Lu Chen frowned. This was a bit different from what he had judged. "Buy my life at a high price? It's that simple?!" Lu Chen's voice increased a few decibels, showing a look of impatience, and the surroundings were gloomy. The breath suppressed the man in black to the point that he couldn’t breathe. Lu Chen’s horrible means, even if he furiously resisted, had no effect. At this time, he was bullied by a dog. The feeling of grief and anger in my heart is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"It's that simple!" The man in black nodded without hesitation, and the triumphant color in his eyes flashed away. Even though it was not easy to observe, under Lu Chen's cautious attention, there was still nothing to hide.

The man in black noticed Lu Chen's playful look, with a nervous expression on his face, thinking that he wouldn't be able to see it by Lu Chen, then for him, it would be more fortunate.

He hasn't seen Lu Chen's cruelty. I'm afraid that if he answered a little bit slower before, his head may fall to the ground. The sharpness of Lu Chen's Hongmeng sword is beyond doubt.

Now Lu Chen seems to have seen his expiration. It seems that it is not so easy for Lu Chen to raise his precious hand. The man in black has some regrets. He knew that Lu Chen was so difficult to deal with, so he would not take on this task. Not to mention, I also touched the show.

It's no wonder that many colleagues in the industry dare not take on that task. He didn't deliberately inquire about Lu Chen's situation before, so he fell into a disadvantage.

Under the circumstance of underestimating the enemy, Lu Chen naturally won by opportunism. Thinking of this, the man in black felt heartbroken. It is a pity that there is no regret in the world. Since he can be successfully promoted to a diamond-level assassin, there are lives on his hands. It is also countless.

When he threatened the lives of others, the people in black didn’t take it seriously, but now when it’s his turn, the situation is completely different. The people in black deeply understand the pain and helplessness, as long as Lu Chen was willing, he could lose his life at any time, even though he hated this feeling very much, but the Hongmeng Sword he was resting on his neck could be seen clearly.

The man in black dared not act rashly. He felt that he was so wise and confused for a moment. If he didn't give Lu Chen a chance to catch his breath at the beginning, everything would fall into place, and Lu Chen wouldn't be able to get to where he is now.

The man in black gritted his teeth and his face became uncertain. Just when Lu Chen frowned and became impatient, the man in black carefully cleared his throat, and said solemnly, "Well, let's not hide it. I come from Specializing in cultivating killers."

Lu Chen nodded, isn't this nonsense? Even he knew this very well, saying that he didn't say it. Lu Chen didn't take it to heart, and said in a hurry, "There's more, keep talking."

"The person who posted the task, I actually don't know it myself, unless I bring your head, cough cough, and go to see him, I can't get it out." The man in black had to tell Lu Chen all this. Originally, he was also thinking about whether he could seize the last chance to reverse, but after thinking about it, he gave up this plan and decided.

In case of failure, what awaits him is bound to perish. There is no benefit to that. If Lu Chen is unscathed, it would be quite unworthy if Lu Chen had changed his body and head.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Lu Chen was a little curious. He glanced at the man in black and found that his expression had not changed. He didn't look like a joking person. He didn't expect that the killer organization system was still very complete. Chenxingmen is in its infancy, and everything needs to start from scratch.

Lu Chen wasn't in a hurry. He had absolute confidence. Under his leadership, the Chenxing Gate would become better and better. After all, Lu Chen still has an old man like a right man, and he doesn't care about some things.

Although Lu Chen's current strength is fairly good, he himself is not satisfied. After seeing a fat man from the outside world, Lu Chen understands that he is just a frog in the bottom of the well, the world is boundless, and what he sees is only part of it.

Therefore, only by constantly improving his strength can he ensure that his own interests will not be affected by others. If the Hongmeng Sword had not rejected the fat man last time, Lu Chen could only watch the Hongmeng Sword being taken away by others. I am afraid that no one would feel that way. Understandable.

Lu Chen was also desperate at the time. Fortunately, Hongmeng Sword had been with him for a long time. It could be said that it became a part of Lu Chen's body. After all, the wonderful combination of human sword and sword cannot be easily mastered by everyone. Lu Chen knew this well.

What surprised Lu Chen even more was that Hongmengjian seemed to be able to convey some information to him recently. Although it was a very weak one, Lu Chen still felt it. As his strength continued to evolve, Hongmengjian also experienced a little Variety.

If he wants to further reveal the secret of the Hongmeng Sword, he must change everything through his own efforts. Lu Chen took a deep breath and thought for a while, "huhu." A wave of inaudible wind sounded, and Lu Chen waved. Waved his hand and said solemnly, "You don't have to think about resisting, I don't want to kill you yet, don't force me."

His concise and concise remarks immediately stunned the man in black. How come Lu Chen could even see his mind, isn't it too strange?

The surroundings were just the wind and grass. How Lu Chen could see through, the man in black couldn't help but blush, and immediately realized Lu Chen's implication. There was a little light on his face. It seems that he still has hope to survive, "Brother Wu, What did you just say?" The people in black are all suspecting that they have heard him wrong. How could Lu Chen let him be so cruel, and the people in black are trembling and look very excited.

"Hehe, I guess you heard it wrong." Lu Chen said half-jokingly. The man in black was stabbed in his mind and said embarrassingly, "Brother Wu, are you going to let me go." Hei Yi Man asked with common sense, and said flatly.

If someone who knows him sees this scene, they don’t know what their expression will be. Under normal circumstances, people in black are arrogant and arrogant, let alone subdued, even if they are looking at the young talented leaders. , Are not willing.

He also came here from that time. He originally thought that Lu Chen was just an embroidered pillow, which was flashy, but he didn't know that Lu Chen's methods were beyond imagination.

"No." Unfortunately, Lu Chen shook his head without thinking, and directly denied the words of the man in black. The latter's face was slightly cold. Did this guy tease him on purpose? !

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