Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2273: Another power

The green-robed man took a deep breath. If he fights like this, his superiority will be wiped out, and the aura of heaven and earth in his body will be exhausted. When the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, the man in black can easily do so. Kill him.

The green-robed man must retain a little strength. He almost killed the black-clothed man before, but Lu Chen used it as a stalker. He hated Lu Chen. If Lu Chen reacted more slowly, he wouldn't have to worry about anything. .

After all, such a strong aftermath can kill a person completely, but the distance is limited, and the black man's defense is basically unscathed.

This result made the Qingpao man deeply hit. The Qingpao man decided to have a quick break with Lu Chen. He didn't care too much. He put on a desperate look. The whole person was like an arrow from the string. After Lu Chen, there was a rush of strong wind.

A scornful color appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, and he sneered twice, "Moths are on the fire!" Lu Chen also saw the man in black's thoughts, and he must find a suitable opportunity.

The man in black swung a knife, and was blocked by Lu Chen's Hongmeng sword. Not only did he shook his arm numb, but almost even the stabilized aura of heaven and earth disappeared in all directions. Yi Ren glanced at the distance, and seemed hopeful to attack Lu Chen. His fist carried the aura of heaven and earth like a broken bamboo, and there was a faint light on the top. Lu Chen couldn't help but take a high look. What is this? Gongfa.

It seems that he has never encountered the treasure house in the treasure house. Sure enough, this man in Qingpao has a lot of background and background. Lu Chen did not intend to kill the man in Qingpao directly, but to save his life. In this case, we can find out.

Since the man in the green robe came at his head, he must have an ulterior secret. Lu Chen is sure that this guy is not from the Zhuge family, is it possible that he belongs to the Qingyunmen?

Lu Chen thought of this possibility for the first time, and in a flash, he denied it. It was nothing else. The last time Lu Chen met an elder of the Qingyunmen, he was inferior to the man in the green robe in front of him in terms of strength cultivation. The man seemed to be only in his twenties, slightly older than Lu Chen.

But he was able to fight for a few rounds without losing the wind in a head-on confrontation. Such a performance made Lu Chen shouted in surprise, but he was not discouraged. This could only make him stronger!

Although Lu Chen had the opportunity to use the Hongmeng Sword to resist this punch, there were some suspicions of taking advantage of the danger. Although the man's methods were not weak, Lu Chen didn't want him to have a broken arm or leg. Some accurate information on him is tantamount to idiotic dreams and whimsical things.

Lu Chen's mind moved, and the energy of the five elements was unreservedly transformed into the earth attribute. Under Lu Chen's superb use, it was just right. There was a faint light on his fist, not only had the heavy feeling of earth attribute. There is also the courage that is as steady as Mount Tai, just a fist, but gives the Qingpao man an irresistible and strange feeling, what is the situation?

This kid, Lu Chen, is too terrible, right? He has no time to evade. After the secret path is not good, he can only confront Lu Chen head-on, "Boom." This fist surged with terrible deterrence. It fluctuates regularly, and a circular system has originally formed.

But after this punch, the small space where Lu Chen and the Qingpao man were located was in a weird vacuum state. Fortunately, they were not affected in a short time.

It's just that the man in the green robe looked a little embarrassed, but Lu Chen was calm and calm. He looked at the man in the green robe without changing his face, as if he had anticipated the painful state of war between heaven and man inside him.

Sure enough, after a while, the man in Qingpao couldn't bear it, "Puff." The man in Qingpao spouted out blood, but Lu Chen was unscathed, standing on top!

"How about it, isn't it uncomfortable?" Lu Chen said jokingly, shaking his head and shaking his head. It was obvious that he was deliberately mad at the man in the green robe, but he really succeeded.

The man in the green robe stunned slightly, and hurriedly attacked his heart. "Puff." Another mouthful of blood poured out. The man in black was stunned to watch this scene. Lu Chen is not only superior in strength, but in terms of aggressiveness. Suspiciously cruel.

The man in the green robe met Lu Chen, and it was considered that his fate was not good. The man in black couldn't help but rejoice in his wise choice. It seemed that it would not take long for Lu Chen to do something earth-shattering!

"Little, kid, you don't want to get overwhelmed, you're just a little capable, you're far behind." The man in the green robe frowned and said hesitantly, as if he was struggling with all the energy on his body, but he immediately became aware To what I am wrong.

"Haha, it's so dangerous. It almost exposed your details." Lu Chen waved his hand, his eyes flashed. The man in the green robe was not a foolish fool, otherwise he could analyze the man in the green robe directly from the conversation. origin.

"That is, but you are my defeated man. This is always an undoubted fact." Lu Chen said slowly in a contemptuous tone, deliberately mocking the man in Qingpao. In his opinion, this guy has a background. Deep, if you don't want to tell anything from his mouth, I'm afraid Lu Chen will face a series of suppression.

As the saying goes, people have no vision, and there must be near worries. Lu Chen has never doubted this. Lu Chen's figure swept away, but in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the man in Qingpao. It was a look, like a huge stone of tens of thousands of catties, pressed against the man in the green robe.

So that the latter was unable to resist, "Huh, bullying, what an expert!" The green-robed man said coldly, staring at Lu Chen full of hatred, and the latter shrugged his shoulders. He said, "Let's say, which power are you?" Lu Chen asked with confidence.

He has an absolute advantage at this time, and there is no need to worry that the Qingpao man has a chance to reverse. As long as Lu Chen can grasp the advantage, uncover the forces behind the Qingpao man, and then investigate carefully, he can sit back and relax.

Otherwise, it’s not Lu Chen’s demeanor every day. The man in the green robe gave Lu Chen a vicious look, "Do you want to know my origin? No way!" He bluntly refuted Lu Chen, showing He would rather die than surrender and see death as his home. Lu Chen would have felt a headache, but found that it was not like that.

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