Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2283: Reshape the golden body

But that genius relied on his extraordinary strength to forcibly escaped the pursuit of a strong man a few levels higher than him. From then on, he didn’t believe in any brotherhood, not just the first time. The person was killed and the sect forces behind that person were also implicated.

Although he was not strong enough to fight against the entire sect, he used guerrilla warfare, and in just half a month, the sect of thousands of people was disturbed, and in the end only a few veteran-level figures remained. Several Yuan old people were so angry that they united to deal with him, but for some reason, they found that the genius leader suddenly became a lot stronger, and was basically able to compete with them.

It turned out that it was the genius enchanting evildoer who entered the magic way, and his own strength increased to an unprecedented height. Those senior veteran-level figures had nothing to do with him, but cowered. The final situation can be imagined. Those veterans lost the perseverance to fight, so naturally they were killed one by one by the genius leader.

A large-scale sect went to extinction due to the innocent fault of the discipline disciples. I have to say that this is an unpredictable sorrow. Since then, the young man has fallen into the magic way, and when he sees the cultivator, he kills him. It also absorbed the cultivator's heaven and earth essence.

That is the essence of cultivators for decades, or even hundreds of years, and the methods used are extremely cruel. The demon's reputation spread throughout the entire Garden of Eden in a short time. Even the old-branded powerhouses are frightened. Yes, I dare not take the initiative to offend this demon.

But over time, some sect proposed to deal with the demon head, and the result was passed to the ears of the demon head, and tried to kill the ancestor of that sect. Just this method and courage made several top powerhouses. Sigh.

That demon was turned into a mysterious **** by the world, he did not lose his reason, he just occupies the west of the city of Eden, can be said to occupy the mountain as king. At that time, many demon members joined the Xuanyin gate that he founded, but it is good. Not long, when the demon wanted to unify the Eden space and deal with the hermit family, his strength swelled to a limit, and he had to face the legendary catastrophe. Everyone knew that as long as he succeeded, he could do whatever he wanted. Traveling through other spaces has unimaginable benefits for both Xuanyinmen and Xuanjing people.

Perhaps it was due to the fact that the mysterious **** did all the bad things that made him face the catastrophe of the heavens, especially powerful metamorphosis, but the mysterious **** used all kinds of defensive treasures and crooked methods to resist the catastrophe of the heavens, but failed.

When the last thunder and lightning landed, the mysterious **** felt that he could not resist it, and made a crucial decision, which was to abandon his body, and at the cost of physical destruction, the soul was out of the body as a method. Successfully survived, many people were gloating at the misfortune, looking forward to seeing the death of the mysterious vagina, how could they know that he was scheming.

Originally, when he was going through the calamity of the heavens, he did not allow other people to intervene, but the mysterious **** pretended not to know this, and wanted to try it, so he coerced and lured and sent a disciple of the devil to help him with the catastrophe, but His wishful thinking was unsuccessful.

That superior disciple died tragically under the catastrophe of the heavens. Not only did he fail to eliminate a catastrophe of the heavens, but he angered the sky thunder. This is why the mysterious **** fell into such an embarrassed field, which only shows that he is smart. It's just being smart.

He was temporarily wise, but he was confused for a while. Of course, because of his ruthless and cruel behavior, he was directly lost by everyone. When the mysterious **** abandoned the flesh, the means were greatly reduced. It could have been. Elect a demon member to be the master.

However, the mysterious **** is so tricky that they will not give a chance at all. As long as they are outstanding people, they will be suppressed by him, and even miserably, they will die directly.

Everyone knew that it was the mysterious **** who did it, and they dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak. If they angered the mysterious vagina, they might repeat the same mistakes.

In this way, the Xuanyin Gate has no successors, and it fell into a state of fragmentation and disintegration for a while. Other martial forces celebrated. Due to the domineering style of the Xuanyin people, many people were offended and the glory of Xuanyin Gate was also made. It is not lasting.

After the demon members had divided up the cultivation resources, they also scattered and left. Naturally, the Xuanyin gate was completely gone. Some cultivators came to the land of Xuanyin with the mentality of Lianbao, but they never went back. After the situation happened one after another, the world also realized that something was wrong.

Didn’t it mean that all the people in Xuanvain died? At that time, there were not many witnesses who witnessed the catastrophe of the mysterious vagina, so no one paid attention to the abandonment of the flesh.

When they leave, there is naturally no return. The mysterious **** wants to reshape the golden body, the first condition is to find a suitable physical body, otherwise his former glory will be gone forever.

Moreover, his efforts have been in vain. The ambition of the mysterious **** is beyond the understanding of ordinary people. Even though he has lost his physical body, his ambition still exists. Unfortunately, those who take the initiative to go to the land of Xuanyin have not. What talent is extraordinary, let alone someone with a special constitution.

If you randomly find a body to take the house, it will only waste the efforts of the mysterious **** people, and it may be ruined because the body cannot withstand the majestic atmosphere of the world.

This is why, the mysterious **** people have searched for thousands of years, and there is no suitable reason. Being in the state of primordial spirit, although it will affect the overall strength, but I have to admit that the biggest advantage is to survive longer!

A mysterious **** person in the state of primordial spirit is difficult to cultivate, but in a thousand years, a lot can be changed. He has continuously improved his strength and has gradually recovered his peak state at the time. With such a terrifying deterrence, even those large-scale sects dare not easily provoke them. Perhaps the hermit family has the ability to kill the mysterious vagina, but if they didn’t do this, it was nothing more than a benefit, they would not Acting recklessly, after all, it is not easy to deal with the mysterious vagina, if the fish die and the net breaks, it is also a blow that the hermit family sect cannot bear.

They have to reach consensus before they can take the initiative to attack. Therefore, the mysterious **** will be able to go unpunished and continue to develop and strengthen their strength. Although not like the previous creation of Xuanyinmen, it is enough to change many things with their own strength.

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