Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2287: Star-attracting Dafa

It's no wonder that those low-powered cultivators, when they come here, will fall down in all likelihood and will not return, just this cold breath is not something they can bear.

What's even stranger is that when Lu Chen looked back, the previous road disappeared. A joking smile flashed across Lu Chen's mouth, blindfold?

His eyes were shining brightly. After the long-term influence of Hongmeng Jue, Lu Chen had already developed a pair of fiery eyes. It was easy to recognize these little tricks.

But Lu Chen glanced around and still didn't get any clues. He could only vaguely see the road when he came. Lu Chen frowned. This strange situation undoubtedly attracted Lu Chen's attention.

Could it be an ordinary blindfold? Lu Chen took a deep breath. If he judged that there was nothing wrong, it should be a mysterious and rare formation, and its scale is not small. It is no wonder that there will be both offensive and defensive formations. With such a formation, the land of Xuanyin is indeed competent for the school. Lu Chen felt a little regretful for his roots, but recalled the glorious deeds of the mysterious **** people everywhere, but he did not expect that he had done all the bad things and was punished by the reincarnation of the heavens, which caused him to withstand the catastrophe of the heavens, and gave up his own body. In retrospect, it can only be said to be very tragic.

If this is not the case, the Xuanyin gate created by the mysterious **** can definitely be comparable to the hermit family, and even worse. After all, the mysterious **** has chosen such a good position, and it has been difficult to count. The massive treasures of heaven, material and earth, and the ancient profound and profound formations have cast the land of Xuanyin into an incomparable fortress, so in all fairness, Lu Chen admires the mysterious **** from his heart.

Lu Chen had a lot of thoughts at this time, and he didn't even know that when he first set foot in the land of Xuanyin, he was spotted. In a hidden corner of the land of Xuanyin, he said, "Haha, somebody delivered food, Huh." The speaker had a hideous and ugly face, and his figure glowed with a blue light, which made people look a little creepy.

He stared at a crystal ball at this time, and the situation of Lu Chen appeared in it. Although Lu Chen was suspicious and seemed to have found something, he didn't care at all. When he arrived at his site, Lu Chen even had monstrous skills. Don't want to run away, he has absolute confidence.

That's right, he was the mysterious **** who made many cultivators frightened. He didn't care about Lu Chen at first, but after two glances, his complexion became serious and immediately became ecstatic, "It turned out to be the body of the five elements?! "

His voice trembled a little. After discovering Lu Chen's anomaly for the first time, he found that Lu Chen's physique met his criteria for loosing the house. After searching for thousands of years, there was no suitable one. Suddenly, he encountered an inexplicable encounter. When it arrives, it can be said that there is nowhere to find it after breaking through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless.

The excitement of the mysterious **** reached an unprecedented height. His eyes burst with fanatic light, locked in the crystal ball, and he couldn't help but laughed up to the sky, "It's really God who helped me, haha, how many years has it been, someone finally meets my mysterious Yin's standard for seizing houses!"

His inevitable tone was as if Lu Chen had allowed him to do wrong things.

Besides, Lu Chen’s physique far exceeded his imagination. The mysterious **** people used to think that God was targeting him, but now this concept has been completely overturned. The appearance of Lu Chen’s prey made him immersed in joy. It is impossible to extricate itself.

Although the mysterious **** has cultivated for a thousand years and has accumulated a lot of strength, but without a physical body, it appears to be slightly more than minded and insufficient.

When those outsiders of the hidden family sect deliberately annihilated him, the mysterious **** knew that he had hidden, the kind of embarrassment that he seldom encountered, for the mysterious vagina, there is nothing Doubt is an insult and blow, and those who come to him are all people who have had some holidays before. In his opinion, those so-called superhuman beings are all ethical and ethical.

I knew that if the mysterious **** people had a physical body when they were in danger, there was no need to fear them. Therefore, the mysterious **** people were furious and swallowed for hundreds of years, and finally saw some light today, and the source is " Lu Chen rushed into the land of Xuanyin.

This is also from the perspective of Xuantong people. Since Lu Chen has come, he has a certain degree of certainty. If Xuantong people know, Lu Chen came to get rid of him, so I don't know how he will feel.

The mysterious **** has a treacherous look, his chance has come! The mysterious **** waved his hand and disappeared from the same place. The means that came and went without a trace could not be measured by common sense.

Lu Chen, who was hundreds of miles away from here, couldn't help but frown. He seemed to smell a hint of danger. He looked in one direction intentionally or unintentionally, and there were some surprises in his eyes. Did his plan succeed?

Lu Chen’s keen senses, even at a distance of hundreds of miles, could detect a faint breath. Lu Chen did not appear to be confident, so that he could not confuse the mind of the mysterious **** at all. That guy is also a fool, able to This time of surviving for thousands of years is by no means unreasonable. When he encounters those outsiders, he can escape safely.

In his eyes, Lu Chen must be a stinky hairy boy who can't be too smug and unscrupulous, or else the old and undead guy will be cautious and it will not be easy for Lu Chen to deal with him.

Therefore, Lu Chen looked around, with a timid appearance and a blank and panic face, which proved his helplessness, and Lu Chen walked around aimlessly.

Except for the birds, beasts, flowers, and trees, there are no living creatures in the surroundings. This scene is a bit strange. Lu Chen left an eye on him. When he just hung up a mountain, suddenly, an unprecedented sense of crisis came to his heart, Lu Chen's expression Tightly, he said to himself, "Come!"

Sure enough, an erratic light and shadow rushed over quickly. If it weren't for Lu Chen's awareness far better than ordinary people, I am afraid that this one would be enough for him.

Lu Chen's ghostly figure flickered, with a slight strong wind, howling, just in the blink of an eye, Lu Chen appeared ten meters away, the light and shadow paused clearly, and he did not expect Lu Chen to react.

Think of Lu Chen’s body of five elements, it seems to be able to explain, but he will not give up easily, he can see Lu Chen's method clearly, is it faster, like a loach, evaded his The person who attracted the stars was the mysterious vagina.

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