Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2288: Magic dragon

His face was bloodthirsty. The more powerful Lu Chen was, the happier he was. If Lu Chen showed a weak and uncontrollable appearance, it would probably be difficult for Lu Chen to bear the majestic and majestic essence. Lu Chen would probably The body exploded and died, so the mysterious **** was secretly proud.

He slapped Lu Chen again. With that incomparable aura, if he were an ordinary cultivator, he would have been scared to death, but Lu Chen did not show panic or shock.

Instead, he stayed in place, even though he felt the swallowing power in the slap of the mysterious vagina, Lu Chen didn't take it to heart. If his Five Elements Qi is used properly, this effect can be achieved.

It’s just that Lu Chen doesn’t know. This mysterious **** seems to have mastered a certain special technique. He sighs that he is inferior, but after thinking about it, the mysterious **** has lived for thousands of years, and he is naturally better than him. Not one and a half.

Fortunately, the mysterious **** at this time, without physical support, can't burst out the strongest means at all. From the perspective of the mysterious vagina, dealing with Lu Chen is no problem.

But the mysterious **** also has his problems. He wants to ensure that Lu Chen's body is not affected. If he exerts too much force, Lu Chen's physical body is destroyed to a certain extent, it will affect the mysterious **** after the fusion. Overall strength.

As long as Lu Chen has decent strength, it will also have unimaginable benefits for him. The best plan is for Lu Chen willingly to cooperate with him to win the house. In this way, the strength of the mysterious **** can definitely make a qualitative leap.

When the time comes for him to unify the city of Eden, and even the entire Garden of Eden, it is just around the corner. The mysterious vaginal people can't help but become enthusiastic when they think about it. The fierce aura of heaven and earth, like the essence, rushes to Lu Chen, that The **** man tried to use his heaven and earth aura to frighten Lu Chen, so that he could achieve his goal.

"Sisi." A series of harsh noises erupted in the air. This was due to the aura of the mysterious vagina, Lu Chen was much weaker.

But the strange thing is that the scene that the mysterious **** person imagined did not appear. Lu Chen not only looked as usual, but also calm and calm, making the mysterious **** person weird. The next moment, Lu Chen swept the five elements in his body, "Boom boom. "The two monstrous auras of heaven and earth collided. Although Lu Chen's Five Elements Qi is not as condensed as the Profound Yin Qi, the Five Elements Qi is unique. Lu Chen was surprised to find that the true fire of the Nine Suns, which represents the fire attribute, can be suppressed. The air of Xuan Yin is just right.

Lu Chen suddenly realized that, and then converted the other four attributes into fire attributes, just like the last time he refined the magic weapon. This situation gave Lu Chen the upper hand.

"Nine Suns True Fire?" The mysterious vagina's eyes were so venomous, and he instantly recognized the Nine Suns True Fire. His expression was a bit heavy. Indeed, the Nine Suns True Fire is the nemesis of his profound Yin Qi, even he Have to admit this.

How Lu Chen masters the true energy of the Nine Suns, he feels a bit strange. Originally, Lu Chen could absorb the energy of the five elements. It was a rare exception. It could also transform the attributes of the atmosphere of heaven and earth. This kind of ability, even if placed At that time, he was one of the best geniuses, and the focus of world attention generally existed.

"Haha, the old immortal guy, you still have some eyesight." Lu Chen didn't show any weakness at all, but became aggressive, transforming the true fire of Nine Suns into a dozen small fireballs, and attacked the mysterious **** from all directions. Is pervasive.

The place where the mysterious **** was blocked, so that the mysterious **** could only directly resist the most feared Nine Suns. Lu Chen never thought that he forced out the mysterious **** so smoothly. He didn't know it was his physique. I thought that the mysterious **** was like a mad dog, who would bite when he saw it.

If Xuanjing people knew Lu Chen’s thoughts, I’m afraid he would vomit blood with anger. At any rate, his reputation spread throughout the city of Eden, and it’s okay to be provoked by a little boy, but Lu Chen forced him nowhere to escape. , Insult, this is a naked insult, "huh," the mysterious **** snorted coldly, even if this kid had three heads and six arms, he would not shrink back, Lu Chen's strength, he knew well.

It is estimated that Lu Chen is well-known in the City of Eden and even the Garden of Eden. After all, this strength is completely independent of Lu Chen's age.

The face of the mysterious **** was gloomy, like ice that would not melt for thousands of years, that courage was enough to deter ordinary cultivators, but it did not have any effect on Lu Chen, which made the mysterious **** grit his teeth.

Although the mysterious **** was so angry, he did not choose to use his profound Yin energy to fight against Lu Chen. It was absolutely unwise. He has not been dazzled by the anger. Who knows if this kid uses the aggressive method? An old immortal guy angered the Ni Lin of the mysterious vagina. He lived a long time, and he didn't rely on the soul to survive. Only he knew the initial pain and bitterness.

Fortunately, he saw some hope today. Although Lu Chen was not so easy to deal with, as long as he tried his best, there was still hope that Lu Chen could be captured. Even if Lu Chen could not cooperate with him to seize the house, he had to take various measures. Various methods tortured Lu Chen.

His ability to torture people is of course needless to say. After all, as a person of the magic way, other things may not be good, but the method of extracting souls has not been studied.

The mysterious **** took a deep breath, and the next moment a strange purple shield appeared in front of him. The pattern on the top was a bit weird. When the mysterious **** used the breath of heaven and earth, the pattern on the top seemed to come alive. Lu Chen fixed his eyes. Look, it turned out to be a devil dragon several feet long. A creature like a dragon is a supreme and mysterious existence no matter where it is. I didn't expect the mysterious **** people to have this ability.

Although the magic dragon was summoned through the magic dragon shield, it was also his unique insight. After all, if this shield was not carefully observed, no one would know its magical effect.

The moment that magic dragon was summoned, "Roar." An extremely loud and crisp dragon roar sounded, and the earth-shaking sensation made Lu Chen's scalp numb, which was terrifying.

Moreover, the voice contained an evil aura that was hard to ignore. The magic dragon felt the small fireballs coming from all directions. It seemed to be quite angry. This was a naked contempt for it. Dragon creatures have strong self-esteem, and ordinary low-level creatures violated them. , Will pay a painful price.

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