Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2217: The pervert who kills a thousand swords

The strangest thing is that Lu Chen is able to use this kind of sword freely. How can Wang Xinya believe that, because of her knowledge, she was also in shock that could not be calmed for a long time. That cherry little mouth It grows into an O shape, without the savage and irritable before, it is quite cute, with a tender little face, any normal man sees it, there is an urge to come forward and squeeze.

It's just a pity that Lu Chen didn't notice this scene. Otherwise, he was so distracted that he would fall into a place where he could not recover, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

After dozens of sword flowers merged, the power was not as simple as one plus one. Lu Chen felt the mysterious atmosphere, and some more information about the Hongmeng sword came out of his brain. The surprise in his eyes could not be concealed. .

But the hand speed did not change a bit, and a condensed aura of momentum was set off. At this moment, the aura of Hongmeng rose to an unprecedented height.

"Bang Bang." There are only two voices, but they represent completely different effects. It turned out that Lu Chen's Hongmeng sword successfully broke through the half-man mammoth's defense, pierced the thick armor, and penetrated into the half-man mammoth's. Internal organs.

Lu Chen didn't stop, stirred a few times, stabbed a few more times, the huge body of the half-man mammoth trembling constantly, the next moment, a monstrous heat wave spread, and a burst of flame erupted from the half-man mammoth. After opening, it was flooded in every corner for a while, and there was almost nowhere to hide, still with purple gas. What was the reason?

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly. When the half-human mammoth died, there would be such a phenomenon, "Boom." The half-human mammoth's body was blown to pieces, and the cave shook the mountain instantly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Those solid rocks were also torn apart. "Boom." A loud noise came from the entrance of the cave. It turned out to be the sound of rocks falling. Lu Chen's expression changed. If he guessed correctly, it should be the rock blocking the exit. , Because of the special topography here.

Lu Chen sniffed the purple gas for a while. The secret path was not good. Wang Xinya didn't expect this to be the case. Even though her protective shield was hit hard, it could withstand the flames.

Naturally, Lu Chen needless to say, his fire attribute is Nine Suns True Fire. Even though this unknown flame is powerful, it doesn’t hurt him much, but Wang Xinya didn’t notice the purple scent. After taking two breaths, he discovered What's wrong.

But the next moment, her whole body flushed, her face flushed, and her slender jade legs were twisted. Lu Chen looked at her with a dry mouth and forgot to expel the purple gas that she had inhaled before. At this time, the flame gradually dissipated and continued. The time is not that long.

Lu Chen's unique Nine Suns Real Fire, as long as it deliberately gets rid of the purple aura in the body, there is no difficulty, it is impossible for ordinary people to do it. This purple aura has not yet reached Lu Chen's dantian, so it is still too late.

It’s just that Lu Chen admired Wang Xinya’s visit, so Lu Chen was also peculiarly poisoned. He gritted his teeth and thought of Ru Pingdie in the Garden of Eden. He couldn’t do anything to apologize to her, and Lu Chen wanted to get it out quickly. When the purple gas.

Wang Xinya's graceful body, like a lotus knot-like arm, put her arm around Lu Chen's arm, a pair of delicate, non-oily hands, touching Lu Chen, making him feel addicted.

There was also the flushing of Wang Xinya's pretty face, a look of confusion, and the appearance of Renjun picking, which stimulated Lu Chen's desire in his heart, and he also got upset.

When he was going to be a gentleman and tried to push Wang Xinya away, he found that Lu Chen's mouth was blocked by that very attractive little cherry mouth. His first reaction was to desperately allow to suck, not much jade jade. I was fascinated by Lu Chen.

(One thousand words are omitted here!)

Under Lu Chen's sprint, the little red flowers bloomed in the sea of ​​fire, which had a special charm. Since Lu Chen had also entered the scope of Wang Xinya's protective shield, this also saved him a lot of things.

The flames gradually receded, and Lu Chen and Jiaren fell into a deep sleep. They were also tired after frantically engaging in fish and water fun.

Actually all forgot about the treasures of the world hidden in the cave.

The next day, Lu Chen opened his eyes sleepily, feeling an unprecedented coldness. It turned out that a dagger was on his neck. No wonder Lu Chen smelled the smell of death. It was just that he kept indulging him last night, which caused exhaustion. Now, Lu Chen has a special physique and needs rest.

"What are you doing?" Lu Chen took a deep breath and lay on the ground, admiring Wang Xinya's exquisite and perfect face up close, but he was not in the mood, but the indifferent pretense made Wang Xinya surprised.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Wang Xinya asked without hesitation, her beautiful eyes flowing with splendor, she wanted to kill Lu Chen, while he was asleep, but Wang Xinya couldn't get that hand off.

Because she would not live without Lu Chen, her feelings for Lu Chen were quite complicated.

"Haha, you can't bear to kill me." Lu Chen said every word, with a confident smile on his face. Although his voice was not loud, he had an irresistible, determined tone.

Wang Xinya was instinctively stunned. In fact, at this critical moment, Lu Chen had a chance to bring the dagger in Wang Xinya's hand, but Lu Chen was unwilling to do that.

Instead, he wanted to see what Wang Xinya thought. The thoughts of her daughter's family were quite complicated. There was no doubt about this. Lu Chen couldn't guess it well, and only looked at the phenotype of the situation at this time.

"Bah, ghosts will be reluctant to kill you." Wang Xinya snorted, lowered her head shyly, and immediately saw her dripping red, and her previous tenderness disappeared like water.

"You pervert who kills a thousand knives!" Wang Xinya yelled, the dagger cut through the skin of Lu Chen's neck, and the latter looked as usual, and he trusted his intuitive judgment.

Wang Xinya is a smart woman with ice and snow. For the moment she was stunned, if Lu Chen wanted to resist, she would not have the upper hand.

Therefore, Wang Xinya knew well that although Lu Chen had taken her virgin body away, he had not reached the point of being frantic. In case Lu Chen wanted to kill her, it seemed that it would not be difficult.

Wang Xinya was silent for a while, and Lu Chen became even more proud, secretly relieved, and frowned. Wang Xinya saw Lu Chen's appearance, really wanted to stab him directly, and couldn't make a move, "You, you won."

"Haha, wherever, I should thank you." Lu Chen laughed up to the sky, his skin was thick and thick, and it was nothing to cut his skin.

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