Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2301: Wheel tactics

It can only be said that this kid is too crazy, and he has reached a point where ordinary people cannot understand. He has to use his own efforts to exceed the limit, so as to stimulate his potential and talent.

Just be Xuanyin. When the Taoist was discouraged, there was another noise from the giant beast bones. Although it was relatively mild, it was mysterious. The Taoist can still hear clearly, although he is in the state of the soul, but Xuan Yin. The cultivation of the Taoist for thousands of years is not in vain.

He knows a lot, and Lu Chen is far behind him. According to his experience, Lu Chen hasn't fallen yet, Xuan Yin. The Taoist stared at the giant beast bones closely, and after a while, bursts of peculiar heaven and earth aura burst out from the giant beast bones.

Xuan Yin. Taoist had some familiar feelings, his eyes lit up involuntarily, isn't this Lu Chen's Five Elements Qi? Although Lu Chen's energy of the five elements is inclusive of all rivers, and tolerance is great, Lu Chen is a little arrogant and uses the energy of the five elements to absorb all kinds of essence of heaven and earth.

This is actually not good for his cultivation. In fact, Lu Chen is also very clear, but his special physique is like a cauldron that can be contained, but it needs a process of excessive transformation.

Lu Chen’s understanding is not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators. In a short time, he has penetrated the mystery of the ghostly flames, so when this giant beast bone is persecuting him, Lu Chen will not have the power to fight back. With the nether-colored flame essence, Lu Chen actually still has a certain chance of survival.

"Bang." Suddenly, the abnormal change happened, and a loud noise made the scalp numb, Xuan Yin. The corner of the Taoist's mouth twitched again, and he couldn't stop for a long time. What did he see? The entire long arm of the giant beast bone was shattered, and then a figure appeared, isn't it Lu Chen?

This familiar figure gave Xuan Yin. The Taoist had a sense of shock that he had never felt before. After all, he had fought against Lu Chen not long ago, but there was no oppression, Xuan Yin. The Taoist's eyes kept rolling around, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lu Chen didn't notice this scene. Since Lu Chen could fight the giant beast bones indiscriminately, he had no hope of seizing the house. He had to take this into consideration.

Xuan Yin. The Taoist gritted his teeth, his mind moved, a pagoda appeared in his hand, and he threw it out directly. The pagoda flew towards Lu Chen, and a mighty righteous spirit filled every corner of a thousand miles, this and Xuan Yin. Taoist devilish energy is out of place.

Lu Chen frowned, he was just about to let go, this Xuan Yin. The Taoist immortal is taking advantage of the danger, isn't this intentionally embarrassing him?

Lu Chen's expression darkened a lot, Xuan Yin. The Taoist had been waiting for the opportunity. At this tense moment, Lu Chen had hoped to reverse the situation, but was Xuan Yin. Once the Taoists blend in, he will have the opportunity to confront the giant beast bones and be embarrassed on all sides.

The giant animal bones before made Lu Chen scorched, plus a mysterious yin. Taoist, he was not able to bear it at all. Lu Chen gritted his teeth. Although he was reluctant, he was not the kind of mother-in-law.

The mentality of a cultivator can often determine success or failure. Some cultivators may have good talent potential, but when they grow up halfway, they die. This is a common occurrence.

After all, there are only a few people who can grow to the ultimate genius leader. This is a brand new challenge for Lu Chen. With the opportunity, once it is properly handled, Lu Chen's strength can make a qualitative leap. A chance to prove yourself before heading to the Pantheon.

I learned from Huang Zhongzheng that the cultivators of the Pantheon were not few in number. Although Lu Chen was in the Garden of Eden, no matter how strong or talented he was, he did not feel that he was invincible in the world.

He also met some people who were more tyrannical than him. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he took good care of the position of the Chenxing Gate. As long as the foundation is stabilized, his future development will be much faster. Lu Chen is an ambitious person. He knew well that only when his strength was strong, he could protect himself, and Chenxingmen was his face!

Besides, after a while, Lu Chen is going to the Pantheon. If he didn't build the Chenxing Gate, how could he go there with peace of mind, no matter what, he wouldn't be relieved.

So when the name of the black man's killing method was proposed to occupy the land of Xuan Yin, Lu Chen agreed without hesitation and showed his resolute attitude.

Even if the old man tried to dissuade him one after another, Lu Chen didn’t take it seriously. Instead, he listened to him analytically. With mixed feelings, the old man had to accept Lu Chen’s statement. Because of the unique performance of Lu Chen during this period of time. , Created an unparalleled dazzling and brilliant miracle.

So the old man believed that Lu Chen could seize the land of Xuan Yin, Xuan Yin. He understands the horror of Taoists, but after all, it is hearsay, of course the old man does not want Lu Chen to be surprised.

Lu Chen decisively chose to escape, not to another location, but to Xuan Yin. The treasures mentioned by the Taoist, in this way, the giant beast bones will be sealed off, and he will run out at that time, there is still a glimmer of life, otherwise I am afraid I don't know how to die.

Xuan Yin. The Taoist suddenly attacked him, which made Lu Chen unexpected. The anger in his heart was unprecedented. As long as he had the opportunity, he would never be merciful, this Xuan Yin. The Taoist always wanted to be disadvantageous to Lu Chen, but he didn't have such a tyrannical strength not long ago.

Although dealing with the giant beast bone just now, Lu Chen consumed a lot of the energy of the five elements, plus He Xuan Yin. Taoist confrontation is evenly divided, which is equivalent to a wheel tactic, so that Lu Chen has no advantage.

Fortunately, Lu Chen was not far from the center of the mysterious land. Under his ghostly speed, he arrived at the forbidden area in just a few moments.

Sure enough, as soon as he went deep in, Lu Chen discovered something wrong. The surrounding atmosphere of the world was not like outside. It was as dense as a cloud of mist. It could be seen with the naked eye. It is not difficult to imagine if you stay here for a long time. Cultivation is definitely a multiplier effect with half the effort.

Lu Chen couldn't help thinking, wondering if this giant beast bone would also absorb the breath of heaven and earth, and it was ten times richer than the outside world. If he succeeded in obtaining the land of Xuan Yin and listed it as a blessed land for cultivation, what would it be like? Kind of results.

He also listened to Xuanyin. The Taoist said that there are all kinds of treasures here, and I don’t know if they are true. Lu Chen took a look at it, and only he could see there were hundreds of magic weapons, and they were all of high quality. Just like ordinary goods, taking any one outside will cause many cultivators to break their heads and fight, and even Lu Chen's current eyes can't help but be jealous.

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