Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2306: Take your life

He was bullied to Xuan Yin. Taoist head up, Xuan Yin. How could Taoists accept it, but strangely, after a while, Xuanyin. Before the Taoist came out, Liu Yitian was a little impatient and curled his lips. When he was absent-minded, an unprecedented essence of heaven and earth rushed towards him, and Liu Yitian instantly reacted, only to see a dark shadow ghost coming out. With a familiar look, "Boom." A loud and earth-shattering noise spread in all directions, and Liu Yitian stepped back again and again, his eyes filled with awe. It turned out to be Xuan Yin. The Taoist attacked him and succeeded. Because of slack, he didn't have much sense of prevention.

There was a huge wave in Liu Yitian's heart, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Old Xuan Yin, I didn't expect to see you in some years, you will become a lot of sinister." He stared at the soul not far away, although he was shocked.

But Xuan Yin. How keenly the Taoist observed, a touch of pride appeared at the corner of his mouth. He took advantage of Lu Chen's presence in the pagoda to restore his peak strength, and confronted Lu Chen. He had a new perception that this subtly affects his strength, so Xuan Yin. The Taoist is still very grateful to Lu Chen, the boy who has been long-time opponent, Liu Yitian, looking at him with that kind of eyes can prove some problems.

"Haha, that's why you regressed." Xuan Yin. The Taoist contemptuously said that he originally intended to make a fatal move, but this Liu Yitian is not a waste, and the quick response speed is simply not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators.

He regretted a little, did not show his face, and sighed, as if he was feeling something, Xuan Yin. The Taoist's superior attitude made Liu Yitian quite unhappy. This old guy hadn't been so arrogant and overbearing when he saw him before. Is there any adventure?

Liu Yitian didn't mean to shoot immediately, but observed Xuan Yin. Taoist, the latter is calm and calm, and is not afraid to fight against Liu Yitian, this unexpected situation, Liu Yitian keeps an eye on it.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm here to take your dog's life, God didn't take your life, it was left to me!" Liu Yitian said in a condensed voice, a strange breath exuding his whole body, locked in Xuan Yin. Taoist.

"There is a price to be paid for speaking up." Xuan Yin. The Taoist turned a deaf ear to his words. As soon as his words fell, the whole person flew past like a sugar-coated cannonball. The majestic and mysterious atmosphere collided with Liu Yitian's breath of heaven and earth. Both of them were truly superpowers. , For a while, it will not be able to tell the outcome, only to see countless ghosts flashing in the air.

What they didn’t know was that in the dense land not far from here, Lu Chen gasped for breath, then looked at the pagoda. His unremitting efforts finally came out. .

It turned out that Lu Chen thought of a clever way. Although he could not break the golden wall of the pagoda, he could move the pagoda. He punched the pagoda hard and the pagoda would tremble. Although the amplitude was relatively small, Lu Chen understood a truth. He had made up his mind before, and he had never stopped for the truth about the water droplets, the stone piercing, and the rope sawing the wood. After a punch, he did not find Xuan Yin. When the Taoist punished him, Lu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Under the constant bombardment, the pagoda finally emerged from the center of the land of Xuan Yin, which meant that Lu Chen had hope to escape. .

Lu Chen wondered why before and Xuan Yin. The Taoists did not even watch him take out the pagoda. It can be seen that the pagoda is only in the center, showing an unparalleled effect.

No, when the pagoda came out of that special area, Lu Chen clearly felt it. His whole body was less restrained. He considered for a moment, instead of breaking the pagoda directly, he found a suitable exit. There is no Xuan Yin. Under the guard of the Taoist, didn't he just become him?

Although there was some robber thinking, what I had to admit was that after Lu Chen came out, he didn't see Xuan Yin. Daoist, this made him flattered. Lu Chen stared at the pagoda and saw that there were five floors. The fanatical color under his eyes appeared. His talent potential can only be closed on the first floor. How terrifying is that?

It is conceivable that Lu Chen was slightly confused, this should not be Xuan Yin. The Taoist guy got in, "Ahem, Brother Niu, do you want to come out." Lu Chen was surging with a trace of the five elements, penetrated into the second floor of the pagoda, and tried to communicate with the iron **** cow, but he didn't know. Can it succeed?

"Of course I did." Unexpectedly, the Tie Ming Shen Niu didn't hesitate for a long time before he answered Lu Chen. Although the buzzing sound was a bit jerky and difficult to understand, Lu Chen understood it.

"Okay, then you have to promise me. After you come out, help deal with Xuan Yin. Taoist is the one who binds you." Lu Chen said in a whisper, clearly wanting to add fuel to the fire. Although the iron **** cow It is an ancient divine beast, but it can only be said to be the lowest level, and its wisdom is not as cunning as a human being.

So when Lu Chen took advantage of it, the Iron Underworld God was stunned. The huge beast pupils were filled with raging anger. Lu Chen suddenly flashed a sly look in his eyes, "Even if you don't say it, I will make him feel unhappy. "Tie Ming Shen Niu roared and roared.

Lu Chen nodded. What this sacred beast said should be reliable. After all, not long ago, Lu Chen and the Tie Ming sacred bull had fallen into the world, and the Tie Ming sacred bull had no need to deceive him. If it weren't for Lu Chen's effort, Mind, how can it escape the range of that central location.

Lu Chen waved his hand and moved his mind. In fact, it was relatively simple to unlock the second seal, as long as the cohesion of the breath of heaven and earth was better than Xuan Yin. If Taoists are more powerful, they can do it.

That Tie Ming Shen Niu was a little touched, Lu Chen did not doubt its promise, this is trust, it will prove it with actions, that Xuan Yin. The Taoist kept it for a long time, but the **** Tie Ming had a fiery temper, but he didn't stop it.

After the Tie Ming Divine Bull came out, it seemed to have found the feeling of fighting again. Its eyes were red, looking for Xuan Yin. Where the Taoist was, Lu Chen's brain flashed, and he stepped directly on the back of the Iron God Bull. This behemoth, Lu Chen looked extremely small when he stood on it.

A breath of horror fluttered away, and the Iron Underworld God Niu led Lu Chen, galloping in one direction, with a gust of strong wind, Lu Chen vigorously, there is a domineering domineering over the world, this Tie Ming Shen Niu didn't care if Lu Chen stepped on his back. If he changed to someone else, he would just fall down without talking, and would still bombard him.

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