This made Jiang Heng a little unbearable for a while, and his heart was very sour, so he suddenly became like a kid who had been robbed of a toy. After thinking about it, he said directly: "Why should I help him? I saw that bastard, my granddaughter helped him kindly, but he didn't know what was good or bad, so he took that task by himself, and even if he died, he asked for it!"

"Grandpa~~" Jiang Yanna panicked when she heard what her grandpa said. She stomped her jade foot lightly and groaned.

"Originally, that **** doesn't know what's good or bad, why should I help's better if he is dead!" Jiang Heng said coldly.

"Grandpa~huh, grandpa is not good. It was originally people's fault. Why do you blame Lu Chen? If it weren't for me, Lu Chen would definitely not know about this task, let alone accept it. , Grandpa, if you don't want to help, I...I'll go find him now by myself!" Jiang Yanna said gracefully.

"No...If you dare to go, I will find that little **** now and kill him!" Jiang Heng said with a vicious look.

"Grandpa, you..." Jiang Yanna panicked for a while. When she heard that her grandfather was about to kill Lu Chen, she was even more worried, but she didn't notice the smile hidden in her grandfather's eyes. She shook her mind and blurted away. "Grandpa, if you kill Lu Chen, I...I won't live anymore!"

The other elders standing next to them really couldn’t stand it anymore. They had already discovered that the old fellow Jiang Heng had eaten Lu Chen’s crudeness, and Jiang Yanna did have a good impression of that Lu Chen, and they could even say It was a deep love, which made them feel keenly interested in Lu Chen, who had not yet met.

So he said: "Okay, okay, I said your grandfather and grandson, don’t push each other up! Too elder, you, as Nana’s grandfather, now that Nana finally has a sweetheart, you should be happy, why? You are still jealous! Didn't you still say before, do you want to find a wishful man for Nana?"

"Who...who is jealous!" When someone saw his thoughts, Jiang Heng's face was even more embarrassed-embarrassed, especially when he, as Jiang Yanna's grandfather, was jealous of his unseen grandson-in-law, which made Jiang Heng even felt that his face was a little unbearable, and his old face became flushed red.

"Isn't it? You are like us old guys, and you have been in vain for so many years! Are you jealous, don't we see it!" Second elder Zhou Duankang said with a smile.

Jiang Heng glanced at his granddaughter and found that there was a hint of curiosity in his granddaughter's eyes that were still crying tears, so he had no choice but to say, "Yes, I'll admit it! I did eat what I had never met. My grandson-in-law is jealous, I'm just curious, what kind of man is that named Lu Chen, it is said that when Nana met him for the first time today, why was she directly attracted to him?"

Jiang Heng's words made Jiang Yanna's pretty face flushed red. From a distance, she looked like a burning cloud in the sky, beautiful and gorgeous. This person looks so beautiful. If Lu Chen looks like- With the presence of the wolf, I am afraid that Jiang Yanna's beauty at this time will attract all the attention!

"Grandpa, are you helping others!" After Jiang Yanna knew her grandpa's thoughts, she sighed in relief and walked to Jiang Heng's side and asked charmingly.

"Help...definitely help, that little **** is my future grandson-in-law, if I don't help, wouldn't my granddaughter hate my grandfather to death!" Jiang Heng said that after an old friend just now, he understood in his heart, his granddaughter Sooner or later, I will leave myself, so I don't think much about it. As for being jealous, although there are still some, I have let go.

"Grandpa~~" Jiang Yanna swayed her waist because of shyness and dissatisfaction, "What grandson-in-law! It's not whether he can see someone else!"

"He dare... My granddaughter is convinced by him. If that kid dares not, I will make him look good!" At this moment, Jiang Heng showed the appearance of protecting a calf again.

"Hehe!" Jiang Yanna's beautiful-yan little face showed a smile from her heart. As for what was thinking in her heart, no one might know.

So next, at Jiang Yanna's request, all the people rushed to the forest of mountains and desolation.

When the ordinary members of the Saint League saw so many high-level personnel dispatched at the same time, they couldn't help feeling strangely surprised one by one. They thought that something bad had happened. While surprised, they were also ready to fight. Raise weapons and rush to the battlefield.

This is the Saint League, the biggest difference between the Forest of Origin God and other forces.

Naturally, Lu Chen didn’t know. After he took over the five-star mission, he didn’t care about the changes he had brought. Of course, Medusa Dana helped complete the mission. worried?

After leaving the Saint League mission union, Lu Chen left the inner city of the Saint League and went to the outer city to find Jiang Xinxin's existence.

Although Lu Chen didn't have the specific address of Jiang Xinxin's house, based on his feelings and the slight breath, Lu Chen finally found a very ordinary house in the outer city.

Standing at the door of the house, Lu Chen looked at the red cold wood door in front of him, smiled and said to the female guard standing at the door: "I'm looking for Jiang Xinxin!"

The female guard glanced at Lu Chen, blinked her eyes, and questioned: "Excuse me, are you Lord Lu Chen?"

"Yes, I am Lu Chen!" Lu Chen smiled and nodded, secretly saying that Jiang Xinxin is indeed Jiang Xinxin.

"You said you are Lu Chen, you must be Lu Chen? Do you have any way to prove that you are Lu Chen?" Lu Chen was originally surprised. The female guard's next words must be: "Sir, please wait a moment, I This will bring you in", but I don’t know what I heard.

This made Lu Chen a little stunned, but he reacted quickly, smiled slightly, and said, "Even if I have a way to prove that I am Lu Chen, how do you know that what I proved must be correct, and you haven't seen me Isn't it?"

The female guard rolled her eyes and said, "Well, if you say that, I am sure you are Lu Chen. Sister Xinxin said that your mouth is very defensive. No one has said you!"

There were a few black lines on Lu Chen's forehead, which made his heart slander. Xinxin, this little nizi, how do you say it's her own!

Following the female guard, Lu Chen walked directly into Jiang Xinxin's house.

Although Jiang Xinxin's house is very ordinary, it is not small, and it is very beautiful inside. There are exquisite flowers, rockery, etc. everywhere, making the entire ordinary house look so warm.

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