Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2183: Playing with a bamboo basket

Lu Chen had a hunch, maybe the first person to get this treasure could automatically let him recognize the master, if Lu Chen delayed for a while, the consequences would be disastrous.

Maybe he will kill those people at that time, and he will not be able to get these five treasures. Lu Chen's figure is like electricity, his feet kicked suddenly, his whole body is like a sugar-coated cannonball, he bounced out, the scene was even terrifying, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly. , Lu Chen's performance was still unexpected.

He had consumed so much before and was able to maintain this speed. Even if he tried his best, he might not be able to catch up. If Yan Dong knew about it, Lu Chen actually had hidden the means. I don’t know how he would feel. Lu Chen's ability cannot be measured by common sense at all.

"Susu." Lu Chen's behavior drove the howling wind, everyone only felt a flower in front of them, and Lu Chen stepped on their heads and jumped up. This situation is undoubtedly unexpected.

Could it be that he had worked so hard to make Lu Chen a wedding dress? Lu Chen's method completely broke everyone's cognition, and this guy really hopes to make it first.

"Hehe." Lu Chen chuckled and tugged casually. Those who had already gone up could not withstand Lu Chen's tremendous strength at this time, and they fell directly to the ground, and they even felt dead.

After all, after hard work, the bamboo basket was completely empty. No matter who it was, he couldn't stand the pain. Lu Chen didn't give up and threw it out with a hidden weapon, and shot down the people on the other pillars. Playful color.

Just as Lu Chen was about to fight for the five treasures, the severe winter could no longer bear it anymore. He knew well that if Lu Chen got the treasure, it would be difficult to give him one, and Lu Chen would swallow it all by himself. , He really has nothing to say, he might as well stop Lu Chen now.

In that way, his share of the soup is crucial to the severe winter. Although the severe winter does not have Lu Chen's breathtaking methods, it is not much worse.

"Let let." Yan Dong reprimanded lightly. Some people couldn't listen to his words, and Yan Dong would make that person pay a heavy price.

"Ha, you are really chasing after him." Lu Chen said with interest, apparently expecting to do so in the severe winter.

"Of course, five treasures, even if you talk to your lion, you won't have so many." Yan Dong frowned, he and Lu Chen are also half friends, even though Lu Chen possesses mysterious methods. Even the senior officials of Jubao Pavilion hadn't told him, which caused Yan Dong to be caught off guard.

"Okay, then you pick one, the others are mine." Lu Chen said solemnly, and immediately caused dissatisfaction among the people. Lu Chen didn't put them in his eyes at all. It would be too depressing.

The remaining few people in the Garden of Eden are considered to have a face and face. Lu Chen didn't want to be so embarrassed, but no one had spoken yet. Yan Dong smiled and said, "That's not okay, there is not enough heart to swallow elephants, you still take less Okay, you get two, I have three, but I give you a privilege, you can choose the treasure first, and I will take the remaining three treasures." In desperation, Yan Dong retreats to second, he has already made The biggest concession.

If it was someone else, she couldn't be so polite. Lu Chen was not an ordinary hairy boy and had to be treated with caution, otherwise it would make a big mess and it would be of no benefit to him.

Lu Chen shook his head without hesitation, "You said the opposite. For the sake of your friend's face, I will give you two items, but I will pick them first." Lu Chen remembered the kindness of Jubao Pavilion, which could be considered as a solution to his urgent need. .

As the saying goes, the grace of dripping water should be repaid by the spring. Lu Chen certainly understands this truth. Since Yan Dong is a member of Jubao Pavilion, he also made concessions in order to prevent Huang Zhongzheng from embarrassing.

"You choose three first?" Yan Dong fell into silence. "You two stinky hairy boys, what are you talking about." The rest of the people suddenly became angry. These two juniors, although they are undoubted geniuses. Leaders, but don’t put them in the eyes at all. How can this work? As the so-called mud bodhisattvas still have three points of anger, they are also outstanding among the small forces. They are qualified to participate in the cemetery tour, which proves that they have a certain talent. Leader.

Although it is not as good as Lu Chen, it is almost the same. This is just their personal thoughts. Lu Chen glanced lightly, his face full of contempt, and waved his hand. A powerful and domineering force suddenly turned towards He attacked the man with an irresistible deterrent.

Or he was just slightly sluggish, and he let out a heart-piercing wailing sound, which represented his fall. For a while, other people felt a sense of sorrow and death.

They always feel that the next one may be their turn. If they are not careful, they will repeat the same mistakes sooner or later. Their respective spirits are not unreasonable.

The person's head was in a different place in an instant. The onlookers took a breath, and a huge wave swelled in their hearts. Originally, they felt that Lu Chen had no mercy on the monster beast, but after witnessing this scene, they understood that Lu Chen was a man. Cold-blooded animals, as long as they are his enemies, it is difficult for them to end well.

Although they complained and didn't have the courage to speak, Yan Dong was originally in a state of contemplation, but Lu Chen's ferocious performance directly made him realize that Lu Chen's meaning was impossible to disobey.

"Okay, I promise you." Yan Dong was very righteous, and he analyzed his situation thoroughly. He was sure that even if a few people were present, they might not be able to deal with Lu Chen.

Because it's only been a while, Lu Chen's aura has quietly undergone earth-shaking changes. It should have been the experience of destroying the monster beast just now.

Besides, as long as Lu Chen uses that terrifying long sword, he is afraid that whoever points to it will die. It is even more fierce than the four monsters before.

"En." Lu Chen didn't say anything about falling into the ground, but looked at the five treasures on the high platform. He had to choose carefully. Since those people have learned from the past, they will not dare to shout, and some don't want to. Watching the excitement simply left, instead of wasting time here and not being able to share a piece of it, they might as well go outside and maybe if they were lucky, they would be able to pick one or two desirable treasures.

After all, in a huge crypt, no one can tell whether there are hidden treasures. It is not necessarily placed next to the owner of the tomb. It is the kind of treasure that is rare in thousands of years.

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