Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2253: Crazy move

Ru Pingdie chuckled secretly, staring at the alchemist's door with joy. I don't know when, the old man walked to the side of Ru Pingdie, his eyes were full of light, and he was quite excited.

Last time Lu Chen only took three days, and he came out like a hill-like panacea. Five days this time, it can't be worse than last time.

As the saying goes, people go to high places and water flows to low places. Since Lu Chen's strength has improved, it means that Lu Chen's alchemy skills may regress. That will not be good for Lu Chen, after all, the saying goes well. , Fish and bear's paw can't have both, Lu Chen never doubted this sentence.

He was not like that. Although he hadn't refined the pill for a while, Lu Chen was basically familiar with the knowledge of pill, so he was quite satisfied with the pill he refined this time. .

When Lu Chen appeared in the eyes of the two, there was a faint smile on his mouth. Cheng Zhu's aura on his chest suddenly showed. Although the old man didn't ask what was happening to Lu Chen, he knew in his heart that this kid might have a certain degree. For this, the old man is convinced of the progress.

"Susu." A puff of aura permeated from the alchemy room. Within a hundred meters, a thin mist was shrouded in a thin mist. The residents nearby could clearly feel the breath of heaven and earth.

As far as their cultivation is concerned, it is definitely a multiplier with less effort. Lu Chen's eyes flashed through, and before he could speak, he took advantage of the magic carpet and rose into the air. The nearby cultivators also felt this unique abnormal phenomenon. , They came out one after another to discuss the dispute, what kind of situation is this, causing such a magical change in the surrounding heaven and earth atmosphere.

Suddenly, a hearty laughter spread across the sky, "Haha, I must have found out, so I won’t sell any lawsuits anymore. Now, I officially announce the establishment of Chenxingmen. Heroes and geniuses from all parties can join. As long as you have the talent, potential, and strength, no matter if you are from another school before, you will be able to accept it. Hehe, some people may ask, are you not worried about spies? Don't worry, as the saying goes, the morality is high and the magic is high. , As long as you dare to come, I believe that no one will lower my eyelids and act recklessly. If you don’t believe me, you can try.” Lu Chen said lightly. Everyone didn’t know who it was, but they felt a little familiar with this voice. After suddenly realizing, the whispering voice spread to every corner nearby. Although Lu Chen's voice could not cover the entire city of Eden, the power of the trio to become a tiger is not to be underestimated. For Lu Chen's strength, that is nothing. Suspiciously, after Lu Chen announced the news in a very high-profile manner, it quickly caused various sensations. Lu Chen actually wanted to create a school.

He also said that there are noses and eyes. Lu Chen created dazzling miracles one after another, which made everyone feel weird. Could it be that Lu Chen had no ambitions, just thinking about how to deal with his enemies, and Lu Chen discovered that even the Zhuge family called themselves It was a family dominated by one side. After nothing was considered, he took the idea of ​​starting a school and tried to play around?

Everyone immediately thought that it was possible. After all, Lu Chen was young, and after achieving world-renowned brilliant achievements, he would not be content to be calm. Even the Zhuge family couldn’t help Lu Chen. He shook it with his own power. For the entire Zhuge family, this is an unparalleled glory.

Moreover, because of Lu Chen’s performance, many people have developed admiration, envy and jealousy towards Lu Chen, so when Lu Chen announced the establishment of the school in a high-profile manner, they were the most excited, Lu Chen still didn’t know. After he announced it, not long after, the entire city of Eden boiled a lot because of his words.

One after another, the discussion sounded from all corners of the city of Eden, "Oh, thank God, Lu Chen can be regarded as opening his eyes, I am also lucky, wait until Lu Chen founded the school." A sturdy man geared his hands and was eager to try. His strength is considered middle-to-lower in Eden City. If he wants to join other sects, it will be a little difficult. Since Lu Chen is a newly established sect, he needs a variety of personnel. His strength is low. At one point, it is also possible to fish in troubled waters, which is undeniable.

"Damn, just like you, don't look at what virtues you are, how can Chenxingmen accept you?" The partner next to him looked disdainful, but he raised his head and chest, clearly thinking that he was speaking better than before. There are a lot of strong men.

"Huh, why don't we all try and see who Chenxingmen wants? I don't believe it. I'm not as strong as you, just wait and see." The sturdy guy didn't hit the spot, shouted angrily and patted. Patted the shoulder of the man next to him.

The latter doesn't seem weird either. This big guy has this kind of character. If he shows a friendly attitude towards people, it would be a little strange.

"Well, go and go, who is afraid of who!" They competed against each other. Of course, there are many people like this, and their strengths are high or low. Just a word from Lu Chen, the discussion of Chenxingmen has reached unprecedented popularity Altitude, after all, the topic of Lu Chen has been a curious way for many cultivators for this period of time, but Lu Chen didn't take it as a matter, perhaps it was already accustomed to it.

Since the news that Lu Chen lived in the old man’s house was well-known, many people soon visited the old man’s house and then asked about the situation of the Chenxing Gate. The old man was so busy and devised various plans. The time they announced was a bit rush, so there was no way to deal with this sudden wave.

Even so, everyone couldn't see Lu Chen at all. They asked the old man in a friendly and polite manner, and the answer was that Lu Chen would not come forward under normal circumstances, and everyone had no choice but to accept this statement. They also knew very well that Lu Chen didn't have enough time to cultivate when he reached that level of extreme power. How could he have a chance to meet them?

But when everyone was discouraged, the old man comforted him in time and admitted that as long as everyone had a chance to successfully enter the Chenxing Gate, they would have the opportunity to meet Lu Chen sooner or later and get the opportunity to teach him personally. There is no doubt that this is great news.

There are peerless powerhouses like Lu Chen to teach them, are you still worried that your strength will not improve? All kinds of fanaticism and excitement are beyond words, all showing their best side, but they just want to join Chenxingmen.

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