Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2180: Four are not like monsters

At best, they were evenly matched and evenly divided, but the situation before them was not like that. Unconsciously, Yan Dong's attitude towards Lu Chen turned into admiration.

With such a method, Lu Chen might be able to deal with the seemingly invincible Four Monster Beast, Lu Chen did not immediately answer, and observed the surging momentum of the Monster Beast.

He squinted his eyes, and could vaguely see the five treasures exuding a strange faint brilliance, supporting the monster beasts that are not similar. Although the beasts are substantial, they are not real.

Rather, it is formed through the aggregation of the attributes of the five treasures, which is enough to prove the preciousness of the treasures. It is no wonder that there are unimaginable rare treasures in the ruins of the ancient powerhouses.

From Lu Chen's point of view now, this trip was not in vain. There was nothing more than a tricky monster beast. As long as Lu Chen showed his full strength, he wouldn't be able to deal with the four monsters.

When he arrived in the Garden of Eden, Lu Chen really never encountered a powerful opponent once, forcing him to show his full strength. Lu Chen knew that once he went all out, he would definitely attract the attention of others.

When Lu Chen wanted to keep a low profile, he couldn't. Even though Lu Chen had been teaching genius leaders one after another, causing his reputation to reach an unprecedented height, even if he replaced the title of Zhuge Yu's first genius, it was not impossible.

But Lu Chen didn't want too many people to see the scene where he was fighting with the monster beast, so he could hang up on his own at this time, as long as he waited for people to die.

When the time comes, the effect will be better, so that some people who do not have eyesight will compete with him for the five treasures. The power of the five elements is very peculiar. Once it can be used properly, the effect will be beyond doubt.

"Alright, there should be no problem with self-preservation." Lu Chen gave a simulated ambiguity. Severe winter was a little embarrassed. He smirked and scratched his head. He used to be a superior existence in front of his peers. Now it has become such a situation, but Yan Dong feels that it should be.

Lu Chen has a talent worthy of his respect and admiration. He solemnly nodded his head, seeing the elite geniuses not far away, constantly falling under the hands of monsters, and it was not a feeling in his heart. After all, Yan Dong knew well. These are the mainstays of the Garden of Eden in the future, and even young people who are responsible for the important tasks.

It actually fell here. No one had expected this. It was not a taste in his heart. Fortunately, he did not interact with any forces. After all, Jubao Pavilion was originally a special existence.

Those who are only responsible for transactions and auctions, and then cultivate their own talents, the rest of the power talents fall, but it is conducive to the development of Jubaoge, because they can continue to sell pills, and the situation will be clear at a glance.

It can be said that Jubao Pavilion holds the economic lifeline of the Garden of Eden, monopolizes all aspects of transactions, and becomes the leader. Therefore, the people in Jubao Pavilion always give people a sense of mystery, and the severe winter before them is no exception.

He couldn't help being stunned slightly. The elite geniuses were as weak as ants in front of the four monsters. They didn't have the slightest ability to resist, and they were not even possible to escape. However, he asked Lu Chen just now and got the ability to protect himself. Reply.

This once again gave Zhuge Yu a strong impact, even he had to ask himself whether he was sure to survive the offensive of the monster beast storm.

Even though the severe winter has a lot of self-protection methods, under the power of the five elements, it seems weak, unless it is through the ultimate strength to break the constraints of the five elements.

Only then can there be a certain hope, breaking free from the shackles of the four different monster beasts, Yan Dong glanced at Lu Chen with profound meaning, "Brother Lu Chen, if the monster beast insists on attacking me later, please be able to take action. Don't worry. My Jubao Pavilion will never treat you badly.” Yan Dong hugged his fists and said politely, with a hint of pleading.

Lu Chen was stunned. He didn't expect that he would make such a proposal. There was a joke between his expressions. This harsh winter was not like the kind of person who bowed his head to others.

But the performance at this time was enough to show that Yan Dong had no bottom in his heart. Lu Chen hesitated for a while and nodded. Jubao Pavilion could be regarded as having something to do with him. Lu Chen couldn't help but buy it.

At that time, there will be no way to cross-generation with Huang Zhong. After all, Uncle Huang still cared for him. If Uncle Huang hadn't let Lu Chen into the treasure house of Jubao Pavilion, Lu Chen would have no way to find the broken and incomplete exercise method, naturally there was none. Anything that may stimulate the potential of the body.

The help of that exercise technique to him cannot be ignored. Yan Dong watched Lu Chen's performance and he couldn't help but beamed. Lu Chen seemed cold, but he still didn't know the kind of ungrateful person.

When he came to participate in the Crypt Tour, the people above revealed that Lu Chen would also come, briefly introduced Lu Chen, and he knew it well.

Originally, he was only planning to make friends with Lu Chen. At this time, there was no other way but to ingratiate Lu Chen. This guy was probably the strongest person among all the people present.

The scene where Lu Chen dealt with Fang Ping just now was what he saw with his own eyes. It seemed that Lu Chen didn't exert any strength, and that Fang Ping flew upside down like a kite with a broken line.

The two people watched as if they were acting. In fact, Yan Dong knew very well about this Fang Ping. He was not a master who bowed his head to others. Lu Chen's strength had indeed reached the point of shocking the world and despising the audience.

They have all come here, so they won't go back. The five treasures placed on the high platform, if you get them, can get ahead in the intricacies of the Garden of Eden.

Who doesn't want to gradually set foot on the top of the pyramid, coupled with the young people's eagerness to compete, they will increasingly hope to get a treasure.

When the time comes, I will return to the Garden of Eden City, and I will definitely be able to add glory to my school, a treasure, enough to determine their future and destiny!

With the fall of genius leaders one after another, those who have not yet died feel a sense of sorrow and death. Who wants to watch the sacrifice of some acquaintances?

Besides, it didn't seem to be long before they reached their heads. The people of Liushen Wuzhu didn't know what to do, and they all looked at Lu Chen.

Maybe relying on Lu Chen, there is still a little hope, but Lu Chen simply ignored their help eyes.

He still looked calm and calm, as if this monster beast that was not alike could not threaten his life.

The endless screams irritated the weak side of the human heart, and the four monsters glanced at Lu Chen, the scarlet huge beast eyes, revealing a breathtaking light.

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