Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2137: Dangerous task

After receiving the Saint League token, Lu Chen left the mission hall directly, but he didn't know that, after he left the mission hall, the entire mission hall became active again.

Regarding the task of 0014, it can be said that all the members of the Saint League present know what kind of task this is. It can be said that it has been tens of thousands of years or more since the last time the last person took over this task. No one dares. Go and take this task.

But today, such a person who is not afraid of death appeared again to take this task, which made them feel very surprised.

However, as the staff of Shengmeng, the staff who helped Lu Chen take over this task immediately put aside the things in their hands, ran to the union, and told someone to take over the five-star hunting task and told the guardian in the task union. Among them, the senior staff of Shengmeng.

After knowing the result, the senior staff of the Shengmeng naturally told the news to other senior staff who were also in the Shengmeng. And most importantly, after knowing that the person who took over this task was also a senior staff, all The senior staff of Shengmeng who knew the news were a little stupid.

At this time, Jiang Yanna, as the fifth elder of the Saint League, naturally understood that someone took this task. When all the senior staff of the Saint League, except Lu Chen, gathered inside the Saint League, Jiang Yanna also knew it. The person under this task must be Lu Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Yanna's face became extremely pale. She was only to make a joke with Lu Chen that she let Lu Chen know about this task, but now how did she know that after leaving herself behind, Lu Chen actually accepted the task. .

Jiang Yanna felt extremely guilty in her heart. In her opinion, if she hadn't done nothing to tease Lu Chen, and took out this task, Lu Chen would definitely not be interested in this task, and she would not even go to the task union. Take this task, this... hey!

Looking at Jiang Yanna's pale face, the other senior leaders of the Saint League couldn't help but be a little dazed, and asked in confusion, "Fifth Elder, what's wrong? Do you know who is the one who took this task? Oh, By the way, it seems that your mission is to welcome such new members. Can you tell us about this new member!"

Jiang Yanna was very guilty at first, but now she heard this elder's words, her heart became even more sore, tears appeared directly in her big watery eyes, and they kept rolling down, making the person who asked the question shocked. Quickly apologize, you need to know this one in front of you, but in the Saint League, the out-and-out aunt-nai-nai-ah!

Jiang Yanna was even more reluctant to speak, she just bit her hand on her lips, tears falling down, and the ten people watching were extremely sorrowful. This made the elders of that culture even more helpless. Cuo, she could only look at Jiang Yanna with a frantic face, while facing the dark faces of other senior officials, showing a very aggrieved look.

"Nana, what's the matter? Is this the new master, and you..." Suddenly, a senior elder of the Saint League who seemed to be younger, seemed to see something and asked suspiciously.

When Jiang Yanna heard what the elder said, she raised her head slightly, looked at this person, gritted her teeth and finally nodded, with a more sad expression on her face, "Woo...Grandpa Second Elder, can you...can you help? Help, go and bring Lu Chen back from the forest of mountains?"

"Okay, the second grandfather will do this for you, but would you tell us first what is going on?" The second elder glanced at an old man behind him and asked suspiciously.

Jiang Yanna nodded, resisting the tears in her eyes, and told all the elders who had happened before and Lu Chen a little bit. You must know that all the elders present are basically Jiang Yanna's grandfather. , And she treats Jiang Yanna very well, so Jiang Yanna did not hide from them.

Of course, in Jiang Yanna's heart, she still didn't say some of Lu Chen's small thoughts.

After hearing Jiang Yanna’s explanation, everyone involuntarily looked at the old man whom the second elder had just looked at. When so many old friends looked at him with such jokes, the old man was obviously very embarrassed and full. The flushed face wanted to stop them from doing this with "fierce" eyes, but these elders, who were already familiar with who the other party was, didn't care about this "fierce" gaze at all, and they all "disdain" their lips.

That's right, this old man who was looked at with "playful" eyes was Jiang Yanna's own grandfather, Jiang Heng, who was also the previous leader of the Saint League. Now the Grand Elder, he didn't use the same method at the beginning. Did Jiang Yanna easily join the Saint League?

"Nana, do you know that Lu Chen you are talking about, is there any way to go directly to the forest of mountains and desolates?" There was no way, Jiang Heng had to walk out and asked.

"Master... Grandpa, why are you here?" Jiang Yanna was a little surprised. She didn't know that her grandfather had already come. If she knew, she wouldn't use her grandfather's method to earn Lu Chen. The matter of Shengmeng was told.

"Haha!" Jiang Heng smiled mysteriously without saying anything.

Jiang Heng was here not because of any accident, but because he was here.

As the only Supreme Elder of the Saint League, he will appear every time something happens in the Saint League. Because he has just stepped down as the leader of the Holy League, the new leader needs a lot of things for the old leader to teach, so for convenience, he will often appear as the Supreme Elder, but he is hidden.

Although it is hidden, only Jiang Yanna is actually not clear. Every time the Saint League meeting, her grandfather will appear, and everyone else knows about it.

"I don't know where he is now... Grandpa, you must help him!" She was a little embarrassed by her grandpa, and Jiang Yanna had to say directly.

Seeing the traces of worry and traces of love in the eyes of his granddaughter made Jiang Heng a little bit sad.

For so many years, since my son and daughter-in-law left this world because of that incident, my wife, and because of the departure of her son, was heartbroken and finally left this world. Only myself and The two relatives of the granddaughter depend on each other.

Fortunately, as the leader of the Saint League, I have never caused my granddaughter to be wronged too much. No, it should be said that I have never been wronged. Now such a man suddenly appears, not only has his little granddaughter been wronged. She cried, and scattered all her love.

And afterwards, it is very likely that all the love originally placed on him will be transferred to this man.

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