Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2140: Second daughter

Looking at Lu Chen's crazy appearance of Fenghe, Jiang Xinxin was so surprised that she realized that she could still be so crazy to do this kind of thing!

Waiting for the madness of Lu Chen and Fenghe, naturally drove Jiang Xinxin to join the battlefield again. Although he was still somewhat reserved, in comparison, Jiang Xinxin was still crazier than the beginning.

The three of them stayed in bed like this for most of the day without knowing it. If it weren't for Lu Chen to think about it, he didn't have much time and had to do tasks. I'm afraid the three of them were still tired of staying in bed crookedly and would not get up.

"Xinxin, do you have a map of Yuanshen Forest? Give me a copy, I'm useful!" Lu Chen asked, sitting on a chair.

"Yes! What are you going to do?" Jiang Xinxin asked suspiciously, and took out a jade slip from her ring and handed it to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen took the jade slip, scanned his spiritual sense, and saw clearly what was inside the jade slip. It really was a map of Yuanshen Forest.

"I'll do the task!" Lu Chen said.

"Doing the mission?" Feng He was a little puzzled. He looked at Lu Chen in confusion. He didn't understand why Lu Chen would do the mission. He didn't mean that after joining the Saint League, he would leave the Origin God Forest through the Saint League teleportation formation. Reunited with Zi Xiner and the others, and then returned to the Dragon Soul Mainland? Why are you still doing the task now?

"Yes! The use of the Saint League Teleportation Array is conditional. You must complete fifty tasks before you can use it!" Lu Chen said helplessly.

"Then let's help you!" Jiang Xinxin and Feng He said in unison.

"No, the tasks I took are relatively simple and suitable for one person to complete. Don't worry, don't worry about me. I guess it only takes two or three days to complete these tasks!" Lu Chen smiled and refused. The woman's request continued: "You will stay here for two or three days, and when I have completed the task, I will pick you up!"

"Then Lu Chen, you have now become a senior member of the Saint League, so you must participate in tomorrow's activities!" Jiang Xinxin suddenly thought of a question and said.

"Tomorrow's event I naturally want to participate!" The reason why Lu Chen told the second daughter that he would complete the task, he naturally wanted to participate in this exchange meeting alone. Once completed, he could use the teleportation array to return to the Dragon Soul Continent.

Both women are so affectionate and righteous, Lu Chen didn't want to make them cry when he was leaving.

Okay, let’s rest. I will participate in the exchange meeting tomorrow. I’m going to do the task now. After Lu Chen finished speaking, he left the cabin directly.

On the other hand, Jiang Yanna couldn’t wait to let her grandfather go to the forest of desolation to find Lu Chen’s traces, but she didn’t know that Lu Chen did not go to the forest of desolation at this time, but stayed at Jiang Xinxin’s house, with the two daughters. If Jiang Yanna knew this, she would be angrily maddened.

It didn't take long for Jiang Yanna and the others to come to the forest of desolation.

Because of the task of hunting down the Lord of the Desolation, the entire forest of the Desolation has become a forbidden place. I am afraid that except for the Lord of the Desolation and his subordinates, no one else will appear here at all. Lin looked at this moment, really desolate.

Jiang Heng took a group of people around the wild forest, not to mention Lu Chen, but other people did not see it. This made Jiang Heng and Jiang Yanna even more worried. Eventually a group of people gathered together, frowning tightly. He wrinkled and wondered whether he had entered the forest of mountains and desolates to find Lu Chen.

But how did they know that Lu Chen at this moment is asleep, dreaming of tomorrow's exchange meeting in his dream. When he returns after completing fifty missions with a five-star mission, everyone will definitely lose their minds. Eyeballs all over the place.

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