Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2307: Iron God Bull

Lu Chen took the sheep directly and took the pagoda in. After a while, he could see Xuan Yin clearly. Taoist, it's just a little strange, Xuan Yin. Taoist and another extremely powerful person clashed, Lu Chen sent a voice to Tie Ming Shen Niu, let it not be so radical, first wait for the changes, when the two people can not fight, or even lose, Lu Chen is choosing one Take it at the right time.

That was definitely a profit for the fisherman, but Lu Chen's wishful thinking didn't seem to go so smoothly. Because of the Tie Ming Shen Niu, the fierce momentum exposed Lu Chen's figure.

Xuan Yin. The corners of the Taoist's mouth twitched slightly. He was startled. He couldn't figure out how Lu Chen came out. Isn't this kid locked in the first floor? Could anyone help? This shouldn't be possible, after all, if someone enters the land of Profound Yin, he can feel it.

He didn’t know why. What’s even more strange was that even the Iron Underworld God Bull on the second floor of the pagoda came out with Lu Chen. This was too shocking to hear. Could it be that Lu Chen took the Iron Underworld God The cow is released, Xuan Yin. Taoist thought of this possibility for the first time.

But he didn't have much time to think about this. After all, the enemy in front of him was Liu Yitian. This old guy seemed to have discovered that he was distracted, so he went all out to show his method, Xuan Yin. Taoist can't bear it, he is only in the state of soul.

Xuan Yin. Daoism was decimated, and he could only bite the bullet and resist Liu Yitian. Various spells were defeated, and he unreservedly released the violent storm momentum. Liu Yitian was slightly surprised, this Xuan Yin. The Taoist will not return to the light, right?

But he wasn't worried, he was comfortable with Xuan Yin. Taoists deal with each other, but at this time Xuan Yin. Taoist explosive power is amazing, he rationally avoids his edge, as long as this period passes, that Xuan Yin. Taoists must be exhausted.

He wants to get rid of Xuan Yin. Taoist, isn't that easy and easy? But there is an uncertain factor, that is Lu Chen not far away. Liu Yitian is not jealous of Lu Chen, but the Iron Underworld sacred cow at his feet, but Liu Yitian's eyes are a bit fanatical and greedy when he sees the Iron Underworld sacred cow. He didn't know how Lu Chen surrendered to the **** Tie Ming, he couldn't help but marvel at it.

A half-old boy with such patience and ability is absolutely commendable. Liu Yitian is also worried about the situation of the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole. Knowing the existence of Lu Chen and Tie Ming, he is embarrassed to stop asking. Xuan Yin. Daoist, after all, his generation, if he values ​​a junior too much, he would be arrogant to others and destroy his prestige.

Therefore, Liu Yitian would rather take some risks than being Xuanyin. The Taoist looked down on it, and the essence of heaven and earth that had collided again and again was fluttering away after waves. Lu Chen looked at all this blankly, thinking in his heart how to maximize the benefits.

Although I don't know who this old man is, Xuan Yin. There is no doubt that a Taoist will die, and the shame Lu Chen suffered will be recovered from him.

Lu Chen's cold-eyed performance made Xuan Yin. The Taoist didn't panic in his heart, he opened his mouth, just about to say something, that Liu Yitian's figure quickly zoomed in, it turned out that he had hidden his strength, at this critical moment, taking advantage of Xuan Yin. Taoist is in a daze, he has a certain certainty, get rid of Xuan Yin. Taoist.

The latter kept retreating, but it had no effect. He was still hit by Liu Yitian's fist. Suddenly, the soul was erratic and the light dimmed a lot. A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. He should be able to guess. Xuan Yin. What the Taoist wanted to say just now is probably to work with Liu Yitian to solve him first.

Fortunately, Liu Yitian didn't give him this opportunity, otherwise Lu Chen would have no chance of winning when facing two extremely strong men at the same time, unless the Iron Underworld God Bull under his feet could show some ability.

Lu Chen could vaguely feel the enthusiasm of the **** Tie Ming, and he wanted to make a move. If it weren’t for Lu Chen’s decisive attitude, this **** beast could not stand it. There was a kind of untamed good in the bones of the **** Tie Ming. Dou's blood, that's why, at that time he was spotted by the owner of the pagoda, and then used a little trick to get it into the pagoda.

Since Tie Ming Shen Niu was grateful to Lu Chen, there was no fight, and now Xuan Yin. The Taoist was criticized, and Lu Chen waited for a while. The constant laughter of Liu Yitian showed his unparalleled pride. After so many efforts, he finally dealt with this enemy, despite Xuan Yin. The Taoist hasn't had any difference in his head yet, but he can't go far.

As for Lu Chen and Tie Ming Divine Bull not far away, he really didn’t pay attention to it. Maybe he could think of a way to make Tie Ming Divine Bull his mount, so that no matter where he went, he would be eye-catching. The focus exists.

After all, having a sacred beast as a mount is a symbol of identity and status. Regarding this, how could Liu Yitian fail to understand that even if he is a hermit family, he may not be able to contact many sacred beasts. As a core elder, he is not yet decent. The mount, at this time, ran into the Iron Underworld God Bull, greedy.

He was jealous of Lu Chen's ability to control the Tie Ming **** cow, so he decided to cross-examine Lu Chen, "How about it? Old enemy, do you know that it's amazing?" Liu Yitian said in a hurry, and the slow tone was clearly correct. Xuanyin jokingly. Taoist.

The corners of the latter's mouth twitched suddenly, unwilling, he stared at Liu Yitian bitterly, but he didn't expect that it would be Xuan Yin in the end. The Taoist had the advantage. What he regretted was that he didn't take advantage of the weakness to merge with Lu Chen's five-element body, so that Liu Yitian wouldn't do anything to him. After all, as long as he was strong enough, he really didn't worry about Liu Yitian. The core elder of the hermit sect leader?

Xuan Yin. Taoist has lived for thousands of years, living in the state of primordial spirit. It can be said that he can bend, stretch, and try his courage. He originally thought that he could create a miracle that was more brilliant and dazzling than a thousand years ago, but he no longer has any advantage in the current situation. Uncertainty will fall on their own territory.

This is a naked blow and shame, Xuanyin. The Taoist glanced at Lu Chen, and it was not that this kid suddenly arrived, causing him to fall into a disadvantage, Xuan Yin. The Taoist shoved all the responsibility on Lu Chen. There is no doubt that Lu Chen was a bad guy in his eyes.

"Boy, how did you get the Iron Underworld God Bull." Liu Yitian did not immediately kill Xuan Yin. Taoist, he believed that under his nose, Xuan Yin. Taoists cannot escape.

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