Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2234: key person

Lu Chen and Zhuge Feng fought, the deterrence produced shocked them, and the panic in their hearts was beyond doubt.

Could it be that Lu Chen could create a miracle and defeat Zhuge Feng? That was something they didn't dare to imagine. Originally, Lu Chen killed Zhuge's house, and that was ground breaking on Tai Sui.

He must have no return, otherwise the prestige of the Zhuge family will be completely destroyed.

"Boy, the horror of your technique was not taught by the old guy?" The more you hit Zhuge Feng, the more frightened he became, because Lu Chen was always like an unfathomable ocean, leaving him unable to understand.

After practicing the strength of Lu Chen's Five Elements Qi, Zhuge Fengfeng shouted and took the initiative to ask questions.

Several servants were also very curious. Lu Chen's five-element aura was the most powerful aura of heaven and earth they had ever seen.

"Haha, you don't have the right to know this." Lu Chen sneered. The Zhuge family is not a good guy, he knows it all, so he doesn't bother to talk nonsense.

Zhuge Feng wanted to test him, but he didn't even have the door, "Bang Bang." Lu Chen's voice just fell, and Zhuge Feng was enveloped by the unprecedented Five Elements Qi, and the latter's strength was restrained.

Lu Chen's eyes flickered, and his figure suddenly accelerated a lot. He smashed out with a punch, and the corner of Zhuge's mouth twitched suddenly. Lu Chen's strength far exceeded his expectations.

Zhuge Feng was full of aquamarine aura of heaven and earth, and the strong vitality directly relieved Lu Chen's five elements.

"Susu." The energy of the five elements keeps dissipating the green aura, and the green aura seems to be endless, and it is also extremely difficult for Lu Chen to swallow it.

At the moment Lu Chen was stunned, Zhuge's wind hit Lu Chen like a ray of breeze. For a while, his speed reached the extreme, and even Lu Chen felt a flower in front of him and lost his goal.

Immediately, Zhuge Feng hit Lu Chen with a punch in the chest, and the latter took a deep breath, suppressing the surging blood and lingering anger in his body.

This was an insult to Lu Chen. What made Lu Chen unexpectedly was that Zhuge Feng's speed was as fast as lightning, and it hit Lu Chen in just an instant.

If it weren't for Lu Chen's special physique, he was not weak compared to the average monster beast, I am afraid that this one could make Lu Chen lose all his fighting power.

Lu Chen felt fortunate that Zhuge Feng did not use any magic weapon, otherwise Lu Chen would have suffered serious injuries even if he was invulnerable.

"Haha." Zhuge Feng was worried about something unexpected. Lu Chen, this kid, is not a loser. It is better to be more cautious. He backs away again and again.

Looking at Lu Chen's uncertain complexion, Zhuge Feng's heart was full of pride, and the rest of Zhuge's family also felt very happy, and finally let him suffer a little.

"Haha, look at that kid, he is an idiot, and he wants to be wild in our Zhuge's house. Isn't that foolish dreaming?" The contemptuous voice rang soon.

"Yes, I have always maintained an indifferent mentality. Look at you. I was very nervous before, as if he had some ability to deal with our Zhuge family. Alas," said a servant sarcastically, raising his head upright. Kind of triumphant gesture.

The person who had spoken before was really embarrassed to refute, he smirked and concealed his innocence.

For a time, all kinds of contemptuous and sarcasm speech can be said to come and go, endlessly.

Lu Chen looked as usual, and he chose to ignore these voices. He knew that if he listened to the cynicism of others, he would show his own performance.

Although he was hit with a fist by Zhuge Lei, Lu Chen was not physically injured and was still in his peak state.

"Bang Bang." Lu Chen turned from passive to active, and the horrible Five Elements aura swept through his body, which seemed to be able to tear every inch of space apart, which was even worse than before.

The temperature of Lu Chen's body dropped a lot, and Zhuge Feng was about to face a major enemy, and his expression sank. It turned out that this kid had not used his full strength, or that Lu Chen's potential had not yet been stimulated.

After suffering an unprecedented humiliation, Lu Chen began to face Zhuge Feng, as expected to be a seniority higher than Zhuge Lei.

Whether it is strength or means, they are much stronger.

Therefore, Lu Chen couldn't help being cautious at this time. As the saying goes, he will be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. In any case, Lu Chen will defeat this old guy, otherwise the impact on him may mean that he is completely depressed. Lu Chen is not a loser. People.

The energy of the five elements converged into a cyclone, and under Lu Chen's superb control, it did not show any signs of disintegration. It is conceivable that Lu Chen's grasp of the aura of heaven and earth is beyond everyone's reach.

Those servants were a little panic, could it be that Lu Chen still had the power to resist?

"Haha, kid, you can just grab it with your hands, so as not to waste time, hey, I have to admit, you kid is a good seedling, but unfortunately, you are actually hostile to my Zhuge family, then you are doomed to have no glorious achievements. , Today you bullied my Zhuge’s family, that’s a mortal situation." Zhuge Feng was confident, and said lightly. The servants looked at Zhuge Feng with a look of admiration, and Zhuge Lei was a little embarrassed. , Although Zhugefeng robbed him of the limelight that should have belonged to him, he was not able to fight against Lu Chen.

Destined that he can only look beyond the dust, Zhu Ge Lei gritted his teeth and stared at Lu Chen, ready to give him a fatal blow at any time. When someone saw it with his own eyes, it passed it out. Even if he killed Lu Chen, he wouldn't be let down.

Zhuge Lei was triumphant and was full of emotion for his wise and martial actions. He did not expect that Zhuge Feng had actually expected that he would do this. The two of them have always been rivals.

Ever since the Zhuge family chose to train their disciples at the core, they have disagreeed in their opinions. No matter what they do, they will do everything to each other. Because Zhuge Yu became the core trainee, Zhuge Feng’s son lost this opportunity. He was originally Zhuge. Lei secretly deceived and sent someone to wound his son, causing his son to lose to Zhuge Yu.

So that Zhuge Yu naturally became a core training person. After sweeping Zhuge Yu's arms abolished, he felt a pleasant feeling. Although he didn't say anything to ridicule and sarcasm, he also fell into stone and treated each other coldly.

Zhuge Lei also felt Zhugefeng's pride, making him so angry. Since his son was defeated by Lu Chen, his status has plummeted.

Zhuge Feng's son was naturally promoted to the core training person. Although his strength was far from Zhuge Feng, he was at least far better than the other children of the Zhuge family.

Because Zhuge's family adopted a system of cultivating a core person, the rest of the disciples could not keep up with Zhuge Yu's footsteps. Even if Zhuge's family had extra training resources, it would not be the turn of those mediocre direct descendants. Don't say it is a foreigner.

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