Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2272: Green Robe Man

As if locked in his vitality, there was a breathless pressure. Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly. This man in green robe was a smart man. Knowing that Lu Chen is much better than the black man, he targeted the black man first. , Besides, the man in black has offended his inverse scales.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi. Lu Chen decisively took out the Hongmeng Sword and waved it twice with the energy of the Five Elements, which also flocked to the man in black.

The latter was startled, thinking that Lu Chen was going to be against him, and for a moment he thought that Lu Chen was not a spy, so he shouldn't be treated like this.

Then the man in black discovered that Lu Chen was helping him, using his Hongmeng sword energy to resist the cyclone.

The speed of Na Hongmeng’s sword energy is not slower than that of the cyclone. In just an instant, it collided with the cyclone. A burst of blasting force was transmitted. The deafening loud noise made the scalp numb, but no one was nearby. , Only the man in black was weak, and was shocked to churn with blood. Fortunately, he took a deep breath and used the aura of heaven and earth in his body to stabilize the feeling of overturning his internal organs.

That powerful and domineering aftermath directly dumped countless lotus flowers, and subtle changes occurred on the surface of the pond.

"Boom." The lotus pond suddenly exploded. The water wave splashed more than ten meters high. A smile flashed across Lu Chen's mouth. The cyclone burst without a trace, and the air was still filled with lightness. The anxious smell, one can imagine, the aftermath from the cyclone of the Hongmeng sword aura and the green-robed man actually reached such a terrifying level, Lu Chen was quite satisfied.

The man in the green robe had a shocked expression. He would never have thought that Lu Chen had such a terrifying means. After all, the deterrent power of that Hongmeng sword aura was actually stronger than his cyclone.

Although the Qingpao man did not go all out, he still shocked the Qingpao man when he got this situation. A huge wave was set off in his heart, but Lu Chen did not give him a chance to breathe. He wielded the Hongmeng sword again. Blossoms of sword flowers appeared. Although they were humble sword flowers, each one contained incomparable strength. He couldn't figure out how Lu Chen had such a majestic atmosphere of heaven and earth.

It turned out that Lu Chen cultivated the Five Elements Qi, so it was several times thicker than the aura of ordinary people, so when he used it, it can be said to be superb and easy.

The dozen sword flowers flew towards the man in the green robe one by one. Although it did not seem to have any effect, he had to admit that the man in the green robe was quite afraid of these sword flowers. His face was a bit heavy and he was more cautious than ever. He seemed to think After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, the man in black will not target him for no reason. There is definitely no way to deal with Lu Chen, so he chose to stay secretly with Lu Chen. In this way, it makes sense. Why does the man in black repeatedly Fan pretended not to hear him.

It's just that he hadn't thought of this situation before. He was furious and stared at Lu Chen gritted teeth. He didn't believe that he, from the hidden family, could not deal with Lu Chen.

He took out a large knife with a simple pattern, and swiped it a few times in a thunderous manner. Although there was no such thing as a sword, it gave people a sense of irresistible weight, "Bang Bang." With surging in all directions, the sword flowers were bombarded and disappeared, and a look of surprise appeared in Lu Chen's eyes. This situation was obviously unexpected.

After all, he knew exactly how strong his sword flower was. It seemed that the power of the people in black was no worse than Zhuge's ancestor Zhuge, and even worse than that.

Lu Chen curbed his previous playful attitude. The man in the green robe was a respectable opponent, and the quality of the sword was not bad. No matter how it looked at it, it was rare in the City of Eden. Although the Hongmeng sword was rare in the world. Some exist, but what I have to admit is that Lu Chen has not yet mastered all the deterrence of the Hongmeng Sword.

"Bang Bang." A sound of needle, gold and iron intertwined sounded, accompanied by a scene of flashing lights, like a blooming firework, but the surging horror aura, even if it is far away from the man in black, can't bear it. I was amazed by the fact that these two talents were truly strong. In front of them, they had a sense of jumping clowns. This was something Lu Chen had to admit, but the people in black were not discouraged.

In any case, as long as he and Lu Chen mix up, they won’t be ordinary, and they may even stand out together. Although Lu Chen is young, Lu Chen’s young and mature, he is calm and calm in dealing with urgent matters, without changing his face. , The people in black admire and awe.

Based on his judgment, it would not be long before Lu Chen could occupy a place in the city of Eden, and the man in black also had his own guesses about the identity of the man in the green robe.

If that were the case, things would be a bit cumbersome and tricky, because he didn’t pay attention to the behemoths in the city of Eden, but if the legendary Hidden Family Sect came forward to deal with Lu Chen, the consequences would be Out of control.

Although Lu Chen has risen like a comet and has created brilliant and dazzling achievements one after another, it is just the saying that if Tian is jealous of talents, if Lu Chen falls halfway, there is no chance to grow up, it is also an out-and-out tragedy.

So he didn't dare to think in that direction. The man in the green robe looks tyrannical and fierce, and his strength is beyond doubt, but if he really wants to be placed in the hermit family sect, it doesn’t matter. The man in black knows that Under normal circumstances, the high-level members of the hermit family sect will not appear in the public's sight unless it is a matter of survival.

The man in black felt a little strange. Although Lu Chen kept antagonizing Zhuge's family and offended Qingyunmen, he didn't seem to have anything to do with the sect of the hermit family, so how could someone take the initiative to kill him?

The black-clothed man's expression is a bit complicated, and I don't know what he is considering. The reason why these major forces in the Garden of Eden can endure for a long time actually has the background and reasons that ordinary people can't imagine.

Just like the Zhuge family, the first big family, on the surface, because Lu Chen defeated Zhuge’s ancestor Zhuge Batian and was depressed, in fact, it was brewing an amazing conspiracy. It was worried that it was too high-profile and was noticed, so that there would be nothing for them. benefit.

Lu Chen's tricky offensive made the man in Qingpao a little unprepared, but for the sake of face, he didn't avoid the attack much. Instead, he repeatedly chose to confront Lu Chen head-on, but the peculiar five-element spirit poured out endless deterrence. So much so that his quality sword, er, can't break through this layer of Five Elements Qi.

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