Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2268: Macroscopic space

Since it wasn't why he had to say that just now, the man in black couldn't help being angry, but embarrassed to show it. After all, the pressure Lu Chen gave him was unprecedented.

"But I can leave you a way to survive, or it can be said to be a wise choice, depending on whether you comply or not." Lu Chen said solemnly, so frankly, the man in black was slightly startled and converged. The anger in my heart, it is not the time to turn my face with Lu Chen at this time.

At the next moment, Lu Chen actually took the Hongmeng sword that was placed on his neck, which made the person in black feel a little strange. Lu Chen really had such a certainty to catch him again, or act in front of him.

He found that Lu Chen had an indifferent look. The former was more likely. As a result, the man in black had to be cautious, "You said." He squeezed out two words from his teeth, only to cooperate with Lu honestly. It's chen, how dare you not bow your head just as people are under the eaves? !

The man in black had unprecedented fear of Lu Chen. Looking at Lu Chen’s cold smile at this time, the man in black seemed to realize something. Lu Chen said in a deep voice, "Help me find the employer, I want to see , Who is going to kill me." The voice was not loud, but it proved Lu Chen's unparalleled courage.

The man in black couldn't help but shudder. It's okay for Lu Chen not to get angry. At this time, the anger was so angry that the violent storm and the coercion made him take a high look, admiring Lu Chen and Fear has risen to an unprecedented height.

What he didn't expect was that Lu Chen actually directed at the employer who issued the task. This kind of thing is generally taboo in the killer group. After all, when someone announces the task, it not only requires a certain status, but also requires a guarantee. If someone from outside knows He and Lu Chen colluded to deal with the employer, which might have an unpredictable impact.

At that time, he will not be able to take over other tasks. Even the lowest-level tasks will not have such qualifications. It is only because of the damage to the rules of the peers. The people in black know this well, so After Lu Chen made this request, he didn't immediately agree to it, but hesitated, but he couldn't help but become cautious after seeing the cold light in Lu Chen's eyes.

If it irritates Lu Chen, he doesn't have to think about what's going on. He may have a different head at any time. The man in black was silent for a while, and Lu Chen did not urge him. Even if the man in black did not tell Lu Chen his thoughts , He can also guess a general idea.

"Okay, but you have to make sure that my future interests will not be affected." There was a flash in the black man's mind. If it was a short-term life-saving and damaged his reputation, it would undoubtedly be tantamount to digging his own grave. , The man in black is not willing to do that, so Lu Chen must first agree to this seemingly small condition.

Lu Chen was slightly startled, but he never thought that this guy would propose such conditions, and he did not answer immediately. After considering it for a while, his eyes lighted up, "Okay, you can join my Chenxing Gate, and guarantee you in all aspects. All of his training resources enjoy the highest treatment." Lu Chen patted the man in black on the shoulder, who was a little wary of his behavior.

Fortunately, Lu Chen did not disadvantage him. The man in black secretly breathed a sigh of relief, frowned slightly, he was uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He seems to have recently heard that a new power in the city of Eden has risen, called the Star Gate. The people in black still sneered at this Star Gate. It is said that it was founded by a stinky hairy boy. He didn't care about it at the time, but In just a few days, the changes in the Chenxing Gate were obvious to all. Most of the sects were jealous of the Chenxing Gate. Even if it was a large family, as long as it did not reach the level of the three major families, it would be completely difficult to resist the Chenxing Gate.

It is said that Lu Chen, the sect master of the Chenxing Gate, once made trouble with Zhuge's family, to the point where it was difficult to end, the man in black suddenly realized that the Lu Chen he was going to assassinate was the sect master of the Chenxing Gate.

He suddenly felt that he had fallen into such a field. In fact, it was not wrong. Lu Chen's powerful methods are beyond doubt. No matter where he is, he can surpass the genius leader he knows. No wonder he will be defeated under his hands. .

The man in black can't help but help himself find a reason, only in this way can he comfort his shocked soul.

"Okay, for you, I will promise you to help you find the employer who posted the task!" The man in black gritted his teeth. Although he felt a little bit of talent, after all, he was also a diamond-level killer. , Any sect you join will not be rejected, let alone the newly established Chenxingmen.

Therefore, the man in black did not put the Chenxing Gate in his eyes. Although the development momentum was quite violent, it was just a start-up sect. There was still a long way to go. However, he fully believed in Lu Chen’s methods, as long as he gave In Lu Chen's time, it won't take long before Chenxingmen will reach a supreme glorious peak under Lu Chen's leadership.

He believes that his choice today will not be regrettable in the future. The better the development of Chenxingmen, the higher his springboard. Such a move by the man in black is equivalent to quitting his original killer organization. It's just that the two of them are tacit, and there is no point.

Lu Chen hesitated for a while, and his eyes flashed brightly. The man in black was startled, thinking that Lu Chen had repented and wanted to do something with him. Only after a while, he realized that he was thinking too much. Lu Chen had no such plans. .

"Little brother, do you have any questions? I know it below. I definitely know everything." The man in black is also a person who can afford to let go, since he has decided to be with Lu Chen Fuck, then you have to be honest with Lu Chen.

If Lu Chen has been suspicious of him, it will be of no benefit to the man in black. He must resolve Lu Chen’s doubts. Hearing this, Lu Chen nodded and asked in a condensed voice, "Is your killer organization the Garden of Eden? The biggest killer organization?" Lu Chen asked calmly, this question was somewhat clueless.

"It is the largest in the city of Eden. As for the Garden of Eden, it belongs to a very macroscopic space. There are many magical and terrifying places here, and perhaps hidden secrets." The mysterious man clearly understands more than Lu Chen, he In a few words, Lu Chen felt a sense of openness.

"Okay, have your killer organization kidnapped a flowery girl before." Lu Chen stared at Yan Jing, who was in black. Although his appearance was ordinary and his eyes were a little muddy, Lu Chen I believe that my keen observation ability can tell the truth from it.

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