Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2141: Await your return

"Nana, are you sure that the person who will take on this task is Lu Chen?" Jiang Heng couldn't help but asked aloud.

Jiang Yanna rolled her eyes directly, and said, "Grandpa, people have already said that, it is a senior member of the Saint League who took the task. I have seen other senior members of the Saint League except Lu Chen today. They I didn't say that I took over this task, so besides Lu Chen, it is impossible for anyone to take over this task!"

"Then Lu Chen should also know the difficulty of this task!" Jiang Heng asked again.

"This...I don't know if he knows this!" Jiang Yanna sticks out her tongue embarrassedly, and then continues: "I originally asked him to complete this task for my prank, so I didn't want him to do it. This task naturally didn't tell him about this task.

And when I didn’t let him do this task, I was worried that he would be interested in this task, so I didn’t dare to say anything about this task. But where did I know that his curiosity was so strong, he finally got this from the task union The task is taken! "

"Hey! You girl!" Jiang Heng sighed helplessly, "That means, you are not sure, will Lu Chen be the first to complete this task? That disciple said, Lu Chen. He took over fifty tasks in one go, all simple, easy and difficult, he might not be the first to complete this task!"

"Isn't it better not to come?" Jiang Yanna couldn't help but blurt out.

"Good, good! But there will be an important exchange meeting tomorrow. We can't stay here and wait for his arrival!" Jiang Heng said helplessly.

"Then... Grandpa, or else, you go back first. I'll wait for him here to see if he will come today. I have reminded him and asked him to go to the Saint League headquarters to find me tomorrow morning, so if he doesn't have it today Come, tomorrow, I will help him eliminate this task directly!"

"No, I don't worry about you alone!" Jiang Heng refused without hesitation.

"But, grandpa... people don't worry about Lu Chen!" Jiang Yanna said with a small mouth, dissatisfied.

"Too elder, or else, I will stay here and accompany Nana to wait for that Lu Chen to appear!" Second elder Zhou Duankang thought for a while and said directly.

Hearing Zhou Duankang's willingness to stay, Jiang Heng's tone softened slightly, "But, what if the lord of the mountains and deserts run out, you two can't stop him!"

"It's okay, can't we still escape if we can't stop it?" Zhou Duankang said indifferently.

"Yeah! Grandpa, I can't stop that guy. Grandpa and I can still escape. There will be nothing wrong!" Jiang Yanna also said quickly.

"Okay, I know. If that's the case, then you should be careful. I will go back now. You have to be extremely careful here. If you find that **** Lu Chen, you must immediately take him away and go directly to me. !" Jiang Heng said solemnly.

"Forget it, grandpa, I'll go back with you. After all, at today's exchange meeting, there is not only Lu Chen under the task I assigned." Jiang Yanna said a little frustrated.

"Okay, let's go back soon, it's not too early." Jiang Heng finished speaking and took Jiang Yanna towards the site of the Saint League Exchange Conference.

Shengmeng’s exchange conference can be said to be rich in prizes. To this point, the heroes of all walks of life risked their lives to participate in the mission.

At this moment, the square of the exchange conference was full of voices. There were not tens of thousands, but 8,000 people.

Ten or eight people form a small circle. They compare and talk with each other, and the arrogance in their eyes can be seen with their toes.

Of course, these people are arrogant and have the capital of arrogance. After all, they have come out of the Forest of Origin God, and they are still very few to complete the task.

"I'm a bit bad this time, I only took 20 tasks, but luckily they were all completed."

"Brother, are you alone? It's so tough to take twenty tasks by one person."

"It's not just one person, or a group of people? If it's a group of people, then we have to take on two thousand tasks."

"Big brother, really amazing, amazing."

A dozen people gathered in a group and discussed with each other, and a dozen people in another place were also talking about it.

"Yesterday I was in the depths of Yuanshen Forest, guess what?"

It is still possible for the white-clothed youth to mobilize people’s emotional abilities, but other people immediately gathered around and asked, "Big brother, what's the matter?"

"I went into the depths of Yuanshen Forest and met the Lord of the Desolate Mountain," said the white-clothed youth.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar, and everyone asked in horror at the same time, "The result."

"That's the Lord of the Desolate Mountain. I can't beat it anymore. Fortunately, my cultivation level is not low. Let's get away with it. But at that time, I was really in a **** cold sweat. It was too scary." Said pretending to be scared.

"Hey, that's not right, isn't the Lord of Desolate Mountain in the Forest of Desolate Mountain?" Someone among the crowd questioned, presumably this one also completed the mission of the Origin God Forest.

The white-clothed youth blushed and yelled, "You know what a shit, this five-star mission is to catch the Lord of the Desolate Mountains, is the Lord of the Desolate Mountains still stupidly waiting for you to catch it? "

"Big brother's words are extremely true, elder brother's words are extremely true." A group of people agreed.

When Jiang Heng and Jiang Yanna appeared in the exchange meeting square, everyone around greeted them.

Jiang Heng greeted everyone present and went straight to the unique space of Shengmeng.

"The elder, you are back." The old men in the space saw that they were Jiang Heng and stood up.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm back late. Now that the time for the exchange meeting is over, can I start?" Jiang Heng glanced at it and said.

"But there are still some people who haven't come back, don't know the life or death, if they rush over, will it count or not?" Suddenly an old man asked.

When Jiang Yanna thought that Lu Chen had just taken over the task, she blurted out, "Uncle Qi, this year's things are a bit special in themselves. If someone can come back, we should still give it a chance."

Nodding his head, Uncle Qi turned to look at Jiang Heng. The latter's expression flashed slyly, and immediately said, "Nana is right, so be it then."

"I heard that someone took the task of the Lord of the Desolate Mountain this time. I don't know if it is true or not?" Uncle Qi asked suddenly.

"It's true, but whether it can be done or not is another matter. After all, you also know the horror of the Lord of the Desolation." Jiang Heng said quietly, "Let's go, let's not mention this."

Looking at the blue sky, Jiang Yanna said, "Brother Lu Chen, you must come back."

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