Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2197: Make enemies everywhere

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Lei hadn't fallen yet. He also felt strange that Lu Chen's red sword glow was strong and good, but after all, it was not Lu Chen's own strength. After his obstruction, it could roughly limit 50% of his strength. For Ray, it was enough.

At least Zhuge Lei had some hope to survive under the red sword light.

The elder Zhuge swiftly swept away, and then waved his big hand, set off a gentle force, countless flying sand and rocks, all flocked to other places, revealing Zhuge Lei's figure.

It’s just that Zhuge Lei’s tragic situation looks shocking and dying. Everyone is dumbfounded, and there is a huge wave in their hearts, which is difficult to calm for a long time.

"Help, help me." Zhuge Lei said vaguely, clearly weak, and with the bleeding from the corners of his mouth, it was unprecedentedly miserable. The shame of the elder Qingyunmen was also frightened. If Lu Chen had targeted him just now , The consequences would be disastrous, maybe his fate would be more tragic than Zhuge Lei.

After all, the elders of Zhuge's family will do their best to help Zhuge Lei get out of trouble. He is his own family, but he is different.

Although on the surface the elders of the Qingyunmen and the Zhuge family have reached a mutual agreement, it is undeniable that the Zhuge family and the Qingyunmen were not in harmony in the past. Since one is the largest family and the largest sect, it was originally in terms of interests. There is no small conflict.

But at such a critical moment, they would definitely not hesitate to turn the enemy into a jade silk, even if it was only temporarily turning the enemy into a friend, it was enough to deal with Lu Chen.

Unexpectedly, the degree of Lu Chen's entanglement was far beyond expectations, and the super master of Tianda couldn't stop Lu Chen's powerful and aggressive methods.

Seeing Zhuge Lei's appearance, the elders of Zhuge's family were so angry that Lu Chen could not bully them even if his strength was not weak.

The elder of Zhuge's parents hurriedly helped Zhuge Lei, his eyes staring at Lu Chen like electricity, and the majestic momentum exploded.

Condensed into a group, attacking Lu Chen with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops, the old man looked worried, the elder of the Zhuge family, not the strength of Zhuge Lei.

But inexplicably, the elders did not continue to support the stormy offensive continuously. Everyone's expressions tightened, but Lu Chen's face was with a tacit smile.

He looked in one direction. After a while, two middle-aged men appeared. One of them was Huang Zhongzheng, whom Lu Chen knew. The latter breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he came in time, and Lu Chen didn't say anything. problem.

But when Lu Chen saw the situation clearly, he couldn't help being shocked. Who did it, actually made Zhu Ge Lei feel ashamed and crushed under the rock pile.

If he didn't get timely treatment, Zhu Ge Lei might lie down for ten and a half days, or even a different place in his head.

"Haha, old man Zhao, are you not selling the youngest as the old?" Huang Zhongzheng said jokingly, even though his strength is not as good as the elders of the Zhuge family.

"The surname is Huang, your Zhuge family still can't take care of these things, so stay away, don't annoy my Zhuge family, or you can bear it yourself." Old man Zhao shouted sharply, his face full of frost as if it were true. Generally, it's scary.

The rest of the people shuddered involuntarily, and Old Man Zhao was angry. Huang Zhong is a member of the Jubao Pavilion, which is also well known.

"This matter really hasn't been eased. Either you take them back now, or you have torn your face with my Jubao Pavilion." Huang Zhongzheng took a deep breath and seemed to have made several major decisions, Lu Although Chen is only a hairy boy, his achievements are beyond doubt.

He didn't know Lu Chen for a long time, but the courageous means Lu Chen showed one after another shocked Huang Zhongzheng. He had no choice but to tell the senior officials of Jubao Pavilion about Lu Chen.

Then he heard that Lu Chen was in the crypt, causing a **** storm. It was the most shocking deed in the Garden of Eden in recent times. He quickly reported to the higher level of the Jubao Pavilion, Lu Chen's dynamic.

He also offered to propose a secret meeting between Zhuge's family and Qingyunmen to discuss how to deal with Lu Chen. For a time, the upper class society in the Garden of Eden caused an unprecedented sensation.

After all, Lu Chen’s strength surpassed the talent of Zhuge Yu, the first day leader. Although the elder of the Zhuge family was not afraid of Huang Zhongzheng, he was worried about the middle-aged man next to Huang Zhongzheng. He looked forty or fifty years old. A little wrinkle, the breath of the whole body can be moved freely, just this point is not something that the elders of the Zhuge family can deal with.

"Hehe, then, you have eaten the stubborn heart? Don't you cry if you don't see the coffin?" Zhuge's elder Pi Xiaorou said coldly.

The atmosphere was instantly tense and tense like never before. Those low-powered people were oppressed and out of breath. They had no power to fight back in front of a strong man of this level, and no matter what the result was, they did not look like them. , Just take a look at the excitement, it is the idea that many people hold.

Unexpectedly, it was unfathomable on weekdays, and when Shenlong saw the top-notch people, they all surfaced.

They were eye-opening and shocked, and they stepped back a few steps, as the so-called gods fight, mortals suffer, and in their eyes, they are no different from gods.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said in a condensed voice, "Uncle Huang, there is no need to pray to him. This man is a mad dog and will bite him when he sees it. I didn't intend to care about him, but the dog angered me. "Lu Chen said lightly. The contempt and disdain were obvious.

Everyone heard it clearly, and couldn’t help taking a breath. Lu Chen still showed such a tough attitude. It can only be said that Lu Chen’s psychological endurance is extremely strong. Otherwise, there are two great powerhouses in Zhuge’s family. In front of the elders of Qingyunmen, the look was the same as before, and it was as if Mount Tai jumped and didn't change his appearance. This courage made many people feel inferior and uncomfortable.

The whispering voice, "Who the **** is this kid, why haven't I listened to it?" A five-and-three rough man said without rush, his tone was quite curious.

The companion next to him was also at a loss. At this time, a young man, heroic and handsome, said solemnly, "This person is Lu Chen. He didn't have a name, but as he walked in the ancient cemetery of the strong Among them, most of the treasures of heaven and earth were taken down in one fell swoop, and in the cave, Zhuge Yu, the first genius of the Zhuge family, was wounded. I heard that he broke an arm. Don’t talk nonsense, otherwise you will get into trouble. , You can't blame me, and Lu Chen, this fellow, also offended Fang Ping from the Fang family."

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