Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2250: Chenxingmen

But the old man couldn’t imagine that Fatty’s stormy methods were completely beyond Lu Chen’s imagination. He thought that Zhuge’s family or Qingyunmen came to investigate Lu Chen’s situation. After all, after the Zhuge family, Qingyunmen did not dare to act rashly. , In case of falling into the footsteps of Zhuge's family, the consequences would be disastrous.

Lu Chen also played a role in killing the chickens to show the monkeys to Zhuge's family. Qingyunmen was caught in a panic. Basically speaking of Lu Chen, his expression changed drastically. One can imagine Lu Chen's deterrent power. To what extent.

"Something has been dealt with." Lu Chen said solemnly, the old man looked suspicious, and then calmed down. Lu Chen also has his own privacy, which is beyond doubt.

When Lu Chen didn't want to say it, he was not easy to ask anything. The old man was a lot of age and knowledgeable, and he understood that there were things he knew, which would not do him any good.

"Okay." The old man said lightly, "Lu Chen, I want to discuss something with you." In the old man's words, he was very polite. Now Lu Chen's position is in the sky. I'm afraid I can't find a few in the Garden of Eden. Dare to offend Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not refuse, nodded, a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, "Grandpa, don't be so polite, you are too confessed."

Ru Pingdie’s face was full of emotion, and Lu Chen was able to consider the old man’s feelings all the time. This proved Lu Chen’s affection for the old man and her. As the saying goes, Lu Chen loves the house and the black.

He did not appear to be in chaos and abandonment after he was promoted. This is especially valuable. Ru Pingdie completely recognized Lu Chen, and then the old man led Lu Chen to a small black room next to him. He glanced at Lu Chen deeply, "Hey, Lu Chen, the old man, let me ask you a question." The old man smiled and scratched his head, seemingly embarrassed.

"Well, grandpa, please tell me, I will listen carefully." Lu Chen waved his hand and said calmly, and nothing changed because of the old man's attitude.

"Do you want to create a sect or family by yourself?" The old man said softly. Although his voice was not loud, Lu Chen sounded like a thunderbolt in the sky. Lu Chen was slightly taken aback, his face full of enthusiasm. , This sentence is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do it, but even so, Lu Chen is still excited.

"Yes." Lu Chen replied without hesitation, expressing his thoughts directly. In front of the old man, Lu Chen had no reason to bend his eyebrows. Hearing this, the old man was involuntarily pleased. Since Lu Chen has such ambition to dominate, it is naturally him. Most willing to see.

As long as Lu Chen worked hard to establish it, it won't be long before everything will happen.

"Well, I am a person after all. You have seen that even though I have some status in the City of Eden, it has no real effect at all. Only after a strong sect can we change the current disadvantaged situation.

At this time, the old man showed an unprecedented domineering all over his body. Lu Chen couldn't help but shine. When did this old man start to have such ambitions, he can be called a treasured sword before he is old. In that case, why didn't Lu Chen make a vigorous one? He has the temperament of strategizing, and when combined with the old man's mind, it can be considered seamless.

"Yes." Lu Chen nodded and approved the old man's words. He knew that the old man had been hit recently, so he planned to do so. The old man had been stuck in the realm of a fourth-rank alchemist before. Said it was ambition, even the fifth-rank alchemist had no extravagant expectations. He was a bit short in strength, but with Lu Chen's help, the situation was completely different. After all, Lu Chen's talent potential, and one after another miraculous performance. He also saw it, and he had to admit that it won’t take long for Lu Chen to be invincible in the city of Eden. Although a person’s power is limited, he really reaches the point where a behemoth can be jealous. Can not be ignored.

Even thousands of cultivators may not be able to defeat Lu Chen with wheel tactics. This is the sorrow they face. As long as Lu Chen supports him in establishing a school, the old man has absolute certainty to manage it. After all, the old man has a lot of At his age, he has also designed a lot of knowledge about martial art management, and some of his old friends can also give some help.

Why didn't the old man use resources, "Well, I won't talk about those big words. If you have no opinion, we will discuss it and establish the core of the school."

The old man was very frank. At this time, he wanted to get further approval from Lu Chen. Then, Lu Chen asked curiously, "What is the name of that school?"

"Uh, you can confirm this." The old man waved his hand. Lu Chen didn't answer immediately, but hesitated for a while, nodded in thought, he was already thinking about it. This is not a trifle, after all, it must be loud. , It must have a certain meaning, otherwise no one will join.

Although according to the old man's imagination, Lu Chen's popularity in the City of Eden can be easily solved. As long as Lu Chen raises his arms, aren't those low-power cultivators rushing?

So the old man had a whim. With this decision, he didn't expect to hit Lu Chen on a hit. This is undoubtedly a great thing.

"It's called Chenxingmen." Lu Chen said in a hurry, his eyes gleaming, the old man was slightly startled, and then he suddenly realized that this meant it was obvious.

Lu Chen wants to be as bright as a star, always maintaining a fierce advancement momentum, and the old man is constantly in the Garden of Eden.

After a pause, the old man continued to speak earnestly, "The reason why Zhuge Family and Qingyunmen endure is because of the unparalleled foundation and foundation they have laid for a long time. This point is beyond the reach of other sects and forces. , Our Chenxing Gate started a bit late, but it is not without hope. I can tell you clearly, with your current status, as long as you raise your arms and shout, there are quite a few cultivators who will rush to the Chenxing Gate. Yes, of course, these people are not the main ones. After all, they are very likely to come for our resources and future prospects in the Chenxingmen. There will be absolutely no problems at the Chenxingmen because you are a super strong person. Said as infallible, so it will only continue to develop, instead of just walking in place like ordinary schools and families."

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