Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2133: Golden pangolin

"Well, follow me. It's too dangerous here." Lu Chen finished speaking and walked towards the entrance of the cave with the three girls.

"Brother Lu Chen, where's that sage master?" the analysis asked.

"In the cave, I saved him for a reason. If you finish that big man by then, you will count as your share." Lu Chen said.

"What is the big task?" asked the brief analysis.

"You will know from now on. During this time you are resting in the cave. Let me complete the remaining tasks for you." Lu Chen thought for a while and said.

"Really? That's great." Jian Wanru said excitedly.

After speaking, the group came to the cave. Medusa Dana had already woke up, and was sitting at the entrance of the cave, looking out.

"Who are these people?" Medusa Dana frowned and looked at Lu Chen.

"It's all my friends. We came in together to do the task." Lu Chen continued, "Are you better?"

"It's almost there." Medusa Dana nodded and said.

"It's better to rest for a while, your injury is too serious." Lu Chen cared.

Glancing at Lu Chen, Medusa Dana said, "If you guys are fine, enter the cave. Lu Chen and I have something to discuss."

A brief analysis stuck out his tongue, how dare you make a mistake in front of this master.

"You guys go in first." Lu Chen finished speaking and followed Medusa Dana towards the front.

When he arrived at a big mountain, Medusa Dana said, "Does Lu Chen have the guts to break into the golden pangolin cave with me?"

"Break into the cave of the golden pangolin? What do you want to do?" Lu Chen said slightly surprised.

"Golden pangolins are fairy beasts. Unlike ordinary monsters, their IQ is much higher than that of humans. If you wait for it to slow down, you will have to chase me to the ends of the world and be chased by such a stalking fairy beast. Come on, really keeps me awake at night.” Medusa Dana ignored Lu Chen and said again, “Now it’s seriously injured, and it’s simply not doing two things, how about Lu Chen, as long as you help me this time, I can complete all your tasks in the Forest of Origin God within a minute, even if it is the Lord of Desolation."

"It's a deal worth doing," Lu Chen asked immediately, "Then what should I do?"

"Now that the golden pangolin is injured, I will lead it out of the cave. You secretly sneak into the cave and steal the immortal pill that it has been wounded. If this is the case, the golden pangolin will be furious. At that time, I can't take care of it. I will kill him naturally. "Medusa Dana said with cold eyes.

"It seems that the danger is great." Lu Chen thought for a while and said.

"There is no danger, and it is impossible to have such a big benefit, right?" Medusa Dana said suddenly.

"But that's the case, then what are we going to do to prepare?" Lu Chen asked.

"Don't make any preparations, just hurry up." Medusa Dana reminded.

"Well, I promise you." Lu Chen gritted his teeth and said.

"Refreshing." After Medusa Dana finished speaking, she took out a set of soft armor from the ring and said, "You will wear the whole, even if there is any crisis at that time, you can save your life."

Lu Chen took the soft armor, and a faint fragrance passed over. It smelled very good, "Thank you, I will do my best by then."

"Okay, let's go." After Medusa finished, she flashed and flew towards the high mountains.

With a move with the Hongmeng Sword in his hand, Lu Chen also followed Medusa Dana and flew upward.

I don't know how long it took, when it reached about halfway up the mountain, Medusa Dana stopped and said to Lu Chen behind him, that's there, wait you to hide first.

After a glance left and right, Lu Chen found another mountain pass, and after hiding his whole body in it, he smiled at Medusa.

Medusa Dana who got the response flashed and sank directly into the cave of the golden pangolin.

After a short while, there was a roar and roar from the sky.

"Abominable human beings actually killed my cave. If you don't talk about your skin cramps today, I am not a fairy beast." The golden pangolin roared and swish...Two tall figures flew out of the cave in an instant. Suddenly rushed towards the sky.

When Lu Chen saw this, his eyes widened, taking advantage of the high-altitude fighting to cover up, his body flashed and he got into the cave of the golden pangolin.

After entering, after walking for nearly ten meters, Lu Chen raised his eyelids, and suddenly became depressed. There was no way out of this golden pangolin's cave house. Three of them appeared in front of Lu Chen, each of them smooth and unmatched, like a fairy. The beast lived the same.

Lu Chen was extremely depressed, and immediately flicked three small stones from his side towards the three passages.

Two of them were bottomless, and they didn't even make a sound. The middle one had reverberations, and it seemed not very shallow.

For the sake of his life, Lu Chen immediately flashed his body and drilled towards the middle passage. After walking for about half a minute, he reached the bottom.

What appeared in front of Lu Chen was a huge space. There was nothing in this space except a stone table.

Glancing at the stone table, Lu Chen walked straight over, knocked on the stone table and found nothing.

Is it wrong? Lu Chen thought to himself, glanced left and right, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw a hidden small box on the wall.

Cautiously approaching, Lu Chen buckled the wall and turned abruptly. The wall in front of him slowly turned to the right. At the same time, a small space appeared on the wall.

There was a small box in it, and Lu Chen was overjoyed and took the small box out immediately.


The sudden cry of abduction made Lu Chen startled. Before the small box could be put away, a small golden pangolin suddenly appeared in its hole.

Although this golden pangolin is small and thin, how can it be said that it is a fairy beast?

While the heart was beating, Lu Chen's Hongmeng Sword flashed, and he slammed directly at the fairy beast.

The golden pangolin moved agilely, dodged one by one, and suddenly moved towards; Lu Chen attacked.

The Hongmeng Sword in his hand spun suddenly, Lu Chen stepped back with a slap, and then waited for another round. In the blink of an eye, the golden pangolin was already close.


With a huge noise, the golden pangolin slammed into Lu Chen's Hongmeng sword.

Lu Chen's body was like a kite with a broken wire, flying straight upside down, but the golden armor only took a few steps back.

With a sudden step, Lu Chen stopped, and at the same time the blood surged, the golden pangolin besieged him again.

Where did Lu Chen dare to resist, he immediately lowered and rolled out straight, his whole body pressed against the ground, very embarrassed.

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