?"

It's hard to raise a villain and a woman, and it's true.

After a dozen or so people packed up the spoils, they walked toward the depths of the Yuanshen Forest again.

As the tasks continue to be completed, their next tasks are getting heavier.

With the help of Lu Chen and the support of everyone, he wasted more than an hour and completed more than ten tasks.

During this period, although Bo Zhong and others were still a little dissatisfied with Lu Chen's behavior, the powerful strength that Lu Chen showed had completely convinced them.

This person is really not easy.

Rao is the boy Yan, who has always been sharp-mouthed, not speaking anymore.

"The front is the deepest part of Yuanshen Forest. Everyone must be careful. At present, we still have ten or twenty tasks, but we can't drop the chain at this last moment." Bo Zhong said.

"This is of course, we can't take it lightly just because Lu Chen is there," Xue Jinde said.

"Brother Lu, when you meet the monster beast, you still have to help. Your skill is so powerful, it makes the little brothers really admiration." Han Zhong said sincerely.

"It's nothing, for the task, let's work hard together." Lu Chen said.

"Well, since everyone is ready, let's go to the deepest point." After Bo Zhong finished speaking, he immediately glanced at Lu Chen. Although he was jealous, he didn't say it.

A group of ten or so people walked cautiously toward the depths of the Yuanshen Forest, with cold sweat on the palms and backs of hands. You must know that the dangers encountered along the way are more than they encountered when they grew up.

"Brother Lu Chen, how many tasks do you have?" Xue Jinde asked on the road.

"Not much." Lu Chen thought for a while and said.

"But we have completed more than ten tasks along the way. You should have completed it alone?" Han Zhong asked.

"It's less than twenty. I have fifty missions just like you." Lu Chen said.

"It's the same as us? There are fifty?" Xue Jinde asked with staring eyes, "Lu Chen turned out that you also came in a team, what about your other teammates?"

"Sorry, I'm the only one." Lu Chen said lightly.

A dozen people twitched their mouths, and while their hearts throbbed, they smiled bitterly to themselves, thinking in their hearts that the gap between this person and other people was too big.

However, thinking of Lu Chen's cultivation base, more than a dozen people stopped talking. After all, Lu Chen had taken over fifty tasks, after all, he had the capital to do fifty tasks.

"Oh wrong, Brother Lu Chen, didn't you just come in? How do you do your mission so fast?" Han Zhong suddenly heard something, and then asked again.

Lu Chen paused, scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment, "I have done more than twenty of your efforts to find the three-legged place alone with a brief analysis."

Gulu...While a dozen people were shaking, they swallowed fiercely.

He hadn't reacted from the shock just now, and this time he was hit with a heavy hammer to his heart.

In the effort of everyone looking for the three-legged land, more than twenty tasks have been completed.

Not to mention the effort that only took a while, even more than 20 tasks can be completed so easily, is it too incredible?


At this moment, Lu Chen could only be described as a monster in the minds of a dozen people.

This kind of person is rare even in the entire Dragon Soul Continent, it is really terrifying, he is incredible.

While Boyan was suspicious, he just wanted to ask Lu Chen if it was true, and the brief analysis who had been following Lu Chen suddenly said heartlessly, "Brother Lu Chen is really amazing. It is estimated that 30 can be completed in one go."

"It's really beyond my expectation. I never thought that a person's strength could be so terrifying."

"Brother Lu Chen, can you teach me later?"

"I also want to learn how you do and complete dozens of tasks by one person."

"Brother Lu Chen, if I were you, I would definitely take over a hundred tasks. It would be scary to return to the scene of the exchange meeting."

Listening to a brief analysis of a sentence followed by a sentence, Bo Zhong and others only felt that the brain was hypoxic, and a little suffocated for a while, scary, too scary.

A group of ten people walked forward about a hundred meters away, and suddenly stopped at the same time as their complexion changed suddenly.

"You smell it too?" Bo Zhong said suddenly.

"If I didn't guess wrong, it should be human blood." Lu Chen said solemnly.

"Such a heavy smell, it seems that many people have died." Han Zhong said.

"It's near us, everyone, be careful." Lu Chen reminded him and stepped forward and walked forward.

Hmm...A dozen people just crawled away from the grass in front of them and suddenly took a breath. A bunch of people appeared in front of them. These people were lying alive or sitting, covered in blood, and even a few of their heads Fell to the side.

Cough cough... While Boyan's face was pale, he coughed violently, obviously choked by the strong smell of blood around him.

"This is too scary?" Xue Jinde stared in amazement.

"Yeah, the head is hung off, it's really horrible." Han Zhong said.

"Those few seemed to have their hearts cut out alive and died, what is going on?" The uncle, who had always been calm, changed slightly at this moment.

Brother Lu Chen, let's go, this is too scary. The analysis said.

Lu Chen glanced left and right, and suddenly became serious. It was just a second of thinking time, and suddenly he shouted, "These people seem to have just died, everyone, be careful."

Whoosh whoosh...

Ah ah ah...

Lu Chen had just finished speaking when the three people standing at the back were suddenly beheaded on the spot.

Fortunately, Lu Chen reacted very quickly, pulling his hands to analyze briefly, Jian Wanru leaned forward and hid.

Although Bo Zhong and others also hid in the past, unfortunately they were injured by the sword light behind them, with blood on their arms and back.

In an instant, the smell of blood in the air became serious again.

"Brother Lu Chen, what's going on, it's so scary." JianAna said, shaking his body.

"It seems to be a group of people, they are trying to **** our spoils." Lu Chen said.

"It's really hateful, I didn't expect that we really met this group of people." Bo Zhong said.

"Brother Uncle, isn't it what you said? They took the task and didn't do it by themselves, specifically doing this kind of murder and overstocking?" Han Zhong said, staring.

"Stop talking, everyone, their cultivation base is very high, we have to cooperate this time, otherwise, it is really possible that all the hard work will be wasted." Lu Chen reminded.

While the remaining seven people were trembling, they did not dare to speak anymore, and even their breathing became weaker.

For a while, except for the sound left by the breeze in the air, the atmosphere on the scene became completely strange.

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