Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2282: Nine Heavens Xuanqing Palace

Although the time is not yet ripe, Lu Chen is already confident, "There is a woman named Shui Yulan. She is more stubborn. She has always insisted before and refused to be a saint, but after being coerced and lured, she compromised. But you Don't worry, I didn't use any lynching. It seems that Shui Yulan gave in because of the mention of you." Duan Ming discovered Lu Chen's gloomy aura and was a little bit afraid, so he reminded that Lu Chen's expression had eased a bit. It is like the ice that has not melted for thousands of years, giving Duan a lot of pressure.

Duan's name secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Chen was a little embarrassed. After all, this name was used to inform him and risked a certain amount of risk. Although Duan's name was a member of the killer organization, the position of the special record must be The taboo of the sect, even though he is a diamond-level killer, it is difficult to break into it.

Lu Chen was moved, but he didn't show it. He was not the kind of person who was good at words, but he kept it in his heart. If he had the opportunity, he would slowly repay the name of the paragraph.

"Later, with Shui Yulan's consent, we organized to send her to Jiutian Xuanqing Palace." Duan Ming said cautiously, observing Lu Chen's expression, and only after finding that he was not so impulsive did he show a far-fetched smile.

"Nine Heavens Xuanqing Palace?" Lu Chen frowned slightly. He was relatively unfamiliar with this vocabulary. Duan's name seemed to recognize Lu Chen's embarrassment.

"Well, this is a hermit sect with unimaginable background. What's strange is that this sect is basically women." Duan Ming said with a weird expression on his face.

Lu Chen was stunned. After thinking for a while, he was relieved with a sigh of relief. After all, there was no problem. Although Shui Yulan became the saint of the Nine Heavens Xuanqing Palace, the hermit sect was all female. Yes, there is no threat to Lu Chen.

He was still worried about which pervert who didn’t have long eyes and the idea of ​​catching Shui Yulan. This kind of worries was gone, but he couldn’t stop. Lu Chen knew Shui Yulan’s feelings towards him. Finding Shui Yulan, I am afraid that something unexpected will happen.

After all, there are unforeseen circumstances, and people have misfortunes and blessings. If his delay causes Shui Yulan to suffer an irreversible blow and injury, Lu Chen will regret it.

Therefore, Lu Chen could not hesitate. He had to express an attitude. Only then could he be worthy of Shui Yulan's love than Jin Jian.

"Oh, where is the Nine Heavens Profound Qing Palace?" Lu Chen asked without hesitation. He wanted to take a trip to see how Shui Yulan was doing and whether he could adapt to the life of the hermit sect, even though he was practicing a lot. It seemed to them that they were very jealous of practicing in the hermit sect, but Shui Yulan's character Lu Chen was clear.

"Uh, I don't know much about this. I'm not sure about the specific location." Duan Ming smiled awkwardly, and Lu Chen didn't make it difficult for him, because members of the hermit family have found a very special place. , Otherwise there is no hidden world.

He believed that with his continuous efforts, it would be sooner or later to find Shui Yulan, and that day would not be too far away. Lu Chen confirmed his belief. At the same time, he squeezed his fist, his eyes flashed with determination. .

"Sect Master, you can't go to the Nine Heavens Profound Qing Palace for the time being. The matter at the Chenxing Gate has not yet been resolved. If you leave and cause turmoil, the consequences will be unimaginable." Duan Ming was afraid of what Lu Chen would do too drastically. Behavior, hurriedly spoke out to discourage. Lu Chen nodded his head without compelling it. Duan Ming's words made sense.

"Okay." Lu Chen smiled helplessly. In the eyes of outside practitioners, Lu Chen is a superior existence, it can be said that it is impossible to achieve.

Who knows that Lu Chen also has his own difficulties. As the saying goes, every family has a hard-to-read scripture, which is not unreasonable. Due to the limitation of Lu Chen's strength, he was originally able to compete with the Zhuge family.

However, another hidden family was killed halfway. This was not good for Lu Chen's plan. After all, he was not sure whether the hidden family would take any further action. If something like that happened, the Chenxing Gate would be in jeopardy. .

Anyway, the Chenxing Gate has just been established, and if something goes wrong, it is most likely to fall into disrepair. Lu Chen cannot be the slightest carelessness at this critical moment.

"Well, the sect master, should we change the headquarters of the martial art?" Although Duan Ming has not joined the Chenxing Gate for a long time, his relationship with Lu Chen is not bad, so he clasped his fists, and asked a little nervously, he felt Although the old man's house is not small, it is a bit far-fetched to serve as the foundation of a sect.

Lu Chen was startled slightly, and he smiled, "Actually, I also have this plan. What good suggestions do you have?" Lu Chen did think that in this old man's house, there could not be too many people, and he came to join Chenxing. The people at the door will make irresponsible remarks.

"Since you have experienced martial arts, you must choose an appropriate position, either offensive or defensive." Duan Ming thought for a while, nodding and groaning, several places appeared in his mind, but they were all ruled out.

The scope of Eden City is not small, but many of them are forbidden areas. It is the kind of uninhabited area, and most people don't dare to go deep into it. It is somewhat impractical to say that the creation of a sect is.

"That's right." Lu Chen expressed his approval and approval of Duan's distinct name. Although the foundation of a sect is a very ambitious project, it is definitely far-fetched to refine the pill by Lu Chen alone. Lu Chen had to think of a good way. Many people have joined Chenxingmen in recent days, and they are not going to eat dry food.

It's obviously not a good thing to have been counting on the sect to distribute benefits to them, but not paying, obviously, so Chenxingmen will go to extinction sooner or later.

"There is a place that is good, but it is a bit dangerous." Duan Ming said hesitantly, his brows furrowed, now he is also a member of Chenxingmen, and he must always think about Chenxingmen, otherwise, how could he be worthy of Lu Chen's three What about a rare pill?

"Talk about it." Lu Chen ignored the second half of the sentence directly. What he knew was that danger and honor always coexist.

"The land of Xuanyin!" Duan Ming said with a dignified expression on his face. The land of Xuanyin is to the west of the city of Eden. There are no big sect forces there. Although there are not as many monsters as hairs, they can be one. What is mentioned is the origin of the land of Xuan Yin. In the ancient times, there was a genius and evildoer with extremely powerful talent and potential. He rose up at a blockbuster speed like a comet, but he was still a trusted friend to create mankind and envy.

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