Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2224: Unforgettable place

Maybe it was Lu Chen's momentary excitement and arrogance. Although Lu Chen has made the limelight recently and has created unparalleled miracles one after another, but in Huang Zhongzheng's eyes, it is nothing, Lu Chen himself The strength of is tyrannical, but after all, he is a young man. Without a little self-knowledge, it will not benefit Lu Chen at all, in case Lu Chen falls into a deadly disaster due to this decision.

He Huang Zhongzheng would also feel uneasy. After all, even if Lu Chen successfully teleported to the Pantheon, he would not be able to return without enough millennium spar. That way, he would lose contact with Lu Chen and it would be nothing to fall with him. the difference.

"Millennium spar..." Lu Chen frowned. As expected, the conditions were very harsh. Huang Zhongzheng didn't deceive him on this point. How did Wang Xinya come from? It seemed easy.

"Yes, and when you come back, you must have a strong guardian of the pinnacle. What you need is not a millennium spar." Huang Zhongyun shook his head, feeling deeply, Lu Chen's expression was quite persistent, so Huang Zhongyun didn't know how to persuade him. he.

Since the Garden of Eden is a low-level space, while the Pantheon is a medium-sized space, it is easy to go, but it is quite difficult to come back. This is a relative comparison.

"What is that?" Lu Chen said without hesitation, with a little helplessness at the corner of his mouth. He also had a headache. Fortunately, he didn't plan to go to the Pantheon in a short time. Unless it is a special situation, Lu Chen is not like Huang Zhongzheng. In that way, I will pay for Wang Xinya.

"Wannian Spar, I am a lot of age, and I haven't seen a Wannian Spar. I don't have one in my hometown, let alone here." Huang Zhongzheng said every word, looking at Lu Chen's shocked look, Huang Zhongzheng Secretly relieved, Lu Chen finally turned the prodigal son back and didn't change his money.

"Okay." Lu Chen smiled and scratched his head. Isn't it possible that within the scope of the Garden of Eden, you can't find such a rare heaven and earth treasure like the Ten Thousand Years Spar?

"Millennium spar should be available." Lu Chen tried to ask, his brows clenched, and he refused to give up. Huang Zhongzheng complained so hard that Lu Chen hadn't given up his plan to go to the Pantheon.

He knows Lu Chen's mind. Although the Ten Thousand Years Spar Garden of Eden is hard to find, it is almost on the verge of extinction, but there should be such a rare treasure in the Pantheon that has never been to.

Anyway, the Pantheon is also a higher level than the Garden of Eden, otherwise how could Wang Xinya come? Lu Chen's head is flexible, so naturally he took this into consideration.

"Fortunately, if you are really lacking, I can help you collect and pay attention to it. It should take a long time." Huang Zhongzheng's eyes flashed a touch of helplessness.

"Thank you, Uncle Huang for your understanding." Lu Chen couldn't help but smile, but it was a worry. Huang Zhongzheng treated each other frankly, which moved Lu Chen.

If there is a chance in the future, Uncle Huang needs his help, Lu Chen won't frown, Huang Zhongzheng waved his hand, "Where, your kid is not bad to me in the Jubao Pavilion. You must know how to pay for it. I thought Uncle Huang didn't understand this." Huang Zhongzheng gave Lu Chen a blank look.

"Uncle Huang, then I'll go first." Lu Chen clasped his fists and said goodbye to Huang Zhongzheng. Huang Zhongzheng didn't mean to stay. As soon as he got out of the cabin, Lu Chen saw an acquaintance-Yan Dong. Unsteady, Lu Chen felt this incomparably clean with his keen observation.

"Congratulations, congratulations." Lu Chen said with a faint smile. It turned out that Yan Dong had recently broken through a realm in his cultivation level, which made him go to the next level.

Lu Chen didn't envy him either. This guy had a good talent and potential. In addition to watching Lu Chen's fight against the four monsters in the cave last time, he obtained two other treasures of the world, so that he easily broke through the bottleneck.

Yan Dong was a little frightened. Lu Chen actually saw his anomaly. This was a bit weird. Before the severe winter, he was triumphant, but at this time, the elation disappeared.

Because of Lu Chen's violent storms, he indirectly gave him a kind of motivation and oppression. It can be said that Lu Chen has become his benchmark and role model. The process of Lu Chen fighting with monsters is also a new understanding for him. , You can learn a lot, especially Lu Chen's fierceness and determination.

For a cultivator, it is especially important. If you linger on the path of cultivation and hesitate, there will be no end to it. This is almost beyond doubt.

After all, in an environment where the weak and the fittest survive the survival of the fittest, everyone is constantly improving their strength in order to control their destiny.

"Hey, it's nothing, Lu Chen, where have you been this time? I've been looking for you." Yan Dong couldn't help his brows and said in a hurry.

But that kindness can be shown, "I went out for a while." Lu Chen said bluntly, but also in order to hide his secret, Yan Dong said quietly haha, Lu Chen didn't want to answer carefully, he was naturally not good Aggressive.

"I was planning to discuss it with you." Yan Dong said cheerfully, and he didn't care about Lu Chen's concealment. Everyone has their own privacy, which is understandable.

"Okay, come on." Lu Chen said lightly and hooked his hook. He looked at Yan Dong with great interest. Is this guy really sure to fight him? Lu Chen knew his abilities well, but couldn't figure out why this severe winter wanted to fight him.

Did it just break through a whim? Lu Chen thought it was very possible. Huang Zhongzheng frowned slightly, "You should restrain yourself, don't hurt your own people, just click until you finish." Huang Zhongzheng waved his hand and said loudly.

Looking at Lu Chen with deep meaning, the two of them nodded at the same time. Of course, they knew it, but Lu Chen felt warm in his heart. He felt that Huang Zhongzheng had seen his depth and was definitely not something severe winter could deal with. Let him call the severe winter.

Sometimes, what an elder teaches can't keep up with peers.

"Please enlighten me." Yan Dong is very polite. He is very polite, but Lu Chen strategizes and completely surpasses him. Yan Dong dare not care, after taking a deep breath, he rushes out first, his figure is like electricity, with a little bit The afterimage.

Lu Chen couldn't help but exclaimed, "The speed is good." As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, he took a palm shot, and his unparalleled aura suddenly exploded, locking in the severe winter, causing his strength to be greatly restricted.

"Bang Bang." The deafening loud noise surging, the strong aftermath set off a hurricane, blowing away a lot of flowers and bonsai, Lu Chen's eyes flashed, and he took a step back, and on the other hand, the severe winter, again and again After taking seven or eight steps, he barely stopped his figure. The horror in his heart was unimaginable.

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