Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2292: The soul is not guaranteed

Without thinking about it, Lu Chen slammed a fist, with a strong five-element aura that shattered like a bamboo. The five different colors of light flashed, which made Lu Chen very satisfied. As long as he did this, he would be sure to resist head-on with the mysterious vagina.

But at the moment of tension, the mysterious **** turned his palms into claws and wanted to grab Lu Chen's fist. What about this kid, even if he was a copper wall and iron wall, as long as he grabbed his weakness, it would not be easy to catch. For this, the mysterious **** People are convinced.

He carefully observed that the reason why Lu Chen's physique is special is the result of continuous cultivation. The average cultivator seldom pays attention to the exercise of the body, but simply pursues strength and realm. He did not expect that sometimes it is far better than ordinary people. His physique can save his life and kill the enemy.

Only Lu Chen's five-element spirit, which is both rigid and soft, can hold on to the victory and withstand the intrusion of his majestic and majestic essence of heaven and earth. Otherwise, his body will explode, and for him, there will be inevitable, even irreversible harm. That's why, for thousands of years, in addition to constantly stabilizing the essence of the soul, the thing that the mysterious **** people did the most was to look around to see if there were suitable candidates.

If he tried it, if he failed, he would never have a chance to avenge him. Those old guys have been oppressing him. Anyhow, the mysterious **** is also a figure with a face, and he has been suppressed repeatedly, and after it spread to the outside world, They all became his laughing stock, and those who humiliated the mysterious **** would even pay back their money. After the mysterious **** made this determination, they saw a glimmer of hope from Lu Chen.

As long as he succeeds in seizing the house and fusing, things will go as smoothly as he thought. Lu Chen is the victim. When the mysterious **** successfully grabbed Lu Chen's fist, his face was filled with clearly visible joy. He was already Having reached the realm of Gujing Wubo, his expression is also excellent, but at this time, he felt that he was one step closer to his goal.

"Boom boom." A breath of majestic heaven and earth burst out, the deafening sound made people numb, but it had no effect on Lu Chen, even though his fist was caught and restrained. Lu Chen's performance, but he was still unscathed.

"Here." The mysterious **** was shocked and looked at Lu Chen's fist. Not to mention the skin and flesh, even the defense could not be broken. The mysterious **** once again showed a fanatical color, which proved Lu Chen's special and ordinary physique. His swords can't invade, which is irreplaceable good news for him.

Even if Lu Chen put in a lot of blood, sweat and hard work before, he just made clothes for him, "Take your time to kill you!" Lu Chen found that the mysterious **** was stunned and did not give him a chance to breathe. This old guy is despicable and shameless. At this moment, he still feels overwhelmed. It seems that he has confidence in his own strength. Then Lu Chen will show him where he is. Lu Chen must completely destroy him. Self-confidence built.

"It's not over yet." Lu Chen didn't have the other hand idle. The Xuanjing people hurriedly reacted. There was no time to fight Lu Chen, so they had to back again and again. After he let go of his hand, he felt a little scalp tingling. , But Lu Chen's punch was full of momentum.

He couldn't dodge at all. In desperation, the Xuanjing people had no choice but to bite the bullet and face the difficulties. Since attacking Lu Chen with his paws had no effect, he could only fist with Lu Chen. The momentum poured out, and the mysterious **** found that Lu Chen's fist was as hard as iron, and couldn't move at all. Such a situation caught him off guard, and this kid was too weird.

After all, the Profound **** is a soul-like body, so face-to-face fighting with bare hands is not good for him, so after a few bombardments, there is a situation where he has more than enough energy.

After realizing the seriousness of the situation, the mysterious **** backed back and swallowed a pill. Even though it was in the state of primordial spirit, it did not prevent him from absorbing the essence of the pill. There was a huge wave in his heart, and he felt that Lu Chen was here. The body can't be measured by normal people. If he was in his heyday, and confronted Lu Chen like this, naturally there would be no problem, but the key problem is that the mysterious **** person is weak and tired at this time.

"Haha, what? The old guy doesn't protect his soul without a fight?" Lu Chen didn't rush or walk slowly, and the cynicism was obvious.

The Xuan **** person was very angry. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down the anger in his heart. Lu Chen's anger was clearly a violent method. Can he be fooled? He has already reached such a field. If Lu Chen is given another chance, no To say that Lu Chen could resist him, and hope to run away with his eyelids lowered, was a naked insult to him. Even if the Xuanjing people had a good mentality, they would not let Lu Chen the lamb.

After all, Lu Chen took the initiative to enter the land of Xuanyin, he will stay with Lu Chen by any means, and the mysterious **** waved his hand, and suddenly the wind and rain over the land of Xuanyin were fierce, Lu Chen frowned, and he could come out. The **** person is going to be true. After repeated frustrations, the mysterious **** person also discovered that Lu Chen is not so easy to deal with. If he wants to not hurt Lu Chen, let Lu Chen beg to be complacent. Most likely.

After a short time of contact, Lu Chen's character is already well known. The sky is covered with dark clouds, and the rich and majestic devilish energy seems to have the possibility of landing thunder from the sky. Lu Chen's keen senses noticed it a little, so Don't dare to take it lightly. Although he currently has a little advantage, if Lu Chen didn't pay attention to it, he might be trapped in a situation where he could not be recovered.

"Susu." The strong wind rushed towards Lu Chen, who could not help being cautious, curling his lips, he had some contact with the catastrophe of the heavens. Last time he fought against Zhuge's ancestor Zhuge Batian. Lu Chen used the breath of profound thunder, which caused catastrophe of the heavens. Although it was just a fake, the effect should not be underestimated.

After Zhuge Batian endured it, he trembled and trembled all over. One could imagine how terrifying the explosive power was. At this time, he ran into this situation. Lu Chen touched his nose and sighed with emotion. There was no fear. .

The mysterious **** felt that Lu Chen was holding a big, pretending to be an immortal bone in front of him. Is this necessary? After all, Zhuge Batian had lived for thousands of years, and he had never seen any big winds and waves, so he would make Lu Chen pay a heavy price.

"Boom boom." A deafening thunder sound sounded, and a thick black thunder and lightning, like a snake, poured toward Lu Chen. This move was enough to make Lu Chen feel strange.

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