Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2196: As powerful as

And while seeking support in the severe winter, Lu Chen decisively agreed. It was just a small matter, but Lu Chen did his best to do it, because with his strength, in front of the four monsters, there was no chance to survive. At most, it's just running away.

Lu Chen smashed the four monsters that were not like monsters with lightning speed. In fact, they indirectly saved a few talented elites, but they didn't realize it.

Because in the eyes of those genius leaders, Lu Chen snatched the five treasures that seemed close at hand, but he didn't actually weigh his abilities.

Not to mention that Lu Chen took those two things, even if it was Severe Winter, they had no chance of snatching it. At most, Severe Winter would take five treasures of heaven and earth alone.

They are constantly fighting for their own interests. They have never thought about the saying that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and they think that as long as they get it, they can always take it away with peace of mind, which is obviously unreasonable. The actual thing.

"Haha, you two old guys, you are going to bully me, and you beat two of them. I don't know how your skin grows. I guess it won't be broken with a sword." Lu Chen said jokingly. Strengthening the Five Elements Qi again, he found that the Five Elements Qi seemed to be able to exert a unique effect when combined with the Hongmeng Sword.

As a result of fighting the two powerhouses with less effort, the Hongmeng Sword gradually seeped a sword beam, then expanded, and quickly attacked Zhuge Lei, although Lu Chen had to consider the attack of the Qingyunmen elder.

But at the critical moment of the critical moment, Lu Chen must consider how much his chance of winning is. As long as Zhuge Lei solves this first, he still has great hope.

Zhuge Lei's skill is no worse than the Qingyunmen elders, and it is even worse. It is precisely because of this that Lu Chen absolutely abolished Zhuge Lei first.

Facing the oncoming red sword glow, with an irresistible force, enough to make everyone look at him, the corners of Zhu Ge Lei's mouth twitched slightly. The first reaction was to avoid it. If he changed to a frontal resistance, he had nothing to do. , This red sword light is strangely terrifying.

It contained the energy of the five elements, the golden, wood, water, fire, and earth, combined with the aura of Hongmeng. Although it was extremely complicated, Lu Chen was able to master it superbly with his super comprehension.

Instead of being someone else, not to mention using to attack people, even if it is displayed, it will be corroded by no small reaction. Lu Chen understands that his physique is fundamentally different from ordinary people.

During the promotion of Hongmeng Jue, it was also a point that Lu Chen could not lack for perfecting himself.

"Ah." The Zhuge family's elder's complexion changed drastically. He hurriedly urged his whole body to stop Lu Chen's red sword light. If Zhuge Lei was attacked by Lu Chen, I am afraid his consequences would not How better than Zhuge Yu.

Even a fall on the spot is as possible as the wine lees. Lu Chen's terrifying and domineering red sword light directly cut a piece of space, and black cracks appeared, and terrible forbidden power came from inside, and onlookers couldn't help. It's terrifying, but fortunately, they are not close, otherwise they might be absorbed in, and it is not impossible.

They also know that once the power reaches the limit that the Garden of Eden can accommodate, there will be space cracks. Of course, for decades, it has not been heard that anyone can tear space.

At this time, they saw it with their own eyes. Except for excitement, they were shocked. Although the elder of the Zhuge family was a little slower, he had to admit that it was somewhat useful. After all, he was not a dry food, he had a little strength. In this case, of course, you can't watch Zhu Ge Lei get seriously injured.

Zhuge Lei also resisted with all his might, because this red sword light locked all his escape directions, oppressing Zhuge Yu felt a sense of breathless suffocation.

The look of fear on his face became more and more obvious. Knowing that Lu Chen was so powerful, he would not have arbitrarily advocated taking an elder and rushed over.

It should be further discussed with the top of the family to come to a reliable conclusion. It is not too late to start, but there is no regret in the world. This tragedy of Zhu Ge Lei was also something he had never thought of.

"Sisi." The swooshing sound from the damaged space can be described as chilling. Zhuge Yu can't manage that much. Although his strength is greatly restricted, when he finds that the elders of the Zhuge family help His time.

Another glimmer of hope ignited. The breath of death enveloped him before, and at this moment it disappeared. What a joke, anyway, he Zhuge Lei has not seen such a ridiculous thing in the Garden of Eden for decades.

He can no longer admit defeat psychologically, otherwise there will be no hope at all, and the elders of Qingyunmen will also continue to obstruct Lu Chen, affecting the power of the red sword light.

Although the red sword light had already been swept away, I also hoped that Lu Chen would continue to support it in order to be able to exert the best effect. The fierce and terrifying red sword light was actually a little bent under the obstacle of many people.

No need to think about it. Lu Chen took a deep breath. A warm air surging from his dantian, a warm current restored the loss of Lu Chen's rapid loss. Lu Chen's eyes flashed with an imperceptible joy. It was God who wanted to help him.

In an instant, Lu Chen strengthened the Five Elements Qi, and the red sword light also accelerated and smoothly hit Zhuge Lei, only to hear a hysterical scream resounding through the street.

The surrounding houses also had a tendency to collapse, which was caused by the aftermath caused by Lu Chen's confrontation with the three of them. Lu Chen couldn't help but be surprised.

"Bang." After losing Lu Chen's intentional control, the red sword light exploded directly, and the deterrence directly shattered a house.

Countless flying sands and rocks filled the air, and everyone looked blank again. This red sword light was no longer as horrible as they could imagine, where did Zhuge Lei go before.

Isn't it a different place? After a while, they swept around and didn't find Zhuge Lei's location. This was so similar to the scene where the lees fell not long ago.

The people in Yan Dong were puzzled, suppressing the shock in their hearts, Lu Chenfeng lightly shrugged his shoulders, not caring about the eyes of the people around him.

Then he looked at a place where the stone flying sand was buried. After a while, the stone moved. Originally, the elder of the Zhuge family had lost hope and felt that Zhuge Lei had no place to be buried.

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