The mysterious **** brewed for a while, feeling that Lu Chen's abnormal physique would not cause any problems, at most it would be restrained, and then he took the opportunity to take the opportunity to merge with him. Whether Lu Chen wanted it or not, he had no ability to resist.

Lu Chen hesitated, as if he was thinking about something. Unexpectedly, Lu Chen did not evade immediately. This made the mysterious **** person's expression change drastically. If all this hits Lu Chen, he has no way to survive.

There was no way for the mysterious **** to seize the house, he took a deep breath, and he didn't control the sky thunder.

"Bang." There was another loud noise. The thunder hit Lu Chen that day, but he was not as crushed as he had imagined. Lu Chen grinned and grinned. The body was filled with a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth. Kind of natural way.

Although a little bit of devilish energy invaded, Lu Chen would not come over for a while, but fortunately, the mysterious **** did not take advantage of the danger!

A breath of majestic five-element aura gradually absorbed the aura of profound thunder, in this case, he was able to call it out.

Suddenly, the mysterious **** found that he did not control the catastrophe of the heavens. This unexpected change left him at a loss, but the dense dark clouds not only showed no signs of dissipating, but also gathered into a mass, more terrifying than before. There was also a low thunder and lightning bombardment, which seemed to have caused Xuan Lei’s anger because of Lu Chen’s resistance. The power of Xuan Lei was naturally formed by the heavens and the earth, so there was a little bit of low intelligence that broke out after being provoked by Lu Chen. The unparalleled deterrence was precisely because of this situation, the mysterious **** lost contact, he did not expect things to develop to the point where he couldn't manage.

The majestic thunder air filled the air, giving people an unimaginable pressure. Lu Chen frowned and involuntarily became cautious. It turned out that Lu Chen discovered that the mysterious **** is unique, although It's just a little detail, but how sharp is Lu Chen's observation.

"Old immortal, are you going to kill me?" Lu Chen jokingly said, causing the mysterious **** person to be taken aback for a moment. Then he thought about it. It has nothing to do with him. How could he kill Lu Chen? Yes, solving Lu Chen is a trivial matter.

If he missed such a body that met the standard, then he would have no regrets.

It may be another thousand years of waiting, and it may not be possible to find a satisfactory one. This is the point that Xuanjing people can do nothing. He always calls the wind and the rain, and has his own difficulties, so at this time, he can't help Lu Chen. Up.

He looked at the breath of profound thunder, and there was an uproar in his heart. This breath of profound thunder was a bit more violent than the one he released not long ago, causing the mysterious **** to face it. If it hits Lu Chen, I'm afraid this little guy It will only be at stake.

Lu Chen glanced at the mysterious **** with profound meaning, a little bit dumbfounded, wouldn't this guy be prepared to save him, he didn't believe it anymore, but after another thought, the mysterious **** seemed to covet him. The body of the five elements, under Lu Chen's temper, the tyrannical physique is beyond doubt.

The power of Xuan Lei was aggressive, and Lu Chen was also affected to a certain extent. This weird situation prompted him to treat it seriously, and he did not care about the mysterious vagina. He took out his thousand-year-old earth-centered tortoise shell, and then applied the Five Elements Qi. Above, the strange thing is that the original earth-yellow tortoise shell has undergone a strange transformation.

Suddenly, there was another thunder and lightning, not right,

The mysterious **** had an unbelievable look on his face. This scene caused a huge wave in his heart. If Lu Chen could contend against the unexpected head-on, then the facts before him were completely unacceptable.

He thought that after the catastrophe thousands of years ago, he had a certain sense of Tianlei. Although it was only a fur, this fur was enough for him to look down upon the heroes. That's why, the mysterious **** people are sure to win the house and merge with Lu Chen. With his body, he can securely win against those enemies, so in the eyes of the mysterious vagina, Lu Chen must beg for mercy and shrink back today.

A sky of thunder brought up pieces of flying sand and rocks. When the dust cleared, Lu Chen's figure gradually appeared. The mysterious vaginal eyes looked at him, and his expression changed slightly. Lu Chen didn't move at all. It looks unscathed.

The mysterious **** hurriedly closed his hand. When he first came, he was too impulsive and in a fit of anger. He couldn't care about that much. He just wanted to give Lu Chen some color.

Just as he was closing in, an abrupt voice sounded, "It's so refreshing, come again." Lu Chen yelled, his whole body soaring with the breath of heaven and earth, so that the mysterious **** was slightly startled, with a weird look Stare at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't care at all.

This is not the first time he has experienced the power of profound thunder.

Therefore, the gold foil at the bottom of the pressure box was taken out, and it must be no problem to resist the power of the mysterious thunder.

Lu Chen's face was weird. This old guy was too much trouble, and he was planning to help. Lu Chen was a little impatient, but the gold leaf had already covered him. Lu Chen only felt that his eyes were dark, he did not take it lightly, but he was more alert than ever. Although the gold leaf could help him block it, Lu Chen didn't expect it either.

Lu Chen knew that relying on the sky and the ground is better than relying on himself. The power of the profound thunder hit the gold foil, bursts of dazzling light bloomed, and the mysterious **** was stunned. This gold foil is a defensive treasure. In the state of primordial spirit, there is nothing to be busy with. When no one invades the land of Xuan Yin, he will try his best to enter that place. Although the danger is not to be underestimated, it is well known to pay and report. It is always proportional.

He has gained a lot of benefits in it, all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures, magic weapons, and panacea, but he is in the state of primordial spirit, and he doesn't have much room to use.

There is no physical body that cannot withstand too strong the essence of heaven and earth. In the final analysis, it is to seize the house and merge. Once it succeeds, everything else is a matter of course.


To be precise, one after another, the black dark clouds in mid-air rushed towards Lu Chen without reservation. Such a situation undoubtedly made Lu Chen unexpected.

Those thunder and lightning contain unimaginable explosive power, like a wild beast with an open blood basin, and the natural coercion of the heavens is attached to Lu Chen. It is not surprising that Lu Chen's expression changed slightly. This mysterious thunder The intensity of the qi is as strong as the substance, stronger than Lu Chen imagined. He resisted the mysterious thunder qi of the mysterious **** not long ago to test whether his special physique was safe and sound under the thunder. Although there is a certain danger, what I have to say is that Lu Chen has such a certainty and confidence.

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