Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2169: Cultivation

Lu Chen learning the exercises can be said to be a waste of sleep and food. He didn't care about the passage of time. In the middle of the journey, Ru Pingdie asked Lu Chen to eat and did not get a reply. Ru Pingdie was a little nervous and hurriedly found his grandfather. The old man waited outside the door for a while. He didn't bother Lu Chen when he found that the atmosphere in the room was mysterious and unpredictable. Lu Chen should be strengthening his strength.

The old man thought of Lu Chen holding a lot of pills in his hand. He estimated that it would take a while to digest after eating, so he took Ru Pingdie away. It was not until the next night that Lu Chen's door slowly opened. The old man Waiting for him outside the door unexpectedly made Wu Bin a little flattered.

It turned out that the old man was worried that Lu Chen would not be able to retreat in time and delayed the upcoming crypt treasure hunting training. Fortunately, after he stood for half an hour, Lu Chen finally came out.

"Boy, what are you doing in it, it's been so long." The old man walked up, patted Lu Chen on the shoulder, and looked at him deeply. Lu Chen scratched his head and showed an awkward smile. "Cultivation is about to enter the crypt. I guess the strong are like clouds. If they walk in a reductive manner, they will have to be bullied. As the saying goes, the stupid bird will fly first. This is how I am."

Although Lu Chen was somewhat self-deprecating, the old man didn't mind. On the contrary, he felt that Lu Chen was quite successful. After all, young people like Lu Chen are generally arrogant and arrogant after achieving certain achievements. That’s a matter of course,

But Lu Chen's ability to maintain a normal mind is enough to show that Lu Chen's mood is incomparable even for him as an old man.

The old man admired Lu Chen a little, and it was not a joke. At this time, the aura on Lu Chen's body fluctuated extremely steadily. The old man's eyes were like torches, and his eyes were full of sharp brilliance, but he still couldn't see the depth of Lu Chen.

This made the old man a little depressed. Ever since he knew Lu Chen, he felt that there was a magical aura permeating Lu Chen, but he couldn't tell what realm Lu Chen was.

He estimated that he should be able to compare with the genius heirs cultivated by those families. This was not to favor Lu Chen, but an inexplicable premonition. This is why the old man can safely let Lu Chen go into the crypt alone.

The old man knew that if something happened to Lu Chen, Xiaodie wouldn't be any better. Sadness is inevitable, and it might affect his emotions in the future. Moreover, Lu Chen is now his face. Passed down.

Congratulations from the rest of the fellows are too late. If Lu Chen falls, he has no place to cry, "Well, there is a self-motivated, this is what it should be, Lu Chen, take this, and you will be in the cemetery. If you encounter an enemy that you can’t resist, you can take it. These seven-stage strengthening pills are one of the most precious pill that the old man has cultivated throughout his life. You are most likely to need the pill now. Don’t underestimate this little one. A small pill, it can double your combat effectiveness within half an hour. Even if you encounter a powerful existence that is difficult to fight, you still have a chance to escape."

The old man took out a small pill bottle from his arms and poured out a red pill in his hand. Lu Chen fixed his eyes to see that the breath of the pill was extremely unstable and terrifying, giving people a violent feeling.

"Because this pill has reached the seventh product, it has no side effects. If it is the sixth product or below, it will leave the person taking it in a weak state for a long time." The old man said in a whisper, although it is very Not willing, but for the sake of Lu Chen's safety, he, the famous master, couldn't stand by.

If Lu Chen returned safely and with some treasures, it would definitely be worthy of his enhanced pill. Lu Chen was stunned, his eyes flickering, he nodded quickly and took the pill, and immediately felt a little confused. "Grandpa, it looks like you only refined one? Why don't you try a few more times?"

He was a little depressed. Couldn't all the pills be continuously refined according to the formula? As long as the materials are sufficient, with the old man's wealth, he won't be stingy with a little material.

"Hey, you think I don’t want the old man. The formula of this pill was bought in an auction when I was traveling around the world when I was young. At that time, everyone was not optimistic about me because of this pill. It hasn’t appeared in front of everyone for hundreds of years. Even the formula of the pill is extremely rare. I have never asked the senior experts before, and I have tried my best to refine the enhanced pill, and it has reached the seventh rank. Degree, it's a pity." The old man paused, his words full of regret.

"When I succeeded in refining it, the formula gradually turned to ashes. Perhaps it was a spell imposed by the ancient powerhouse." The old man speculated that his eyes were full of nostalgia, and Lu Chen suddenly realized it.

"Doesn't Grandpa remember the formula?" Lu Chen asked tentatively. He was a bit unwilling. As long as there is a formula, the above explains how to make it, not to mention the seventh-grade powerful pill, or even higher quality, Lu Chen They have the confidence to refine him, this is confidence, unparalleled courage.

"I didn't say it in a hurry, and the moment the formula disappeared, the memory in my mind suddenly became confused, and I couldn't remember what I thought about the formula." The old man was slightly depressed, and Lu Chen was talking about him. What I thought, after so many years, he still had no chance to encounter the powerful pill formula again.

At this time, it was handed over to Lu Chen, and he was really determined. Lu Chen was deeply moved. Qianli Pill was originally a rare pill, not to mention the high quality of Seven-Rank. If this pill is sold for auction, it would probably be dozens Wanjin may not be available.

Although it is simple to say, double the combat effectiveness within half an hour, but the real critical moment, such as their visit to the cemetery, all parties have discussed it, and only young people can sneak in. If they are dispatched Those who are really strong go there, I'm afraid that the conferences will cause trouble.

Therefore, all major forces will try their best to train their own direct line talents, hoping that they will shine in the crypt battle. As a result, the price of all kinds of elixirs used in cultivation will increase substantially. This is why, Lu Chen At the Jubao Pavilion auction, the many elixirs were taken out, which is why Huang Zhongzheng was favored.

After all, the resources of the Jubao Pavilion are also limited, and there is even one to keep its own people, so the pill is still a hot and competitive object.

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