After all, Huang Zhongzheng's help to Lu Chen five times and three times fully demonstrated Huang Zhongzheng's friendly treatment. Lu Chen was not the kind of cruel and ruthless person, so naturally there was no need to reject Huang Zhongzheng.

"Okay, Uncle Huang, please lead the way." Lu Chen was quite polite, waved his hand, and Uncle Huang couldn't help but surprise. Lu Chen was refreshed. He hadn't thought about it. In that case, he also saved a lot of trouble. .

It seems that the good relationship with Lu Chen before has been rewarded. Huang Zhongzheng's hard work is also worthwhile. At this time, Huang Zhongzheng recognized Lu Chen.

In a short while, Lu Chen bypassed the numerous pavilions and came to a central location. The pavilion was exquisite and compact, yet elegant and beautiful. Lu Chen secretly praised it as the Jubao Pavilion, no matter where it was, it showed Unique style.

People who live here are a kind of enjoyment, because the treasure pavilion is like a paradise, which makes him a little envious. Although this kind of life is not bad, it is easy to make people feel stagnant. The situation is not conducive to such a construction. What he needs is the space to continuously improve his strength, not to indulge in a flat and stable life.

"It made you laugh." Huang Zhongzheng seemed to see Lu Chen's thoughts, and suddenly he said something. Lu Chen couldn't help laughing and scratching his head, "Nothing."

He changed his mind, this can only explain one thing. People's state of mind here should have reached a certain state. There is no doubt about this.

"Go." Huang Zhongzheng made a polite gesture, and Lu Chen nodded, walked into the pavilion, and suddenly felt a breath locked in him.

That majestic and extremely hidden, it would be impossible to find out if it hadn't been for Lu Chen's careful observation. After Lu Chen's strength increased, he could find many people who secretly observed him.

Imagine that the fat guy from outside Jiuzhongtian hadn't escaped Lu Chen's detection, let alone those from Jubao Pavilion? Although the fat man's strength was constrained in a low-level space like the Garden of Eden, people at that level were unable to exert their strength to the best of their ability due to the constraints of the world.

Otherwise, those seemingly solid spaces will not be spared. Even though the Garden of Eden is only a low-level space, there are tens of millions of cultivators in it. Therefore, the reincarnation of heaven does not allow the real strong to do that, otherwise they will suffer. Heaven's punishment, this is also the reason why the fat man did not dare to exert his full strength unscrupulously.

He also had some taboos, but Lu Chen didn't understand this yet, so he could only prove it slowly through his own guesses.

Lu Chen followed Huang Zhongzheng upstairs. Suddenly, the surrounding scenery became a lot of illusion. Lu Chen was a little stunned. The first reaction was to guard against it. Who knows if there is any potential danger here, but Seeing Huang Zhongzheng's serious face, he recovered and felt that he was thinking too much.

Sure enough, the next moment, a middle-aged man who was meditating not far away, said incomprehensible language, and Lu Chen frowned. This should not be illusory.

If it is false, it gives Lu Chen an immersive and very realistic feeling, so Lu Chen directly ruled out the possibility of illusion, basically no, then who is the middle-aged person in front of him? Lu Chen couldn't help but became curious, Huang Zhongzheng saw this scene, and slightly cheated.

Lu Chen shouldn't take it lightly this time.

A majestic, but rather restrained atmosphere of heaven and earth radiated from the middle-aged man. Before Lu Chen and Huang Zhongzheng could speak, the middle-aged man turned around, and Huang Zhongzheng was polite and respectful. Said, "I have met Uncle Master and brought Lu Chen to the best of all expectations."

"Okay, you go down, I have a few words, I have to talk to Lu Chen alone." The middle-aged man Feng Qingyun said lightly, Huang Zhongzheng nodded and said yes, Lu Chen was also sure of himself with his subtle observation I heard it right, that Huang Zhongzheng actually called the middle-aged man Shishu.

"Okay." Huang Zhongzheng left immediately. He gave Lu Chen a deep look. Although he was a little bit sorry for Lu Chen, his uncle's instructions made Huang Zhongzheng not be able to shirk it. As a result, Lu Chen appeared to be in a disadvantaged position. After all, he faced a vain Master Uncle without knowing anything, how could he have confidence?

"Senior is good." Lu Chen is also respectful. Lu Chen is well aware of the strength of this person. He is almost on the same level as Zhuge Batian. Lu Chen's current strength has broken through, so he doesn't care about it. Middle-aged man gave him oppression.

"Hehe, boy, you are really polite." Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man was not aggressive, but smiled friendly at Lu Chen, which made him completely at a loss, but Lu Chen took a deep breath." Senior is worthy of my admiration, so naturally you have to be polite. There is nothing wrong with this, right?"

Lu Chen has always been able to speak well. When the middle-aged man asked him the reason, his alarm clock flashed brightly and thought of a countermeasure.

This middle-aged man was to test his details. At this time, although there was no immediate tension, Lu Chen could feel it. This was an indirect test of Jubao Pavilion to him. Can be taken lightly.

Because when Lu Chen heard Huang Zhongzheng calling this middle-aged man his uncle, Lu Chen figured it out. In fact, Huang Zhongzheng wasn't the real senior in Jubao Pavilion, otherwise there would be a uncle.

Moreover, the location of this pavilion is the best, which proves that this person's status is unique in Jubao Pavilion, and the superior temperament that the middle-aged man inadvertently reveals also impressed and amazed Lu Chen. People may be the helm of the treasure-gathering pavilion here! !

The helm, in three simple words, represents the infinite ability and background, even though Lu Chen announced the establishment of the Chenxing Gate, he also belongs to the real helm.

It’s just that it hasn’t started operation yet, but Lu Chen is well aware of the hardships and difficulties. Unexpectedly, this middle-aged man looks kind and friendly, without any pretensions, and does not seem to be the person behind the strategy. , Lu Chen's meditation was accidentally discovered by the middle-aged man. He couldn't help but smiled, as if he had considered what Lu Chen was thinking.

"Young man, since you have the ability to create your own forces, I will give you all kinds of experience and experience. The old man wants to see what miracles your kid can create." The middle-aged man looked jokingly. Zhi Se looked at Lu Chen, the latter was slightly startled, and instantly overjoyed.

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