Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2181: Five treasures

Lu Chen was a little surprised. It seemed that he was staring at him. Lu Chen didn’t care. He just made an understatement and didn’t have any worries at all. The Four Monsters still have a bit of wisdom because they have cultivated to a certain level, so that they are so spiritual Zhichukai, Lu Chen's unscrupulous appearance, clearly did not take it in his eyes.

"Hehe." Lu Chen chuckled twice, and the four monsters fluttered with their teeth and claws. With an earth-shattering aura, terrifying and terrifying, a look of caution flashed across Lu Chen's eyes.

Yan Dong was so worried that Lu Chen was actually spotted. While he was secretly relieved, he couldn't help but hesitate to help Lu Chen?

It seems that Lu Chen is not very worried, but there is no doubt that Lu Chen doesn't care at all. This kid is a little big, even if the severe winter is some distance beside him, he can clearly feel it. That kind of awe-inspiring deterrence, when the monster was about to approach Lu Chen, Lu Chen suddenly moved, his figure was comparable to the speed of lightning, everyone only felt that Lu Chen disappeared with a flower in front of them.

At the next moment, Lu Chen appeared on the head of the four monster beasts. Because of the speed of the wind, it could not tolerate the response of the monster beasts. Lu Chen severely chopped his feet. The huge head was forcibly stepped on by Lu Chen. Can't make it.

"Hoho." The monster beast was quite angry, and Lu Chen actually bullied it on his head, unlike the monster beast shook his head frantically, trying to get Lu Chen down.

However, Lu Chen grasped its hair, it was not so easy to get rid of it. With a scornful smile at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, the Hongmeng Sword suddenly appeared in his hand and pierced the head of the Four Monster Beast.

Suddenly, the monster beast roared in pain. Lu Chen's behavior had already violated its bottom line. Originally, the demon beast's defensive power had reached an indestructible level, but what a weapon the Hongmeng Sword was, it could be said to have broken through like a broken bamboo. The thick fur of the monster beast.

After Lu Chen made a successful hit with a sword, he didn't give up. He wielded the Hongmeng Sword again, and radiant blades shot out.

"Boom." The bursts of blasts spread, and with the crazy roar of the monster beast, Lu Chen was extremely cautious, and this critical moment could not allow him to be distracted.

One person and one beast were fighting, and the majestic scenes amazed everyone, and the beast struggled desperately.

Suddenly, Lu Chen had an unknown foreboding in his heart, and the cold light rushed out of his eyes, and he kicked the head that looked like a monster.

After flying into the air, in the next moment, countless sharp blades popped out of the monster beast, giving a sense of unbearable sharpness.

I am afraid that if you run into it casually, there will be missing arms and short legs. Everyone is shocked to see, and they can't help but admire Lu Chen's analysis and judgment.

If it were them, even if they could gallop on the head of the four monster monsters like Lu Chen, they would not live long.

After all, this monster has an endless stream of killer cards, no matter who it is, it can't stand it, Lu Chen is a master of art.

"Hehe." Lu Chen triumphantly, he landed on the monster beast's huge head again by gravity.

Although the sharp blades are densely packed, he also found a place to stay. Lu Chen held the Hongmeng Sword and released a sword aura, cutting off a lot of sharp blades. The monster beast kept wailing, unprecedented pain, let It suffers unimaginable pain.

"It's time to break it!" Lu Chen said softly, holding the Hongmeng Sword in both hands, and facing the huge beast pupils that were not like a monster beast like a lantern, the entire Hongmeng sword sank into his eyes. The beast roared wildly, but there was nothing. effect.

Lu Chen looked firm. This was the last chance. He took a deep breath and rotated the Hongmeng Sword. The monster's crimson pupils sprayed dark red blood, and he almost got on Lu Chen's clothes. Fortunately, he was swift. .

After cleverly hiding, Lu Chen stabbed the monster's head one after another, and the energy of the five elements spread from the body of the monster beast.

The cohesive force of the monster beast dissipated a lot.

The monster beast was covered in cuts and bruises, and no one was good. Lu Chen was tossed about it and couldn't show off his aura. It was not as turbulent as before.

There are only a few elite geniuses left, but they are all dumbfounded. Lu Chen's powerful image is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

When the monster beast was struggling, slowly dying, and surprises appeared in everyone's eyes. Since the four monsters were solved by Lu Chen, they were basically in no danger.

In this way, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief, but the problem came one after another. Lu Chen solved the four things that were not like monsters. The treasures of the heaven and the earth suspended above the five stone pillars, the thrilling light, seemed to exaggerate the interests of everyone. heart.

Everyone hoped to be able to fight for the same treasure. Originally, twenty or thirty people came in. At this time, there were only a dozen of them, and they were all unscathed because they were not targeted by monsters.

Lu Chen kept attacking the monster beasts, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath. Lu Chen's violent storm's deterrence might be a height that they could not reach in their entire lives.

The power of the monster beast continued to wear away. After a while, Lu Chen felt that the Hongmeng Sword absorbed the essence of the four-unlike monsters, and the effect of the five elements condensed together was unimaginable.

It happens to have the same effect as Lu Chen’s Harmony Qi. Although it is difficult for the Harmony Qi to grow, Lu Chen didn’t know that there is such a thing as a Harmony Qi, but he just cultivated that unique book. After the exercise.

The Hongmeng Qi has increased significantly. Lu Chen felt the slowly strengthening Hongmeng Qi in his body. He was a little proud, and it seemed that it was the result of mischief.

The five elements complement each other, the grandeur is profound, profound and mysterious. Lu Chen closed his eyes and quietly felt the power of the five elements, causing a huge wave in his heart.

The rest of the people couldn't see Lu Chen's change. They thought that Lu Chen had consumed a lot of energy due to fighting against the four monsters, and it took a little time to relax.

But this is also forgivable. After all, Lu Chen's wise performance of Shenwu just now is obvious to all, and Lu Chen's consumption is self-evident.

After a while, Lu Chen let out a long sigh of relief and exhaled a turbid gas. Everyone frowned. Maybe something happened to Lu Chen.

It seemed very likely that no matter how strong Lu Chen was, he would be exhausted when faced with monsters of that level, and everyone couldn't help but smile.

Maybe they still have a chance to get these five treasures. After all, Lu Chen has lost a certain amount of combat power. The key is that the Hongmeng sword in Lu Chen's hand contains endless destructive power. If Lu Chen takes them, he will deal with them. , The consequences would be disastrous.

"Cough cough." Lu Chen coughed slightly, his face flushed, causing Lu Chen to look weak. Such a situation is undoubtedly despised.

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