Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2309: High and low standing

Liu Yitian snorted coldly, and wasted so much time dealing with Lu Chen, a hairy boy. In his opinion, it was a naked blow, and it was revealed from his face. The big knife was swung frantically and turned into a dozen. Dao sharp, that Xuan Ming **** cow is huge, it is not so easy to dodge.

What's more, I had to carry a Lu Chen, so the mysterious iron sacred bull was a little strenuous, and in desperation, he carried a sharp edge, and the sword light that was like a broken bamboo blasted the body of the mysterious **** with a violent storm.

Xuanming Shenniu trembled, but suddenly the coercion of the divine beast broke out. The blade did not break through the defenses of the Xuanming divine cow. Lu Chen couldn't help but marvel at it. He deserves to be the body of the divine beast. His physique is tough and tough. , But it's far behind the beast, so he still has a lot of room for improvement.

"Boy, hurry up and catch it, I will save you from death. This Iron Underworld God Bull has nothing to do with you. Although you still have a little talent and potential, but you don't deserve it, you still have to recognize yourself. "Liu Yitian waved his hand and said solemnly, without the slightest element of joking.

Lu Chen shrugged disapprovingly, and suddenly kicked his feet, and the whole person was like a sugar-coated cannonball, attacking Liu Yiyang. This proactive performance undoubtedly surprised the two of them, Xuan Yin. The Taoist is a little proud, this Xuan Ming **** cow is definitely sweet and pastry, not only looks good, but also a symbol of status.

Liu Yiyang was originally a face-saving person. From Lu Chen's refusal to answer his questions, he couldn't help but observe that Xuan Yin is now. Taoist sat on the sidelines and enjoyed his success. Although he was seriously injured under that fist, there is no doubt that Xuan Yin. Taoists also have some kind of trump card killer.

These Liu Yiyang and Lu Chen are not good things. As long as they find the right opportunity, he will make Lu Chen and Liu Yiyang regret coming to Xuanyin Land and provoking his peaceful life. Lu Chen is okay, after all, he is special. The body of the five elements is for Xuan Yin. The help of Taoists is self-evident.

Then Liu Yiyang won't be well, and if Liu Yiyang's body is not broken into pieces, his heart is disturbed, Xuan Yin. The Taoist calmly looked at the two of them, and the aftermath of the majestic waves spread out, shaking Xuan Yin. The Taoist was dizzy, he was in the state of primordial spirit, and he was suffering from Liu Yiyang's surging fist. Only he knew the painful feeling.

Almost a thousand years ago, he was suffering from unparalleled pain. I am afraid that it will take a while to recover to his peak state. Unless it is the body of the five elements of Lu Chen, it is another matter. Lu Chen took a deep breath. In one sigh of relief, a wave of condensed and substantive five-element air rushed towards Liu Yitian, who was slightly confused, this kid still planning to reverse?

"Looking for death!" Originally, Liu Yitian intended to let Lu Chen go, but he found that Lu Chen would not die until the Yellow River, and he would not cry without seeing the coffin, so he wanted to take this opportunity to eradicate Lu Chen. Lu Chen refused to tell him anyway. , How can I control the Xuanming Divine Bull.

If the correct method is not adopted, I am afraid that something will happen to the Xuanming Divine Bull. As long as the Xuanming Divine Bull is brought back, he is worthy of his trip, let alone killing Xuan Yin. Taoist, avenged his dead younger generations, and got a real beast.

What a face-saving thing, Liu Yitian seemed to be able to see that the people of his family, all kinds of envy and jealousy eyes, and the airy feeling is naturally beyond doubt.

"Haha, what can you do with me?" Although Lu Chen fell into a disadvantage, he had to admit that Lu Chen's mentality was quite good. He was not afraid of things and not afraid of danger. The spirit of the five elements suddenly disappeared a lot, and replaced by Xuan. The power of thunder, the creaking thunder and lightning, is frightening.

"Boy, you are not ashamed, I made you pay a heavy price!" The corner of Liu Yitian's mouth twitched slightly, isn't this insulting him?

"Bang Bang." Although the power of Xuan Lei is strong and domineering, it is not a big deal in front of Liu Yitian. Liu Yitian has lived for a long time. What kind of wind and waves have not been experienced, even if he encounters the talented and potential Lu Chen did not change his expression.

But Liu Yitian was a little depressed. Why did Lu Chen appear here? Could it be with Xuanyin. Does Taoist matter? He glanced at Xuan Yin. Taoist, the latter hurriedly narrowed his vicious eyes, if he angered Liu Yitian, he might have fallen.

Now Liu Yitian and Lu Chen are fighting, and there is no time to take care of him. His life is basically in the hands of Liu Yitian. In any case, Liu Yitian cannot be offended.

The Xuanming Divine Bull continued to roar and roar, and from a tricky angle, launched a stormy offensive. Regardless of the size of the Xuanming Divine Bull, it was not slow at the critical moment. This gave Liu Yitian a headache. .

Coupled with Lu Chen's successive attacks on him, Liu Yitian couldn't go all out. He gritted his teeth and originally wanted to dodge, but for a moment he thought that he was facing Xuan Yin when dealing with Lu Chen. If the Taoist's face shrinks, it is a shameful performance.

His contempt and contempt for Lu Chen was obvious before, but after some confrontation, his expression became cautious, and he struck out with an invincible burst with a fist. I don't know if Liu Yitian was wrong, and the corner of Lu Chen's mouth appeared. A joking smile, what's the situation?

Didn't see Lu Chen make a move, could he let him get a fist? Isn't this kid entrusting him? Liu Yitian was frightened and furious, but did not stop, he had reached this point, he must go all out!

Since Liu Yi Tiandong is really good, then Lu Chen doesn't need to be polite.

"Boom." The earth-shaking loud sound spread, arousing pieces of flying sand and rocks, Xuan Yin. The Taoist took a look, and saw that both of them were still in place, but Liu Yitian's expression was a bit ugly. On the other hand, Lu Chen had a calm smile on his face.

This time, stand up against each other! Originally, Lu Chen did not have such a powerful and terrifying means, but not far behind him, there was a helper, that is, the Xuanming Divine Bull. The essence of the divine beast in its body was continuously transferred to Lu Chen. As a result, Lu Chen was able to do more with less.

Therefore, when confronting Liu Yitian head-on, there was no weakness. Lu Chen's five-element aura superimposed on the essence of the god-beast of Xuanming Divine Bull, bursting out incomparable deterrence. It was definitely not a simple one plus one.

Liu Yitian's whole body is like a kite with a broken line, backing quickly, "Puff." The blood inside his body was tumbling, and he couldn't bear it. A mouthful of blood spurted out, dripping blood in the air, looking very weird, and the atmosphere was frozen. A lot.

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