The old man analyzed it slowly, and Lu Chen couldn't help but brighten up every time he said something. He deserves to be the old man. In some respects, he can't compare his knowledge. Lu Chen doesn't care. As long as the old man is his right arm, what is he worried about? What?

He is also clear. Today's Eden City can be said to be turbulent and dark. If Lu Chen doesn't find a good opportunity, it will be very difficult to rise.

He didn't have any advantages in terms of heaven, material and earth treasures or miraculous medicine, so Lu Chen felt that he had to lower his posture to welcome those who wanted to join the Chenxing Gate.

Since Lu Chen and the old man said that, they would definitely not just talk about it. They wanted to make the practitioners in the Garden of Eden sensational and shocked by this name.

"En, yes, grandpa, you continue." Lu Chen couldn't help being polite. Although his strength is beyond doubt, Lu Chen is not so arrogant that he can't listen to other people's opinions. To the old man Lu Chen also figured out his thoughts, which can be described as insightful.

Now that Lu Chen has upset the Zhuge family, it is a perfect opportunity, let alone other sects, or unknown cultivators, even people from the Zhuge family, have to consider how long the Zhuge family can stay in the Garden of Eden. The general status of the overlord.

Today, even though Lu Chen bullied them, no one could kill Lu Chen, and even the strong ones sent out one after another did not affect Lu Chen's provocation against the Zhuge family. Lu Chen became more vigorous and shocked the Zhuge family. The ancestor Zhuge Batian was there, but Zhuge Batian, who had been in retreat for so many years, had nothing to do with Lu Chen. I have to say that Zhuge Batian put some pressure on Lu Chen, but more of the effect was to stimulate Lu. Chen's potential.

"Since a school has been established, a steady stream of fresh blood must be added. Those low-powered cultivators mostly come for the cultivation resources of the Chenxingmen. Among them, we must consider the cultivation of talented leaders." The old man Somewhat dumbfoundingly, he glanced at Lu Chen, even though he was a genius evildoer, compared with Lu Chen, it was a difference of tens of thousands of miles. Even the first day of Eden, Zhuge Yu, could not be found under Lu Chen's hands. Once confident, Zhuge Yu was so famous and unfathomable. Although he suffered a dumb loss, he planned to seek revenge against Lu Chen, but he ended up in a dead end.

"Well, this is natural." Lu Chen nodded. He couldn't start the Chenxingmen. It's just him and the old man. They are pure strange commanders. Since they want to absorb fresh blood, they need adequate treatment and Welfare, to attract these people, Lu Chen’s name is one aspect, and the most important thing should be publicity. Lu Chen’s current name is unique. As long as he sends a message, basically the entire city of Eden will be filled with people. Everybody knows.

"Old man, I have devoted my entire life to alchemy. This time I created a school for you. I will take out all the good-quality pills that I stocked up before. As long as I join my Chenxingmen, I have a chance to get a top-quality pill. Of course , The specific quality depends on the individual’s talent potential and their perceptual strength. These many factors need to be measured.” The old man said softly, and Lu Chen thought a little, “Just a pill is not enough, some practice techniques are needed. , And the weapon of the gods." Since Lu Chen decided to establish his own school, he must do better than other schools and families.

Due to the background, apart from those first-class families and sects, few sects can meet the needs of every cultivator. After all, Lu Chen understands the truth that there are too many monks and porridge, and the panacea on the market is expensive, or it is a rich The children of the Dagui Family are either genius leaders who are valued by their families and forces, otherwise they have no hope of obtaining many cultivation resources.

But Lu Chen had a different idea. As long as he joined his Chenxing Gate, he was worthy of him. Whether he came for Lu Chen’s name or for the sake of his future development, Lu Chen must make every effort to consider him. , How to train them, and then let them increase their strength faster than other forces, this is the key, only in this way can Lu Chen's Chenxing Gate continue to grow.

Lu Chen knew this too well. After the old man analyzed it, he carefully considered it, and Lu Chen would think of everything that was not analyzed.

"Okay, I have a solution for these." Lu Chen said in a loud voice, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He has already figured out a countermeasure. He has a pretty good relationship with Jubao Pavilion now, plus Lu Chen's soaring Strength, as long as Lu Chen greeted him, I'm afraid Jubao Pavilion would not refuse his request.

Moreover, Lu Chen is not the kind of person who eats Bawang’s meal. He will not let Jubao Pavilion lose money, but will help him create a sect. That said, it is completely affecting the face of Chenxingmen, so Lu Chen wants to adopt an exchange method. Basically, the panacea can be used as money in the market. After all, every cultivator will not refuse the temptation of the panacea. They keep hoarding wealth to improve their strength, and the panacea is the most direct way to improve strength.

Even Lu Chen would think of taking a panacea at the critical moment of his life, let alone those with ordinary talent and potential. They don’t have many ways, so they can only rely on the pill. For this reason, the panacea is basically Lu Chen knew the situation in short supply.

It just so happens that the speed at which he refines the elixir is unique, and no one can match it. Whether it is the technique of alchemy mastered by the Hongmeng Jue, or the later, pretending to be learned here by the old man, it has produced Lu Chen. The subtle effect. In this way, even though Lu Chen has just entered the doorway on the surface, in reality, even a Rank 6 or 7 alchemist cannot be compared with Lu Chen.

As long as he was given enough time to refine the pills in batches, Lu Chen was so excited, he began to admire his wise and martial arts, at least because he was able to turn his advantage into an urgent matter.

When the old man heard Lu Chen’s acceptance, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was full of joy. Originally, the old man could only provide medicinal pills. He knew Lu Chen's methods. Besides, Jubao Pavilion and Lu Chen were not related. Shallow, it's really not difficult to get magic weapons and magic pills.

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