Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2223: Outside space

"Aha, so are the parents who gave birth to me, and Uncle Huang who knows me." Lu Chen sighed, patted his chest, with a little gratitude on his face.

"Just say something nice, why." Huang Zhengzhong still wanted to go directly to the topic, a smug look flashed across his eyes.

"I want Uncle Huang to help collect some materials." Lu Chen said lightly. Since he was entrusting others to do things, Lu Chen could not maintain a high-profile posture.

"No problem, give me the list." Huang Zhongzheng squinted and smiled. As the person in charge of Jubao Pavilion, collecting some materials is not easy for him.

"Take it." After Lu Chen finished writing, Huang Zhongzheng glanced at it, frowning slightly. The materials Lu Chen gave belong to the kind of rare treasures of heaven and earth, and it was the great cause of his treasure house family. Yes, it is not so easy to get them all.

He thought he could help Lu Chen settle down, but now it seems that it is not so easy to do. Huang Zhongzheng said frankly, "Lu Chen, half of the materials here can still be collected, and the other half of the materials can be collected. It's a bit difficult, you want a certain amount of time, you see." Huang Zhongyun hesitated and became uncertain. Of course, Lu Chen could hear what he meant.

"No problem, I'm not in a hurry, Uncle Huang, don't worry, no matter how much money, I will use the pill to compensate." Lu Chen said solemnly, and then took out a bag without thinking.

Huang Zhongzheng opened it and looked at it for a while, with a look of greed and a bag of pills. The pills that Lu Chen took out were all of extremely high quality. Even if Huang Zhongzheng had so much knowledge, he couldn't help it. Excited again and again, and even began to wonder if these pills were made by Lu Chen?

Perhaps it was the work of the old man behind Lu Chen. It is said that the old man has successfully advanced from the fourth-rank alchemist to the fifth-rank. Only the change of the first-rank made the old man's status drastically changed.

With the level of a fifth-rank alchemist, he could easily refine a sixth- or seventh-rank pill by then, Lu Chen always gave him a feeling of bottomlessness.

"Okay, just do what you said." Huang Zhongzheng bluntly agreed. Lu Chen is rich in wealth and is not the kind of caregiver, so he will be given a chance.

"Well, Uncle Huang, what changes have been made in the forces recently?" Lu Chen was still very happy. Huang Zhongzheng did not ask Lu Chen what he would do to collect these materials, which proved that Huang Zhongzheng respected Lu Chen.

Sure enough, the Jubao Pavilion has a rich background. After Huang Zhongzheng ordered a servant, the servant brought a plate. Although the number of materials needed to refine the half-man mammoth was large, the amount required was not Not too much.

Lu Chen learned about the situation from the old man before, but the old man’s knowledge is always limited. It is different to ask Huang Zhongzheng. After all, the Jubao Pavilion where Huang Zhongzheng is located is also compared with the first big family and the first big sect. Don't let it go.

"Qingyunmen and Zhuge's family are embarrassed, they are secretly hooking up, as if they are planning something." Huang Zhongzheng analyzed in a hurry, revealing the essence of his eyes.

"Oh, don't we just sit and wait for death? That's not good." Lu Chen said every word, and the cold voice caused the surrounding temperature to drop a lot.

He calmly pulled Huang Zhongzheng into a boat. They all co-existed and died, fighting against Qingyunmen and Zhuge's family. Huang Zhongyun's expression was complicated, and he gave Lu Chen a deep look. This kid is really brilliant. !

After that, Lu Chen's mind flashed, "Uncle Huang, I have a question." He was a little curious.

"You said, knowing nothing, talking endlessly." Huang Zhongzheng smiled and squinted. Naturally, he would respond to Lu Chen's request, and Lu Chen could definitely be called a potential stock.

Lu Chen winked at Huang Zhongzheng, indicating that there were so many people here that it was not convenient to talk about it.

Huang Zhongzheng nodded his head, and there was a touch of satisfaction at the corner of his mouth. Lu Chen's young and old man's cautiousness was a side he admired very much.

The two entered a hidden black room, and Huang Zhongzheng glanced at Lu Chen with profound meaning.

"Well, what can you say." Huang Zhongzheng said in a hurry.

"Where is the Pantheon?" Lu Chen asked bluntly, his eyes gleaming, he wanted to see what Huang Zhongzheng did and would he deceive him.

After all, Lu Chen knew well that Wang Xinya's attitude showed that the Pantheon was a height he hadn't expected, but since Lu Chen gave her a promise, he would do everything he could.

This is the responsibility of a man, and Lu Chen has his own principles of life.

Hearing Lu Chen's question, Huang Zhongzheng was slightly startled, a little unsure, so, "Why are you asking this?"

"I have a friend who is there, and I have to find her if I have a chance." Lu Chen didn't hide anything, he said lightly, but he was very sincere. There is no doubt about this.

"Oh, let’s not lie, the Pantheon is an offshore space. There are places to go in the territory of the Garden of Eden, but the conditions are extremely harsh. Under normal circumstances, no one will go to the Pantheon for decades. Why do you have friends there? "Huang Zhongzheng looked weird, puzzled, and asked softly, but seeing that Lu Chen didn't mean to answer.

He paused, and continued to introduce, "And if it is strictly divided, this Eden is a low-level space. The Pantheon you mentioned is a veritable medium-sized space, and it is not a little bit stronger than this Eden."

"Is this? Uncle Huang, aren't you from the Garden of Eden?" Lu Chen was shocked. He realized that the analysis had reached a point that ordinary people could not compare.

When Lu Chen asked such questions, Huang Zhongzheng's face turned red, his face flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Well, you can say that, I sent it from abroad when I was very young. My Jubao Pavilion has branches in many domestic spaces, as well as the Pantheon you mentioned." Huang Zhongzheng's eyes showed a look of remembrance, Lu Chen Aroused his memories, but inadvertently showed his pride.

"Aha, I'm sorry, Uncle Huang, what is the price to be paid before it can be teleported to other internal spaces?" Lu Chen asked curiously. The key to this is what he wants to know the most. For a while, Lu Chen He got a lot of novel words, which made him a little excited.

"It's difficult. It takes five pieces of the best millennium spar as a price to start the teleportation array." Finding a millennium spar in the Garden of Eden is as difficult as the sky, let alone finding five, even if it is not one. easy.

Although Huang Zhongzheng's words were relatively euphemistic, Lu Chen still heard the meaning of persuasion. It was clearly a height that Lu Chen could not reach, so he thought that Lu Chen still had no need to find that friend.

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