Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2233: Strong like clouds

Lu Chen, this kid, can always shock people by surprise. Compared with Zhuge Yu, Lu Chen seems to be more successful and outstanding. The reason Zhuge Yu was able to win the title of first genius was largely due to the exhaustion of the Zhuge family. Fully cultivated, and other families and forces have chosen a group of talented leaders to cultivate.

As a result, there has been an obvious gap for a long time, and Zhuge Yu has stood out over time, and basically can't find any opponents, but today's shortcomings have also been revealed.

Due to Lu Chen's uncertain factor, Zhuge's family was plunged into chaos. After being immersed, Zhuge's family still didn't realize the disadvantage of cultivating a talented leader alone.

What they need is a cutting-edge elite, not the kind of half-hearted person. If it weren't for the unimaginable deep hatred between Lu Chen and the Zhuge family, perhaps the Zhuge family might throw an olive branch at Lu Chen.

Because the Zhuge family was thirsty for seeking talents, and would not care whether it was the blood of the Zhuge family, but unfortunately, Lu Chen was gradually unable to shake hands with the Zhuge family and the contradiction continued to deepen and evolve beyond everyone’s Expected.

At this time, Lu Chen directly attacked the Zhuge family. This was definitely the biggest sensation in a hundred years. Whether the Zhuge family would be devastated because of Lu Chen, this was also a matter of concern to all forces and families.

Their plan is to get a share. Maybe they can find an opportunity to destroy the Zhuge family in one fell swoop. The first condition for any power and family to survive is to have enough ambitions, otherwise sooner or later they will be killed by others. It is the annexation of forces and sects, which is undeniable.

Therefore, at this critical juncture, Lu Chen killed Zhuge's family, arousing a lot of eyeliners, all paying attention to the latest developments and changes.

Although Lu Chen noticed it, he didn't care. His goal was to cut the Zhuge family away from the roots, or else the wildfire would not be exhausted and the spring breeze would blow again.

If Lu Chen's thoughts were spread out, he would not know what kind of violent sensation would be caused. Lu Chen was not very young, but the courage he possessed was absolutely earth-shattering.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and speeded up again. He still didn't believe that he could not catch up with Zhuge Lei. After all, Zhuge Lei took his son Zhuge Yu and was restricted in his actions.

Sure enough, under Lu Chen's all-out effort, the distance between them had narrowed again. Zhu Ge Lei was shocked and frightened. Could it be that God is going to kill him?

Zhuge Lei was quite unwilling, and there was no other way. Why the people of his family made such slow moves, Zhuge Lei wanted to scold his mother.

As his despair was getting worse, a familiar figure in front appeared in Zhu Ge Lei's sight, and he couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Big brother, save me." It turns out that this man is Zhuge Lei's brother Zhuge Feng. Although the two brothers are not too harmonious due to various circumstances, Zhuge Feng should not leave Zhuge Lei at the critical moment. Don't ask, if Zhuge Feng intends to avenge his personal revenge, the consequences awaiting him are also quite serious. Zhuge's family does not allow insiders to fight disputes, and no one can violate this rule.

Unless it is provoking the majesty of the ancestors of the Zhuge family, when Zhuge Feng saw his younger brother being forced into such a field, his face was full of contempt and disdain, why Zhuge Lei was so incompetent.

Even a stinky kid couldn't deal with it, he was a waste of his age, but Zhuge Feng felt a little frightened after seeing Zhuge Yu's tragic situation.

Could it be that Lu Chen did all this? He had indeed heard of a genius leader recently, possessing an unimaginable talent potential, and became a sharp figure in the city of Eden.

Zhuge Feng, who had heard of it, put away his previous contempt, his strength was stronger than Zhuge Lei, and in ordinary circumstances, how could Zhuge Lei shrink back.

His embarrassed flight can only explain one problem. Lu Chen's strength is unfathomable, and Zhu Ge Lei can't be hostile.

Lu Chen had a calm expression on his face, and he didn't get confused by Zhuge Lei's appearance. Since Lu Chen had killed him, it proved that Lu Chen had absolute certainty.

Otherwise, he would have been sent to death in vain, and Lu Chen hadn't reached the point where he was dazzled by anger, he knew his current soberness.

If it weren't for worrying about the revenge and harassment of Zhuge's family, he wouldn't have rushed to kill him like this.

Before Zhuge Feng could take action, Lu Chen took the preemptive move. The Five Elements Qi surging around him, the incomparable powerful aura like a rainbow, made Lu Chen look like a **** descending from the earth.

The courage that radiated from the hands and feet made Zhuge Feng's figure certain, with a weird and horrified look, what a weird kid? Zhuge Feng directly gave Lu Chen a definition.

Zhuge Lei had already hid behind Zhugefeng at this time. When he secretly relieved, Lu Chen's five-element aura poured in. The overwhelming cohesion, like the blow of a thunderbolt on a sunny day, made him deep. Deeply aware of the gap between himself and Lu Chen.

Fortunately, he hid behind Zhuge Feng. The decision of Lu Chen to actively violate Zhuge Feng angered Zhuge Feng. Lu Chen was simply brave enough to run wild in the territory of Zhuge's family. Isn't that looking for death?

"Laughter!" Zhuge Feng yelled and went head on. Although the five elements are strange and terrifying, he has experienced strong winds and waves. In the strong city of Eden, he also has a certain right to speak. It can be said that the top ten The strong must have his place, which is well known and recognized.

It is said that the last time Lu Chen fought with the old man of distiller's grains from Qingyunmen, he killed the old man on the spot, but there was still no bones left.

What a shocking thing this is, but Zhuge Feng was not scared, even though Lu Chen's strength is beyond doubt.

But he couldn't leave that person behind. At this time, many servants of Zhuge's family came out.

His face was full of awe and fear. Zhuge Yu was planted in Lu Chen's hands. Could it be that the entire Zhuge family will repeat the same mistakes? They were instinctively frightened. Fortunately, Zhuge Feng's extraordinary skill should be able to system Lu Chen. Of course, there are servants who know that there is no insider and stare at Lu Chen with sympathy.

As if he was already a dead person, there is no doubt that Lu Chen's situation was unexpected.

Everyone only saw the two figures flickering continuously, accompanied by bursts of deafening loud noises, and various aftermaths diffused.

A tornado that was as powerful as it was destroying the surrounding flowers and trees, several servants squeezed themselves, wondering if this was the truth.

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