Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2232: Watch the changes

He didn't understand what Lu Chen thought. Huang Zhongzheng was worried. Lu Chen didn't know if he had a chance to come back. Huang Zhongzheng, who was restless, sighed, and then entered the Jubao Pavilion.

The sensation this time was definitely not smaller than at any time before, so he had to treat it cautiously. After all, Lu Chen had wounded Zhuge Lei and his son all over the place.

Everyone looked stiff and embarrassed, but they were an eye-opener today. Due to Lu Chen's performance, the pattern had undergone minor changes.

"Let's go, let's go see the excitement." A man suggested, his expression was very enthusiastic and excited. He didn't want to miss the wonderful fight, and clenched his fists. Lu Chen was his goal and example.

"Cut, you will die if you go. This is not the Zhuge family's territory, so it has no effect on you, but don't forget that the so-called city wall was on fire and the pond fish were hit. By then, the Zhuge family would be angry. You can bear it? Are you Lu Chen?" The person next to him said with no scorn.

A basin of cold water is just pouring, and the rest of the people have the same thoughts as him. Of course, they are holding them to see the excitement of people. There are not a few. It is undoubtedly exciting to be able to witness this scene with their own eyes.

"What are you afraid of? Lu Chen is in front of you. Have you forgotten that impunity is not a punishment? Now that the Zhuge family is hard to protect themselves, it may be easy for them to deal with us low-powered cultivators, but he wants Think about it, the status of the Zhuge family in the city of Eden will definitely decline day by day. Do you think that the Zhuge family will do such silly things?" The man whispered, which can be regarded as the best.

Everyone nodded involuntarily, "Okay, just follow what you said, let's go and see." There were people who echoed immediately. It is worth mentioning that they all worship Lu Chen quite a bit.

After all, Lu Chen's talent potential is what they envy and jealousy. Eden City has been calm for too long and it's time to reshuffle the cards. They don't have this ability, and they are very happy to witness a **** struggle.

"Hey." The old man couldn't help but sighed. He had some Lu Chen for Lu Chen. As Lu Chen's famous master, he instinctively wanted to consider for Lu Chen's sake, but he talked about the advantages before his eyes. No, but Lu Chen won just now, it is an undoubted fact.

Although he knew that Zhuge's house was the Tiger's Den in Longtan, Lu Chen still dared to go there, did he obey the sentence not to enter the Tiger's Den and get a tiger's son? The old man complained incessantly. In the final analysis, he did not have any deep background influence, or when the old man was young, he did not take these into account. He was obsessed with alchemy, which is considered a little achievement.

But after all, a person’s power is small, even if he is beloved by Lu Chen’s help, and now he has been promoted to a fifth-rank alchemist, there is no way to turn the tide. The Zhuge family has a profound background. Unless a few major forces are united, he wants to destroy Zhuge. Home is simply impossible.

The only wish of the old man at this time was that he hoped that Lu Chen could escape back safe and sound. After learning about the gap between him and the ancestors of the Zhuge family, he would retreat in the face of difficulties, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Lu Chen is a veritable genius and enchanting evildoer. As long as Lu Chen is given enough time, it is possible to step onto the top of the pyramid. What a privilege.

"Grandpa, I, let's take a look." Ru Pingdie's pretty face was full of worry, and his pitiful appearance made people not please his sympathy, so the old man nodded solemnly.

"Okay." Although he is a calm and experienced person, he will not do anything shocking when he is not sure, but since Lu Chen is so crazy, the old man is ready to go crazy with Lu Chen once, otherwise I am sorry Lu Chen's glory for him.

During this period of time, no matter where the old man is, he will receive all kinds of envy and jealous eyes. Of course, it is because of Lu Chen's rise and blockbuster performance. Secondly, he has been promoted to the fifth rank alchemist. Those friends who have not been in contact for a long time come over. Visited, even with valuable treasures.

This made the old man a little flattered. He was originally a person who was indifferent to fame and fortune, but for Lu Chen's affairs, he couldn't back down. That way, he was worthy of Lu Chen's apprentice.

The group of people went to Zhuge's home in a mighty manner. Yan Dong chased after Huang Zhongzheng after asking Huang Zhongzheng. Huang Zhongzheng's expression was complicated. He looked at the sky and found that it was densely covered with dark clouds, which seemed to indicate something. .

Lu Chen's speed was lightning fast, and Zhuge Lei took his son Zhuge Yu with him, so he was restricted in speed and couldn't escape quickly.

So the distance between them gradually narrowed a lot, Zhu Ge Lei's heart was beating wildly, and he was about to reach the door of the house, can there be any accidents, as long as he persists, then nothing is a problem.

As long as the seniors of Zhuge's family are superior, what will Lu Chen do? Zhuge Lei's strength in Zhuge's family can only be regarded as the level of the middle and lower reaches, so he is full of confidence, this time he will give Lu Chen an extremely heavy price, let him come, don't leave.

Zhuge's family's face cannot afford to be ashamed. Zhuge Yu knew this very well. The two of them, father and son, still had a lot of conflicts about Lu Chen.

In the end, the pain was still unresolved. The pain was unimaginable, so when Lu Chen chased, Zhu Ge Lei didn't have much fear in his heart. On the contrary, he felt a little pleasure and relief. Maybe it won't be long before the contradiction between him and Lu Chen can be completely resolved. Resolved.

It's just that Zhuge Lei hadn't considered whether Lu Chen could still show such invincibility in the territory of Zhuge's family? This is indeed an unknown number. After all, Lu Chen's methods are fully understood by himself. What he doesn't know is whether Lu Chen has shown all his hole cards and killer skills.

In any case, Lu Chen had no return today. Zhu Ge Lei looked back, and Lu Chen got closer. He was anxious and shouted involuntarily, "Come on and help."

Although he was blushing, it was the first time he felt so embarrassed, but for his life, everything was going to be done.

Zhuge Yu was already in dizziness at this time. Zhuge Lei planned to hide first, and then waited for Zhuge's senior master to take action. He was watching the changes and was able to personally teach Lu Chen and even eradicate him. But, of course, there is always a gap between ideals and reality.

With Lu Chen's terrifying strength, unless he was in a state of dying, Zhu Ge Lei might have a chance to make a cut, otherwise, if Lu Chen could resist it, he would be in unpredictable danger.

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