"My Jubao Pavilion will deliver a batch of supplies to the Pantheon in two months. Do you want to be a guardian?" Quinay's eyes flashed past. Not long ago, he heard Huang Zhongzheng say that Lu Chen planned to go to Wantheon. The temple, but relying on the means of one person, how difficult it is to enter the Pantheon, that millennium spar is not so easy to find.

But their Jubao Pavilion is different. After hundreds of years of accumulation, the Millennium Spar has some stocks. Although Huang Zhong was in front of Lu Chen last time, he did not reveal this. It was because he did not have the right to save the Millennium Crystal. The stone was sold to Lu Chen, that kind of thing basically had a price but no market.

But when Huang Zhongzheng reported the incident to Quinay, although Quinay did not approve Huang Zhongzheng to take out the millennium spar and befriend Lu Chen, he did a favor, which made Huang Zhongzheng overjoyed. Before I brought Lu Chen in, I expected that Lu Chen would be grateful for him.

Sure enough, when Lu Chen heard the words, his eyes lit up involuntarily, and then he said lightly, "Well, since it is the kind invitation of the senior, the junior will naturally not refuse."

Quesnay thought to himself that this kid was obviously a good bargainer. He was really thick-skinned, but Lu Chen finally agreed. Anyway, they do lack a strong and powerful escort. Although in this city of Eden, there is none. What forces provoke them to gather treasure pavilion, but it is different after arriving at the Pantheon, where the strong are like clouds, and one accidentally will **** these goods, so they still sailed carefully.

With a master such as Lu Chen betting on darts, he can basically rest assured, "This time the destination for betting on darts is the Wang family with the strongest overall strength in the Pantheon. When you take them there, be polite. Once working with someone else, the relationship can't be too awkward, and you can only get along with each other." Quesnay reminded him, still worried that Lu Chen might have a mistake.

He entrusted this arduous and important task to Lu Chen, and it proved that Quenai, that is, the entire Jubao Pavilion, recognized Lu Chen. Although Quenai is a helm, in fact, he has another identity. A veritable businessman.

"En, I understand." Lu Chenfeng nodded lightly. He was still a little curious about this Wang family. Why did it sound familiar? But Lu Chen didn't remember it for a while, and simply didn't want to.

"Okay, then you go." Quinay waved his hand, and then continued to meditate. Lu Chen quietly left, unwilling to disturb Quinay's practice.

After all, his energy in all aspects is also limited, and he has to take care of the elites of the Jubao Pavilion, and he can't let go of his cultivation. Compared with Lu Chen, he is a lot miserable.

Because Lu Chen was relieved of the old man, he became a hand-shovel shopkeeper, and Quenai had to do everything himself. He believed that the best way could be done.

Lu Chen saw Huang Zhongzheng as soon as he left the pavilion, with a gentle smile on his face, "Well, Shishu didn't make things difficult for you?" His words showed concern for Lu Chen.

"Hey, fortunately, he gave me a task-to hold a dart." In front of Huang Zhong, Lu Chen had nothing to hide, and Huang Zhongzheng probably knew it well.

"Well, that's how important his old man is to you." Huang Zhongzheng patted Lu Chen on the shoulder and glanced at him with profound meaning. Lu Chen is indeed a genius leader who has not been born in a thousand years, and his uncle is generally straightforward. Interviewing those who have been famous for a long time, even the first day before Zhuge Yu, did not have the opportunity to meet, so this is regarded as a recognition of Lu Chen, invisibly demonstrates Lu Chen's unique status And identity.

"Thank you." Lu Chen nodded, as long as he could go to the Pantheon, he wouldn't mind being a grasshopper on the same line with Jubao Pavilion. Lu Chen was anxious when he heard that he wanted five thousand-year spars. Fortunately, he didn't look around at the time, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of work?

Although this Jubao Pavilion concealed some things from him, Huang Zhongzheng did not tell Lu Chen exactly whether the Jubao Pavilion had a millennium spar, but it is undeniable that Jubao Pavilion still remembered Lu Chen at a critical time. Heading to the Pantheon, Lu Chen will use everything to prove himself.

At the beginning, Wang Xinya's indifferent and disdainful eyesight struck Lu Chen so deeply that he has been practicing hard day and night, and now he has come to the fore and achieved a little glory and achievements.

There are still two months left. For Lu Chen, it is enough. He is not sure how far he can progress, but Lu Chen has absolute confidence in himself, so he can break through the limit. He never believed The saying that his skills are inferior to humans, as long as other genius leaders can do it, why can't Lu Chen do it? He has to do better than these people to prove that Lu Chen is excellent, no one can compare.

"En, yes, Lu Chen, I just went to help you ask, my Jubao Pavilion can provide ready-made magic weapons and heavenly materials, 5,000 pieces each, and there will be some later." Huang Zhongzheng took advantage of the landing. When Chen was talking with Quinay, he went to ask about the situation in a hurry, and said eagerly.

"Aha? Well, it's almost the early stage to get 10,000 pieces of natural treasures and magic soldiers." Lu Chen said with a smile. He didn't expect Huang Zhongzheng's efficiency to reach this level, and he was still quite moved.

After all, Huang Zhongzheng takes his affairs at heart, and Jubao Pavilion has a rich background, and can take out 5,000 pieces each in one breath. From Huang Zhongzheng’s tone, it can be imagined that these things are not ordinary goods, otherwise they would not be embarrassed to give Lu Chen. Up.

As long as there are 5,000 pieces of each of these two things, the initial development of Chenxingmen will be no problem. Lu Chen has discussed with the old man before, and now it is quite clear when he talks with Huang Zhongzheng.

"Uncle Huang, there is nothing wrong, right? Then I will go back first. I guess there is not enough manpower there." Lu Chen smiled and said hello. Huang Zhongzheng didn't keep Lu Chen either.

Along the way, Lu Chen heard all kinds of discussions, all about the Chenxing Gate. The corner of Lu Chen’s mouth always wore a faint smile. It seems that the enthusiasm of the discussion is inseparable from his voice. Naturally, Lu Chen knew this well.

"Hey, isn't that Lu Chen?" Suddenly a childish boy said with curiosity, and pointed at Lu Chen at the same time. Although Lu Chen walked with his head down, he still exposed his identity due to his height. .

"What, are you talking about the Lu Chen who upset Zhuge's family?" Sure enough, the attention of passers-by was concentrated, obviously because of the effect of this kid's words.

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