Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2170: Little trouble

Lu Chen's more than a hundred pills of high quality naturally became sweet and delicious. It was also considered that Lu Chen chose the right time, and it was just right to shine in front of the old man.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to get the opportunity to enter the crypt through his own efforts. Since the old man trusted him, he would not let the old man down.

"Hey, thank you Grandpa." Lu Chen's eyes flashed a strange brilliance, and the old man nodded and said calmly, "As long as you behave well, this pill is worth it for you, but I want to remind you, old man. You must choose the right time, otherwise you will become dependent on the pill. After half an hour, you will easily encounter danger." The old man woke up Lu Chen with a serious appearance. The old man was moved by Lu Chen's solemn promise. It seemed that this pill was worth giving Lu Chen.

Immediately, Ru Pingdie appeared in Lu Chen's line of sight, her eyes were reddish, and her grievances were revealed. Lu Chen, who had no conscience, clearly didn't take her to heart.

"Humph." Ru Pingdie turned angrily, and turned to escape. Lu Chen was startled and hurried to catch up. This little girl had a really good temper, and the dancing and beautiful shadow aroused Lu Chen's desire for protection. .

He quickly caught up with Ru Pingdie, Xiao Nizi looked stubborn and seemed not willing to listen to Lu Chen's explanation and comfort.

"Xiaodie, don't be angry with me anymore. I feel bad in my heart." Lu Chen showed his innocence and depression with a look of loneliness. Ru Pingdie turned his head, pouting his mouth, and inflated. With a bulging appearance, Lu Chen wanted to kiss him, but after thinking about it, there is no more frivolous Ru Pingdie.

"Xiaodie, in fact, I am for our future." Lu Chen said solemnly, his brows revealed his domineering attitude, but his tone was very gentle. Ru Pingdie was taken aback, her face flushed, and Lu Chen was naked. Confession, she almost lost herself.

Lu Chen was overjoyed when he saw Ji, and he hurried to strike while the iron was hot. He knew that Ru Pingdie had been in the plan. As long as he handled it properly, he could still make Xiaodie happy.

"Really?" Ru Pingdie asked stupidly, with surprises flowing in his beautiful eyes, Lu Chen nodded hurriedly, "Think about it, in this trip to the crypt, as long as you can seize the opportunity, you don't have to worry about it. Get ahead, in the Garden of Eden at that time, who else would dare to bully you!!" Lu Chen said fiercely, his eyes rushing out.

Ru Pingdie was taken aback. Fortunately, she snuggled up to Lu Chen, feeling the man’s strong masculine aura. Her cheeks were flushed, and she secretly looked at Lu Chen. She had a feeling of heartbeat, Lu Chen’s unstoppable charm. Surround her.

"En." Lu Chen nodded without thinking, Ru Pingdie's pretty face was covered with a sweet smile.

Suddenly, an untimely sound broke the incomparable warm atmosphere, "Guru." It turned out that it was Lu Chen's stomach that made this sound, and Lu Chen's face blushed. After all, in front of Ru Pingdie, this kind of thing happened to him. depressed.

"Hee hee, I'll cook for you." Ru Pingdie smiled softly, her bumpy and exquisite figure rubbing against Lu Chen, making the latter very comfortable.

"Okay." Lu Chen smiled gratefully, nodded, and followed Ru Pingdie to the kitchen, and then he personally cooked and gave Lu Chen a table of hearty delicacies. Lu Chen was not welcome, and swallowed with a terrifying aura. Destroy the food on the table.

"Yeah, it's delicious." Lu Chen kept complimenting, Ru Pingdie smiled happily. As a woman, of course I hope that the man I like can eat the delicious food that he cooks himself.

"You eat more, if you don't have enough, I'll do it for you." Ru Pingdie patted Lu Chen on the back and waist, fearing that he would choke, like a young couple, Ru Pingdie was very happy Moment, even if staying at this moment forever, she is willing.

Because the time with Lu Chen is always happy, Lu Chen can feel Ru Pingdie’s emotions, "Xiaodie, I'm going to the crypt soon, then you will take care of yourself." Lu Chen Calmly touched Ru Pingdie's fragrant shoulder.

The latter's cheeks were hot, making it more delicate and supple. Lu Chen couldn't help but hold back the frivolous Ru Pingdie. I don't know why, Ru Pingdie felt a strange loss in his heart. Is it because Lu Chen didn't frivolous her?

Ru Pingdie hurriedly denied, how could he be such a shameless woman? Lu Chen returned to the room, lying on the bed for a long time, unable to sleep. Soon when Lu Chen got up, the old man took him to a place. During the round, a smile flicked across Lu Chen's mouth. They came early, so there were basically no one.

But before long, Lu Chen saw a familiar person——Fang Ping. He seemed to have a lot of restraint today. Lu Chen guessed that maybe it was a few days ago that caused him to be reprimanded by the elders of the family.

Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded. The character of this guy didn't have so much arrogance and arrogance. Lu Chen didn't adapt to it. He didn't know if there would be any conflicts and frictions in the crypt, even though his aura was terrifying. Like this, his strength is unfathomable, but Lu Chen hasn't paid attention to it yet.

"Huh." Fang Ping seemed to recognize Lu Chen, took a closer look at him, and then retracted his gaze. He felt as if he had seen Lu Chen somewhere, but whether he had any deep impression.

Fang Ping couldn’t think of it. He simply didn’t want to. When talking with the middle-aged man next to him, he was not polite and respectful. The middle-aged man is just an elder of the Fang family, and he can't talk about high authority.

Lu Chen was different. He was directly led by the old man, but Fang Ping knew the old man next to Lu Chen. This was a famous fourth-rank alchemist in the Garden of Eden. When he thought of alchemy, Fang Ping couldn't help but think of the auction of pills for a few days. .

He was embarrassed to the extreme. After returning home, he was scolded by his father. Although he could see that his father didn't mean to teach him, he had to implement this because of the deterrence of his ancestors.

Fang Ping is also accustomed to it, and it is enough to admit his mistakes symbolically. He decided to show his advantages this time in the ruins of the ancient strong, and it is best to suppress the young strong of the Zhuge family and the major forces in the Garden of Eden. It's also agreed.

Even if it is fighting against each other, don't hurt the foundation. It's fine for young people to make a small mess. As long as they don't kill people, there is nothing to talk about.

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