When Wang Xinya took the dagger away, she saw the shocking wound on Lu Chen's neck. She was a little distressed, her heart was dripping with blood, "Does it hurt?" She helped Lu Chen blew gently, and it seemed that the matter was over. There is no other way

Even if she assassinated Lu Chen, can her virgin body recover? That was obviously unrealistic. Lu Chen nodded, "A little bit, but don't worry about it, lest you show your weakness." Lu Chen reminded him, speaking slightly inexplicably and frankly.

"Huh." Wang Xinya was stunned, and instantly understood what Lu Chen meant. Didn't it mean that she pretended to be strong? But Lu Chen was still very accurate in seeing people. Indeed, Wang Xinya was favored by the sect because of his extraordinary talent potential. , Has become a key training target. Within ten years, Wang Xinya's strength has reached a height that ordinary people can hardly reach. It is definitely a monster that has not been born in a thousand years.

Compared to Lu Chen, she was a bit miserable. With all kinds of magic weapons, she still couldn't deal with the half-man mammoth. Fortunately, Lu Chen took the shot and ended up turning the tide with unparalleled strength.

It was just a little accident that no one would have imagined that when the half-human mammoth died, such a weird scene would appear, which seemed to be deliberately created by the man who made the half-human mammoth.

The viciousness of this thought made Lu Chen sigh. If it weren't for a man and a woman, the consequences would be extremely embarrassing.

"Hey, Xiaoya, you're so kind." Lu Chen smiled honestly, the previous wind and clouds were gone, replaced by gentleness.

The gentleness of a man can melt iceberg beauties. Lu Chen knew this well.

"I know I'm scornful, by the way, what are you here for?" A seductive smile appeared on Wang Xinya's cherry mouth. Lu Chen was dull for a while, blurted out and replied, "Find something."

"What are you looking for?" Wang Xinya became more and more curious. Lu Chen came here to find something? How the purpose is the same as her, this is a bit strange.

Could it be that Lu Chen accidentally broke in, "Uh, the same baby, I can't tell you the specifics." Lu Chen looked embarrassed, scratching his head and said.

Regarding Hongmengdan, Lu Chen had to conceal it, and telling Wang Xinya would not be of any benefit.

"What the **** is it! Then tell me about it!" Wang Xinya saw that Lu Chen was in a dilemma, and she was not too aggressive to ask questions. She just wanted to know if Lu Chen was looking for the same thing.

What if the two are here for the same treasure?

"Round." Lu Chen frowned, and Wang Xinya frowned. This was tricky. "Is it Hongmeng Dan!?" Wang Xinya asked bluntly.

The breath on his body became cold, and Lu Chen couldn't help but sweat. Such a coincidence happened again.

"Yes." Lu Chen bit his head and nodded, then fell silent and put on his clothes. There was a burst of evil fire in his lower abdomen, but at this time Lu Chen's evil fire disappeared.

He couldn't give up Hongmeng Pill. It seemed that Hongmeng Pill was also very important to Wang Xinya. He really couldn't figure out why Wang Xinya knew about the existence of such a treasure.

"Then, then you go take a look, and forget it for you." Wang Xinya said this, but she was very unwilling, and she felt like a knife and felt uncomfortable.

"Well, I will pay you back this favor." Lu Chen said solemnly, his eyes gleaming, he is a man who is worthy of, and in any case, he can't leave his woman behind.

Although there was no relationship basis with Wang Xinya, that kind of relationship occurred, but Lu Chen’s principles did not allow him to fail Wang Xinya. After all, Hongmengdan was also very important to her. However, at a critical moment, Wang Xinya was able to make this kind of decision again. Lu Chen was deeply moved.

Lu Chen gradually went deep into the cave, but it was strange that he didn't have the strong smell of pill as he imagined. Lu Chen guessed that perhaps Hongmeng Pill was put in a box made of special materials. . .

When the small box appeared in front of Lu Chen, he seemed to be able to hear his nervous heartbeat. Since Hongmengdan was close at hand, Lu Chen had to bear his excitement and affection anyway.

Wang Xinya turned her head and didn't look at Lu Chen at all. She was worried that she had changed her mind and tried to stop Lu Chen.

Wang Xinya gritted her silver teeth. She still had a certain friendship with Lu Chen, so she did not disadvantage Lu Chen.

Although Wang Xinya would return in exchange for screaming at her for not getting the Hongmeng Pill.

Although the elders loved Wang Xinya very much, her grandfather was not in charge of their behemoth family.

It was a mysterious person who came to their family recently, with unfathomable means, and even her grandfather had no resistance.

They are high-level spaces, but the person's strength surpasses the limit that the high-level spaces can accommodate. A few days ago, Wang Xinya was summoned by her grandfather and told her vaguely that she should go to the low-level space of Eden in person to find the legendary Supreme elixir Hongmeng Dan.

Wang Xinya could feel that Grandpa's impatient mood was enough to show that Grandpa attaches great importance to this supreme pill.

Due to the unique space restraint effect of the Dragon Soul Continent, the stronger the person, the greater the oppression.

Therefore, Wang Xinya, who is neither high nor low, was selected, but after meeting Lu Chen in the mysterious cave, he was also looking for Hongmeng Pill.

She could even imagine that because she gave up and handed Hongmeng Dan to others, she would inevitably not be able to hide from the strong man who only covered the sky, and then grandpa would not be able to eat.

Lu Chen gradually approached the small box, he was a little surprised. This box was just ordinary cedar material, nothing more than top-grade cedar, which had extremely strong antiseptic properties. Other than that, Lu Chen found nothing unusual.

If it contained the supreme elixir, there would have been a trace of immortal energy permeating long ago, and Lu Chen had also refined the elixir before.

It was just that after coming to the Garden of Eden, in order to find Shui Yulan, he hid this, after all, alchemy occupies a pivotal position in the Garden of Eden.

But because the old man was a Rank 4 alchemist before, he couldn't talk about a figure of the Taishan Beidou level. With the help of Lu Chen, the old man was promoted to the Rank 5 alchemist. As a result, the old man's status soared.

If Lu Chen first revealed his skills on the way of pill medicine, wouldn't the old man be vigilant and wouldn't teach Lu Chen alchemy skills at all.

Although Lu Chen didn't need him to teach it, he wouldn't be able to show off his talents in the way of alchemy without restraint. Therefore, it was a rare good hidden thread to teach the old man. Lu Chen didn't know how to start with the old man.

Anyway, he didn't have any evil intentions towards the old man. Lu Chen had confidence in the old man, but he showed himself to others like a blank sheet of paper.

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