Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2171: Handsome man

So this trip to the ancient powerhouse ruins is actually not dangerous, but suddenly someone said that there are unexpected hidden weapons in the crypt. This kind of thing is despised and disgusted by people, because it is impossible to prevent them, so that they have no Any solution.

Lu Chen knew this very well. He also believed that his own vision was not too difficult to judge. The other young leaders should also have various treasures and eyesight.

He couldn't help but look forward to it. As more and more forces came, the blood in Lu Chen's body was aroused, and even Lu Chen had an illusion. From the crypt not far in front, there was a feeling of calling him. Lu Chen was wrong. Frozen, could it be that he was dizzy.

Lu Chen shook his head. He has already collected a lot of Hongmeng suits. It won't take long to collect all of them. By then, Lu Chen's strength will definitely have a qualitative breakthrough.

After a while, Lu Chen saw Wang Lun who had appeared at the auction a few days ago. This guy looked at Fang Ping with joy, clearly provoking, and Fang Ping was so angry that he was shaking with gnashing his teeth, but he couldn't stand in front of everyone. Face furious.

Although the Fang family is the second among the three major families in the Garden of Eden, it is not that no one can deal with it. If countless small forces are united, they can also razed their Fang family to the ground.

Fortunately, those small forces also understand their abilities and do not want to unite. After all, they know the truth about seeking skin with tigers. Wang Lun recognized Lu Chen. His observation power is much stronger than Fang Ping’s. You can judge Lu Chen's difference.

It seemed that Lu Chen didn’t buy a single pill that day, and it was totally abnormal because Lu Chen also came to participate in this trip to the crypt. He actually had this opportunity. When Wang Lun saw the old man next to Lu Chen clearly, He suddenly realized that Lu Chen had such a backing.

This should explain why Lu Chen didn't auction off the pill. With the old man, the fourth-rank alchemist as a solid backing, how could he lack the pill.

"Everyone, it's a good time to meet." Wang Lun has a wide range of contacts. The young leaders of the big and small forces in the Garden of Eden are friends with him. Although he is the kind of alcoholic friend, he can also prove his ability.

Compared with Xia Ping, it is much worse. This is also inextricably related to Fang Ping’s violent and domineering character. He bullied small forces five times and offended many people. Now he is isolated and helpless, but Fang Ping is fundamentally helpless. Did not realize.

"Humph." Fang Ping snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction. This guy is completely showing his superiority. In terms of interpersonal communication, Fang Ping is indeed a representative of failure. He doesn't care. This Wang Lun hasn't done before. In such a fight, under normal circumstances, when you see him, you will greet him politely.

"Come, come, my Wang family will cover you at that time." Wang Lun patted his chest and solemnly promised to say. Everyone was taken aback, and then laughed dumbly, but there were still a lot of forces who were really moved. Wang Lun seems to be a person, but represents the power of the entire Wang family.

I don’t want to deceive them, and do the kind of tatters that cannibalize people without spitting out bones. After a while, there are a few people standing next to Wang Lun. Although they are all small forces, they can’t achieve any climate, but there is better than nothing. Proving Wang Lun's credibility and the role of benchmarking, Wang Lun couldn't help but beamed. The old man beside him also nodded lightly, watching all this with a smile on his face.

Fang Ping seemed very jealous, the old man beside Wang Lun, that was Wang Lun's second uncle, was second only to the old ancestor in the Wang family. This time the crypt dispute was important, but it was not without reason.

As soon as Wang Lun arrived, he began to publish hero posts, which was enough to show that the Wang family's mind was ready to replace the Fang family. This ambition surprised everyone.

In the past, the Wang family and the Fang family tried their best to maintain a harmonious relationship. Sometimes there was friction and bumps. It was inevitable. After all, they were all in the Garden of Eden, and they were both in the Garden of Eden. of.

They didn't dare to drink the young people of Zhuge's family, but the two of them competed with each other. This is also a well-known thing. Lu Chen looked at Wang Lun with great interest. This guy is interesting and can be contacted if he has the opportunity.

When the people were almost there, "I said, can I go in, and stand here like a fool." Fang Ping frowned slightly, and said in an impatient tone.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but no one spoke, and conversations with Fang Ping would undoubtedly be ridiculed. Here are all the elite elites in the Garden of Eden, and Lu Chen is just one of them. He is not very noticeable.

"Hehe, I said Fang Ping, you should be a little more clear-headed, you see Brother Zhuge hasn't come yet, what are you anxious about." Wang Lun spoke just right now, his words were full of contempt and sarcasm.

The square plane was tight, and he was going to be furious, but when Wang Lun mentioned the word Zhuge, it was completely different. Maybe he could walk sideways in the Garden of Eden, but he definitely had to give the Zhuge brothers face.

You must know that Zhuge Yu's methods and courage were far behind Zhuge Yu's practice since he was three years old. Although it was only the most basic technique, he had accumulated a lot of things for him.

As the so-called accumulate and accumulate, the starting point is relatively high, so it is impossible for Fang Ping and the others to catch up. Together with the unfathomable and majestic background of the Zhuge family, they are all used to cultivate this talented leader.

The Zhuge family chose their core tactics. As long as Zhuge Yu is cultivated, everything will be a matter of course. This plan caused an uproar in the Garden of Eden more than ten years ago. The Zhuge family was also despised by many people, and they felt that The Zhuge family will go to extinction.

Because of the prosperity of a family, one person seems to be unable to decide, but facts have proved that this is not the case. Zhuge Yu's superhuman talent potential has risen in a short period of time, and it shines in front of everyone.

In a few years, Zhuge Yu has become the leader of the younger generation in the Garden of Eden. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face. Fortunately, Zhuge's family is not that kind of high-profile family, they have always been proved by practical actions.

This is why the Zhuge family has been able to stand upright in the Garden of Eden for a long time, and has always maintained the title of the largest family, "Susu." Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the sky came from a distance. It was especially obvious. Everyone turned their heads involuntarily. Glancing at that location.

It turned out to be a handsome, heroic man. His aura suddenly spread, making people afraid to face it. Lu Chen squinted and smiled.

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