Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2302: In the trap

It is conceivable that the accumulation of hundreds of divine weapons and sharp weapons caused what kind of visual impact. Lu Chen took a deep breath and quickly calmed down the excitement in his heart, and then observed the giant beast bones behind him. Next, the giant animal bones were all red. Of course, Lu Chen, the culprit, had not realized the seriousness of the situation.

When the giant beast bone entered the center of the mysterious land, it didn't look like Xuan Yin. As the Taoist said, he immediately stopped to seal, but the speed slowed down a bit, the corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, could it be Xuan Yin. The Taoist was deceiving him and couldn't do it, but Lu Chen suddenly felt it was impossible.

He looked at Xuan Yin. Taoist, he found this old immortal fellow with a stunned expression. Lu Chen frowned and thought of a possibility for the first time. Under normal circumstances, this giant animal bone is the patron saint here, and there is no reason to be. Constrained is only the master who created it, so that it does not affect the balance, so that this method came out.

But now that I encountered it, it was ineffective. With keen observation and unique analytical power, Lu Chen immediately identified a possibility, which should be due to the madness of the giant beast bones, and only in this way, It can explain why the giant beast bones did not stop at the center of the mysterious land.

But Lu Chen was surprised to find that the speed of the giant beast bones was obviously slowing down, but there was still a certain threat to him. Lu Chen could not take it lightly, otherwise sooner or later he would fall into a dead end.

He hadn’t doubted this before. Lu Chen was a dodge. Because the giant beast bones were slow, Lu Chen was more relaxed. After this blow, the giant beast bones did not press Lu Chen one after another. The color of surprise flashed, and looking back, the beast bones had been frozen. Although the arm was broken, it still showed a terrifying and tyrannical aura.

It feels like a statue. Lu Chen took a deep breath, his eyes flashed out sharply, "Susu." Without hesitation, he wielded the Hongmeng Sword. The giant animal bone statue, unexpectedly, the statue did not move.

"Boom boom." The earth-shaking loud noise spread, and the surrounding area seemed to be smashed and cracked, that Xuan Yin. The Taoist couldn't withstand such an impact, and used his own profound Yin energy to protect his body.

He looked over curiously, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Lu Chen's violent storm hadn't played any role, and the statue remained as usual.

Lu Chen frowned, and this situation was nothing special. After entering this place, the defensive power of the giant beast bones would reach an unprecedented height. Lu Chen was able to judge with his conjecture, so no matter how hard he tried, he No effect.

Lu Chen didn't waste his energy either. Originally, Lu Chen was going to question Xuan Yin. Taoist, but the next moment, the corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he unexpectedly discovered that the giant animal bones were healing continuously, at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Chen spent so much effort and it was wasted. He did not expect that after this giant animal bone returned to his lair, although it fell into a stiff state, it returned to a state of no damage.

This is too shocking. After all, with Lu Chen's courage to fight against each other, what did not happen, Lu Chen was a little bit lost, but did not show it, that Xuan Yin. The Taoist looked like he took it for granted, and gloating, thankless Lu Chen, was the scene he wanted to see.

This way Lu Chen would have no confidence, Xuan Yin. The Taoist injured the giant beast bones before. When he returned to this place, all healed, but he did not expect that Lu Chen would destroy its bones and heal quickly. It seems that if this giant beast bone does not get rid of the mystery The center of the Yin Land is basically an invincible existence. It is as difficult as reaching the sky to take any treasure from here.

According to Xuan Yin. According to Taoist experience, the rarer the treasures taken from here, the longer it will take to be hunted down by the giant beast bones, and the greater the danger. Once the giant beast bones are completely offended, it’s not necessary to stay unscathed. possible.

So he didn't get any particularly tyrannical treasures, real treasures, even if he was lucky enough to find them, he would not have a chance to bring them out. The anger of this giant beast bone, even Xuan Yin. Taoists don't dare to take it easily, so those who have heard about treasures in the center of Xuanyin are not hearsay, but have a certain basis.

But they couldn't get anything, even the owner Xuan Yin here. Taoists don't have such courage, those cultivators who are ready to try their luck, come into the land of Xuan Yin, they will be caught by Xuan Yin. The Taoists were eyeing them, and one can imagine why they couldn't get out.

Lu Chen is a special case, such people will never be too many, otherwise Xuan Yin. Where did the Taoist face put his face, "Old Immortal Home..." Before Lu Chen finished speaking, he felt a strong and domineering oppression. A strangely shaped pagoda attacked him, which caught Lu Chen by surprise.

Although Lu Chen kept dodging, it had no effect at all. No matter where he went, the pagoda would follow him, Xuan Yin. The Taoist looked triumphant, just as the so-called mantis hunting the cicada and the oriole, he was like this, waiting for Lu Chen to fight against the giant beast bones, before he shot again, retaining a lot of strength Xuan Yin. Taoists are sure to deal with Lu Chen.

This pagoda was used to capture Lu Chen. It couldn’t be more appropriate. Lu Chen’s five-element aura was restricted and could not be used, "Boom." Although the five-element aura kept colliding with the peculiar pagoda, they all seemed to matter. No supplement.

After a while, Lu Chen became a bit exhausted. He only felt that his eyes were dark, and the pagoda covered him. Originally, the pagoda did not have such magical power.

Xuan Yin. The Taoist asked Lu Chen to draw this giant beast bone over. It turned out that this pagoda played a very small role outside. Lu Chen, an unfathomable kid, might be able to break through the shackles, but In the center of this mysterious land, there is an unknown secret.

Xuan Yin. The Taoist's conclusion through his own observations, as long as the gems obtained from this center, are used within this range, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, Lu Chen's strength was not weakened, but he could not escape the hunt of the pagoda, Xuan Yin. With a satisfied smile on his face, the Taoist finally settled Lu Chen with great effort.

Although there are not a few cynics, what I have to admit is that he saw the light, and the hope was greater than before. This kid finally fell into the trap, and it is not as good as his calculation!

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