The old man was dizzy, and at the same time, he had good friends for many years. They also took the initiative to visit him. These people had almost cut off contact with the old man, because the old man was a bit unprepared. He only knew that he was addicted to alchemy. Forget that improving strength is the key to self-protection.

Although there are some medicines that can perform unexpectedly, they don’t rely on foreign objects. Only when they become stronger can they ensure that everything is under control. After all, there are only a few people like the old man, but they are not what they used to be. With Lu Chen, a good apprentice, it was destined that he would not be able to fall into obscurity afterwards, and Lu Chen not only successfully allowed the old man to reach the level of a fifth-grade alchemist.

Moreover, he gave the old man all the affairs of the Chenxing Gate to the old man. Lu Chen could be said to be the shopkeeper, and he didn't need to ask anything at all, but the old man didn't mind. On the contrary, he was very happy. This fully proved Lu Chen's care for him. Trust, Lu Chen just told the old man some suggestions and asked him to consider as much as possible.

After absorbing them one by one, the old man worked out a set of routines and methods in line with the development of Chenxingmen under the gradual changes.

It turned out that Lu Chen at this time had already arrived at the Jubao Pavilion. He was outspoken to look for Huang Zhongzheng. The guy was unusually polite, and he was no stranger to Lu Chen's face.

So after Lu Chen made the request, he naturally didn't dare to refuse. Soon Huang Zhongzheng appeared in front of Lu Chen, "Uncle Huang, let's take a step to speak." Lu Chen glanced around and realized that this time he came, pay attention to the surroundings. Lu Chen was a little depressed when there were not a few of his own people. When he came before, few people had deliberately paid attention.

Now he can be the focus wherever he goes. This makes Lu Chen a little irritated. He doesn’t know what to say. Huang Zhongzheng showed a comprehensive expression. Then, under Huang Zhongzheng’s leadership, he came to a secret room. No ridicule said, "Hey, your kid is enough, and you have to create your own school. In the past few hundred years, no young man can surpass you."

Huang Zhongzheng said solemnly and involuntarily thumbed up, embarrassing Lu Chen.

"Where is Uncle Huang also heard about this?" Lu Chen asked knowingly.

"I'm afraid that few people in Eden City don't know about you. Such behavior, handwriting, tsk tsk." Huang Zhong couldn't help but feel emotional, and Lu Chen nodded, "Since Uncle Huang knows everything, then I don't want to hide it. It shouldn’t be troublesome for Uncle Huang, but the creation of the sect requires a lot of cultivating natural treasures and magic weapons. I can’t get it out, so I want to ask Uncle Huang for help and buy a batch for me, just at the normal price. Don't let Jubao Pavilion lose money." Lu Chen hugged his fists and said politely.

When he is asking for help, Lu Chen naturally wants to lower his stature. Huang Zhongzheng has helped Lu Chen a lot of times, but he has also indirectly gotten closer to Lu Chen. This is enough to show that Huang Zhongzheng is already standing by Lu Chen. From a standpoint, the big deal, Lu Chen allowed Huang Zhongzheng to be a named elder, which was considered to be his approval.

Although Huang Zhong is a member of the Jubao Pavilion, he is not without the right to be the named elder of his Star Gate. Huang Zhongzheng patted his chest, "Don't worry about this, just wrap it on me." Huang Zhongzheng didn't worry about anything, Lu Chen can now be said to be a promise, even if Lu Chen didn't take out any funds, his face was enough to represent everything.

"Hey, don't let Huang Shubai be busy. Take these panacea first, and then sell them quickly. It doesn't matter if the price is a little lower, then buy a batch of natural treasures and magic weapons." Lu Chen Dalailai changed a big bag of miraculous medicines, all of which were above the fifth-rank quality. Even the rare medicines had reached this level.

This is Lu Chen's five-day masterpiece. After Huang Zhongzheng took a look, he felt a huge wave in his heart. Even if Lu Chen had a fifth-rank alchemist master, he wouldn't have so much inventory, right?

Is it possible that Lu Chen created a school, and the old man wants to bring out all the old things? This seems unreasonable. Huang Zhongzheng felt that it was the old man who tried his best to help Lu Chen in order to win over Lu Chen.

After all, Lu Chen has achieved certain results, and his old man can also get the supreme glory and rewards, "No need for this, Uncle Huang will help you pad it, just treat it as a member of your Chenxingmen." Huang Zhongzheng was full of solemn expression. It was not like a joke, Lu Chen was stunned, but a little surprised. Huang Zhongzheng hadn't considered it so far-reaching, and it exceeded Lu Chen's expectations.

"Uncle Huang, you become a member of my Chenxing Gate, then I am naturally a hundred willing and welcome, but if you have to pay for it, then it is mine." Lu Chen shook his head without thinking. Rejecting Huang Zhongzheng's kindness, Huang Zhongzheng was slightly depressed, and couldn't help but secretly cheer.

He is also unwilling to take such a big risk. Although Lu Chen's strength is extraordinary, he dare not compliment him in terms of management. In case something goes wrong, he is required to bear the consequences. Huang Zhongzheng is a man The businessman is one of the senior members of Jubao Pavilion. It can be said that he is very clever in this regard. Lu Chen is undeniable in terms of strength, but it is understandable that he is a little worse in other places.

After all, no one is perfect. If Lu Chen is said to be omnipotent, and these miraculous medicines were made by himself, Huang Zhong would not believe it, but instead felt that Lu Chen was talking big.

So Lu Chen didn't need to care about anything like Uncle Huang on this kind of thing. Huang Zhongzheng was moved by the caution that Lu Chen showed, and he didn't say anything.

"Yes, Uncle Huang will give you the fairest price. You can rest assured." Huang Zhongzheng said lightly, but expressed his unique determination, and a smug smile appeared in Lu Chen's eyes.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Huang." Lu Chen hugged his fists, and said goodbye, "If there is nothing wrong with Uncle Huang, then I'll take a step ahead."

"Wait." Huang Zhongzheng was a little anxious. After a pause, he said in a bit embarrassed manner, "I want to see you, the lord of Jubao Pavilion." The concise and concise words made Lu Chen's eyes light up involuntarily. A good thing.

The master of Jubao Pavilion has always been fascinating. Wherever there is the possibility of taking the initiative to meet others, Lu Chen is different. He has excellent contacts and even a blockbuster rise performance. Even the master of Jubao Pavilion has produced him. Out of curiosity, using Huang Zhongzheng's identity to make this request to Lu Chen couldn't be more appropriate.

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