Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2134: Good smell

The golden pangolin looked awkward, but in fact it was extremely flexible. Lu Chen had just rushed out, and the former had already swung his tail and hit him directly.

At the same time as the pupils of his eyes grew larger, Lu Chen had no choice but to cross the Hongmeng Sword to block.

Peng... With a muffled sound, Lu Chen was taken flying out again with the Hongmeng Sword.

Lu Chen's complexion was blue and red at the same time, he couldn't wait to scold his mother, no wonder the master wanted to seize the golden pangolin's skin. Persevering to this level was really a defensive weapon.

Quack... The golden pangolin gave a triumphant smile, moving its tail and swept across again.

Seeing that Lu Chen couldn't please, he turned around and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

The golden pangolin seemed to see Lu Chen's attempt, and immediately jumped and blocked the entrance of the cave, but it was a pity that Lu Chen was a master of the earth sage after all, so he quickly escaped from the small cave.

Whoosh... Lu Chen exhausted all his strength and ran towards the entrance of the cave. At this moment, his ears buzzed, and it was obvious that the war outside was not over yet.

The golden pangolin behind him was chasing after him. Seeing that he got closer and closer, Lu Chen let out a low growl, his body pressed, and the whole person rolled straight out like a ball.

Bang bang bang...

The huge noise almost shook the entire small cave. Fortunately, the distance was not long. Lu Chen only leaned on for a quarter of an hour to come to the front. He had just stepped out of the small cave, and the golden pangolin behind him was already Rushed out.

Lu Chen only felt the strong wind whistling behind him, as if he was about to tear the air apart. Before he could think about it, he pressed down again, relying on the Hongmeng sword in his hand to flick upwards suddenly, with a crisp sound, and the whole person rubbed the golden pangolin. The bladder skyrocketed.


The war continued in the sky, and the golden pangolin in the sky suddenly screamed, and the whole animal body rushed towards Lu Chen like crazy.

Lu Chen's eyes trembled again, and his body trembled a little. Fortunately, Medusa Dana rushed ahead, and the light surging with a sudden blow in his hand, the careless golden pangolin was cut into two by Medusa Dana.

Roar...The golden pangolin below suddenly let out a cry of compassion, and a roar suddenly came over.

Lu Chen quickly moved away. After Medusa finished speaking, the six big rays of light in his hand smashed out.


There was a huge sensation, Lu Chen only felt that his whole body was about to be broken off. Suddenly, his waist tightened, and Medusa Dana rushed over, holding Lu Chen in his arms with a move.

"It smells good." A fragrant kiss came from Medusa Dana's arms. Lu Chen whispered while sniffing his nose fiercely.

Medusa Dana didn't have time to take care of Lu Chen. With a move with her right hand, she instantly incorporated the two golden pangolins into the ring, her figure flashed, stepping on the rock, and she instantly came to the ground.

"Lu Chen, are you okay?" Medusa Dana asked.

"I...I'm okay, just because of the huge fluctuation just now, I almost died." Lu Chen said.

"Thanks to you this time." Medusa Dana added, "According to the previous agreement, tell me all the tasks you have left, and I will complete it for you."

"There is not much left, the most important is the Lord of the Desolate Mountain." Lu Chen said unceremoniously.

Well, after listening to Lu Chen’s task description, Medusa Dana said, “You go back to the cave first, and give me ten minutes to solve them all. As for the Lord of the Desolation, according to your request, Just catch it alive."

"This... do you want me to do a little favor?" Lu Chen said falsely.

"Your strength, let's have a chance to cooperate in the future." Medusa Dana finished speaking and turned to move towards another place.

"Hey, I didn't plan to go." Lu Chen laughed, turned his head and ran towards the cave.

After experiencing the battle just now, at this moment, the whole body is a little wet, and with these fairy beasts, the masters of the absolute sage level, Lu Chen feels that his strength is still somewhat different.

After a few steps, Lu Chen returned to the cave, and asked, "Brother Lu Chen, where are you and that beautiful sister?"

"To unite, the fairy beast fought a bit earlier." Lu Chen said.

"Wow, Brother Lu Chen, you are so amazing, that's a fairy beast, are you injured?" The analysis was surprised.

"It's just a wounded fairy beast. How could it hurt me? It's a joke." Lu Chen said facelessly, "I was afraid that the analysis was asking, so I had to change the subject, your sister and boy Yan What?"

"They went outside to guard, why didn't you see it?" Simple Analysis asked with blinking big eyes.

"Hey, I really haven't seen it yet." Lu Chen said.

"Isn't something going on?" Jane said with a change of face.

"Should not, didn't I tell them? Just wait here." Lu Chen said.

"But I still feel a little worried, Brother Lu Chen, how about we go out and see?" A brief analysis of Lu Chen's arm said.

"Okay, let's go out and have a look. We're not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case." Lu Chen finished speaking and just wanted to go out with a brief analysis, Jian Wanru and Boyan walked back.

"Where did you go?" Lu Chen asked face to face.

"We found some food, only fruits, so let's barely satisfy our hunger." Jian Wanru said tiredly.

"It's a very time now, you guys are...too dangerous, so I don't want it next time." Lu Chen took the fruit and handed one to a brief analysis.

"I see, we just went around and didn't see any danger." Boyan finished speaking and said again, "Now there are only four of us left. Do we still have so many tasks to do?"

"No need," Lu Chen said while eating the fruit.

"Ah, no need, are we going to give up halfway like this?" Boyan asked in surprise.

"Of course not, I just helped the master of the master, so in exchange, she will help us complete other tasks." Lu Chen said lightly.

"Really? If this is the case, that would be great." Jian Wanru said with bright eyes.

"Yeah, Brother Lu Chen, you are amazing, that is a master of the sacred level, such a small task is easy to complete." The brief analysis was equally excited.

"Now, don't worry, everyone. After eating and taking a break, it's not early, and we have to hurry back." Lu Chen explained.

"Yeah." The three girls nodded in excitement, thinking that this task could not be completed, but they did not expect it to be completed so easily with the help of Lu Chen.

A few people rested in the cave for a while and talked about some irrelevant topics. In exactly seven minutes, Medusa Dana came over with a big man covered in blood.

"The tasks are all completed, and the Lord of the Desolation has been handed over to you." Medusa Dana lost the big man in his hand, and said in a flat tone.

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