Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2182: dangerous area

The ten or so people ran towards the five high platforms without Lu Chen's consent. They had no way to fly into the air. They could only hope to climb the pillar. At this juncture, no one was willing to back down.

"Zhang San, stop for Lao Tzu!" Li Si said with a look of contempt and contempt, and paused and said again, "Just your virtue, do you want to get five treasures? No way." Although Li Si and Zhang San had been for many years. Friends, but at this critical moment.

Because of these five treasures, both of them reddened anxiously. Li Si directly took a dart out of his arms and threw it out, regardless of whether the dart could hit or not, as long as it could interfere with Zhang San, the goal would be achieved.

Zhang San looked back and was shocked. He didn't expect Li Si to be joking. For this treasure, he completely lost his sanity. They clearly agreed to be together in the crypt and share a slice of it. But Zhang San didn't believe it. committed to.

Taking advantage of Lu Chen's weakness, he sprayed towards the five treasures for the first time. He wanted to get one. Once he succeeded, he turned around and ran. He didn't believe that Lu Chen could stop him.

At this moment, Li Si had a problem, "Damn, you **** dare to count me. Zhang San suddenly became so angry that he roared.

But his footsteps did not stop. He could give up everything for the five treasures. This is determination. What a mere friend is, he will do nothing for the benefit of the moment.

Fortunately, Li Si’s darts had a very low hit rate and did not affect his progress. The rest of the people also joined the dashing army. Although Zhang San, who ran in the first one, was a little nervous, will it appear that Lu Chen just approached? That kind of situation, just now they are obvious to all.

As soon as Lu Chen approached the crystal coffin, a fierce cold light rushed out, but Lu Chen cleverly avoided it with his stunts.

With such a little strength, I am afraid that there is no way to survive under that light blade. At this point, Zhang San has no way to back down, so he has to bite the bullet and break into the dangerous area.

Unexpectedly, there was no special touch, Zhang San couldn't help but pleased his eyebrows. The rest of the people also breathed a sigh of relief and accelerated their pace. At this time, you can get the treasure soon!

But how could they allow Zhang San to succeed, a scornful smile flicked across Lu Chen's mouth, and wanting to get five treasures in front of him was nothing short of idiotic and whimsical.

Lu Chen chose to sit back and watch the changes. Those people were red-eyed. Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded. He didn't expect that these guys would not be able to stand it in the end. It seemed that his deterrence could not last long.

But Lu Chen didn't care, except that the severe winter of Jubao Pavilion didn't make an impatient move. Lu Chen was a little curious about what this kid thought.

Although Jubaoge said he had a big family, he didn’t mind a few more treasures, but when Lu Chen saw the playful smile from the corner of Yan Dong’s mouth, he understood Yan Dong’s thoughts and was about to see Lu Chen’s reaction. As long as Lu Chen didn't take action, Yan Dong also planned to stand by.

What if those people get the five treasures, can they go out with them safe and sound? That is obviously unrealistic. Whoever has the last laugh is the biggest winner.

Lu Chen knows this point better than anyone. After all, his experience is not rare. At this time, the severe winter was able to remain calm. Lu Chen was a little surprised. This guy can see that he has trained a lot, and Lu Chen knows it well. Unexplainedly smiled at Yan Dong.

The corner of his mouth revealed the indifferent indifferentness of Cheng Zhu's chest.

Those people kept fighting and fighting, as if they could get five treasures, which was victory, but they didn't know that the petty profits in front of them were nothing.

The scene was very **** and cruel for a while. Everyone showed powerful methods, and the blood was half red. "What are you arguing about? Look at the two people behind. One is better than the other. As far as I know, Jubao Pavilion Yan Dong's strength is unfathomable. Even if Lu Chen doesn't have the strength to fight anymore, he is completely different from us. The kid mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind." One of the looters spoke out to persuade him.

Lu Chen and Yan Dong looked a little weird. They didn’t expect this person to be extremely smart and observed their thoughts, but they didn’t have to worry. Even if the few remaining people joined forces at this time, they might not be Lu Chen and Yan Dong’s opponents. There is no doubt about it.

These little ants, Lu Chen didn't take any action before, because he didn't want to kill the innocent indiscriminately. That affected his mood, but at this time, they did not hesitate to fight for the attractive benefit.

"Yes, we have to unite a little bit." Those people realized that they couldn't get the treasure at all in the current situation, so they were arguing about it while vying for it.

But no one's footsteps stopped. This peculiar scene is undoubtedly not on it. Lu Chen and Yan Dong were a little bit dumbfounded. They did not trust each other. Even if they reached some kind of verbal agreement, it would have no effect. It was still a mess. That's it.

Lu Chen can be sure of this. After all, as a bystander, Lu Chen sees it clearly.

"Okay, you must be right to listen to Brother Wang." Someone immediately agreed, but they were still climbing the five stone pillars, and their speed continued to increase.

Originally because they were in discussions, no one was willing to give up the opportunity at this time. They threw various hidden weapons one after another, making the people above unable to move forward.

Lu Chen looked on with cold eyes, Yan Dong and his gentleman saw the same thing, but Yan Dong was a little nervous just now, after all, they were a little embarrassed when they united.

"Damn, I've said it all, teach these two calves, why are you hitting me? Are you looking for death? Lao Tzu fights with you." The man above was hit, raging, and crazy. It’s easy to attack the people below, condescendingly attacking people, the most direct manifestation is that he takes gold coins to hit people.

This scene is extremely funny, and there are even some people who can't get up, simply do not seek the five treasures, after all, the number is so limited that they are looking for treasures.

"Don't hit me, **** it." Many people yelled, they really couldn't bear it, the feeling of gold coins falling from the sky on their heads.

"What about hitting you, let you stop Lao Tzu from taking the treasure, it deserves it." The person who climbed up said cold words, and it is conceivable that the pride in his heart is indescribable.

A few of them are one step closer to the treasure, and no one wants to delay this little time.

"It's time to take action." Lu Chen's eyes flashed past. He had almost absorbed the Five Elements Qi, and there was no need to wait. Lu Chen was watching the changes before, and there was a reason.

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