Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2258: Attract talent

Lu Chen was sweating profusely. This kind of focus of attention was something he had never thought of before. It seemed that after making a fuss about Zhuge's family, he was completely famous.

Indeed, Lu Chen chose a good time to set up his own Chenxing Gate. If before he severely inflicted Zhuge’s family, few people would willingly stand on the same front with him, let alone join the newly founded Chenxing. Gate, it can be said that that has no effect. After all, it is not so simple for many cultivators to join their sect willingly, and to serve the Chenxing Gate.

There must always be a point that can convince everyone. After that, Lu Chen's position as a benchmark has laid the future and future of Chenxingmen. Everyone felt that the reason why Lu Chen was able to create incomparable at a young age The miracle is not without reason.

It should have been some kind of magical experience, perhaps by chance, or the mysterious and unpredictable inheritance in the legend, only in this way can we explain the origin of Lu Chen's strength.

Everyone only saw the tyrannical side of Lu Chen's scenery. In fact, Lu Chen's achievements today are inseparable from his efforts.

"Yeah, that's Lu Chen, if you don't believe me, take a look." The echoed voice immediately sounded, and everyone fixed their eyes. Among them, many people who went to Zhuge's house to watch the excitement that day happened to meet Lu Chen. So they are confident that they can recognize Lu Chen at a glance.

"It seems to be true, but didn't Lu Chen just founded the supreme and infinite potential Chenxing Gate? How come there is still time to walk slowly here? Could it be someone who looks alike?" Various questioning voices One after another, Lu Chen was a little depressed when he heard that, why should he be a busy person, and Shenlong would be willing to let it go if he sees the beginning and the end? However, Lu Chen understood the ideas of these people. After all, in Lu Chen's view, his progress was beyond doubt.

The strength demonstrated was that these people looked forward to the existence of jealousy and envy, so these people deliberately sanctified Lu Chen, and Lu Chen didn't deny anything, and still went on his own.

"How could it be fake? Lu Chen is my idol. I can judge his temperament at a glance. If you don't understand it, don't talk nonsense." A young girl of Fang-age looked at Lu Chen shyly, the affectionate and eye-catching Qiubo It looked like it was clearly seduce Lu Chen, who was a little embarrassed, but fortunately he was the kind of person who didn't squint and sit still, otherwise it wouldn't be a big mess.

"Little girl, didn't you get along with that pockmark? Why, you want to call Lu Chen's attention again?" A delicate and seductive voice sounded next to him, and Lu Chen licked the corner of his eye for a while. I don't know, I was shocked when I saw that, even though this woman was not good at rouge and gouache on her face, she still belonged to the kind of unsightly person even under the well-dressed.

For wasting the sweet and beautiful sounds of nature in vain, Lu Chen sighed, speeding up his pace. It would be useful to practice more if he wasted time here. This is a mixture of fish and dragons, and their strength is very low.

Those people were a little nervous when they saw that Lu Chen was about to leave. They were sure that Lu Chen in front of them was that Lu Chen who was turning the clouds and raining and disturbing Zhuge's chickens and dogs, even though those people surrounded Lu Chen with water, he still Be able to open up a path through your own Five Elements Qi.

Lu Chen couldn't help feeling full of emotions. This celebrity effect was sometimes quite terrifying. When he first approached the old man's house, the crowded scene really made Lu Chen a cold sweat. Is this old man still busy? ?

Shouldn’t he give the old man a little task and put him to death. After all, he is a lot of age and has limited energy in all aspects, but when Lu Chen saw that the old man was busy and happy, he could be considered secretly. With a sigh of relief, Ru Pingdie was messing around, and Lu Chen couldn't help but laugh.

This little Nizi, no matter what she did, she always dealt with it intently. Just as Lu Chen was about to take a detour into the house, a familiar figure appeared not far away. The figure was not tall and mighty, but it was a kind of The feeling of perseverance.

Lu Chen couldn't help sighing for good luck, because the person in front of him was Wang Xiaohu who Lu Chen happened to meet in Pingyun Village not long ago. On that day, Wang Xiaohu's stubbornness completely moved Lu Chen, and he would draw his sword to help if he saw injustice. Otherwise, Lu Chen Not the kind of nosy person.

But the will of heaven seems to be freely arranged in the dark. Lu Chen founded the school of Chenxingmen. In a short time, it spread throughout the city of Eidian. Not only that, because Lu Chen left without saying goodbye last time, Wang Xiaohu began to go around. Looking for the traces of Lu Chen, his purpose is nothing but to make himself stronger.

Since Lu Chen helped him, he has the hope of apprenticeship to Lu Chen. As long as there is a little hope, he will not give up easily. Therefore, Wang Xiaohu wandered around the mountains and rivers to look for Lu Chen. He felt that such a strong man should come from strong. In the city of Eden, when Wang Xiaohu first entered the city of Eden, he heard Lu Chen's familiar voice and announced the establishment of the school.

Wang Xiaohu became more and more excited, and felt that God treats himself badly. No matter whether he has the talent and qualifications to enter the Chenxing Gate, he must try his best. He doesn't want to be bullied and insulted, that kind of life of resignation. It's enough.

After Lu Chen left, a few days later, Young Master Zhang began to put on small shoes for him again. Although there was no open and honest suppression, the discerning people could basically see it, so Wang Xiaohu seized an opportunity and hurriedly escaped. He wants to change his destiny through his own efforts. Sooner or later, he will return to Pingyun Village and wash away his previous hatred.

But when Wang Xiaohu came to the old man’s house, he found that his thoughts were too naive and simple. It turned out that his savior, Lu Chen, had such a powerful appeal. After hearing all kinds of comments, he praised Lu Chen. Ability, Wang Xiaohu couldn't help but become excited.

Only then did I realize that Lu Chen, who is not much older than himself, possesses the strength to overwhelm the sky, and look at those who want to join the Chenxing Gate, they all have a skill. Although the Chenxing Gate is initially established, all aspects need to be recruited. The requirements for recruiting talents are also lower than those of other major groups, but just now he heard the old man say that since the recruiting of personnel is almost the same, he has begun to raise the requirements for recruiting talents. This immediately frustrated Wang Xiaohu.

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