Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2310: Secretly Peeping

"Tsk tusk, old guy, is this the result you want?!" Lu Chen took advantage, so he sneered, Xuan Yin. What the Taoist saw was stunned. He didn't expect that Lu Chen would defeat Liu Yitian in a short moment. This was too shocking to hear. Although Lu Chen had some opportunistic elements, he had to admit that Lu Chen and Xuanming God Niu had a sharp heart. The fit is seamless.

"You, you... Poof." Liu Yitian, who was anxiously attacking his heart, was **** and embarrassed again. He was not calm and calm before, and the smile of Hexun Chunfeng disappeared.

There was a huge wave in Liu Yitian's heart, and his face didn't show it. Although he knew that Lu Chen was violent, he couldn't stand the provocation, so he didn't get angry and gave Lu Chen a fierce look. It has no effect.

Liu Yitian and Yin killed the people to fight, but in the end they made Lu Chen cheaper. As the so-called snipe and clam are fighting, the fisherman gains.

Lu Chen clasped his fists in both hands and looked at Xuan Yin. Taoist and Liu Yitian, they could threaten their lives not long ago, but now they are in such a field, Lu Chen was a little bit emotional, glanced at the two of them, and their faces were uglier than the other.

They all regretted it, but there was no regret in the world. Lu Chen had the upper hand. There is no doubt that they were unwilling. They felt that Lu Chen did not have this strength, but it was just a swollen face and a fat man.

The victory over Liu Yitian was somewhat of a fluke, so Liu Yitian disdained Lu Chen. Lu Chen's observational power was so small that he caught this point without reservation. "Boom." Without any sign, the big rock beside Liu Yitian burst open. Coming, he was taken aback. Lu Chen was already in the dying stage. Lu Chen's punch seemed simple and without magnificence, but it was terrifying, not what he thought.

Lu Chen curled his lips, and the Five Elements Qi was swept out of his body, which filled with Xuan Yin. Taoist and Liu Yitian are both in a weak and exhausted state. Where there is the ability to resist, Lu Chen waved his hand, and two fierce and domineering auras attacked them. He is not a soft-hearted lord. If he stays alive in such a field, he will definitely be It's leaking.

As the saying goes, the wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again. Lu Chen's mentality was not mature before, so he didn't think about it too much. Without cutting the grass and removing the roots, it would cause one after another trouble. Lu Chen didn't have that much. Having experienced dealing with annoying flies, he understands that sometimes he must be cruel and cruel.

Neither of them had the character to sit and wait for death. Their figures flickered ghostly and stared at Lu Chen. This kid was cruel and could not raise his hands high, so they didn't talk nonsense, even though Liu Yitian and Xuan Yin. Taoists have all suffered serious injuries, but they have to admit that they still have a chance to escape.

Liu Yitian was slightly dissatisfied. Lu Chen didn't rely on his own strength to defeat him, but instead used the power of Xuanming Divine Bull, which was somewhat invincible.

"Boy, this grudge, I will give you back from Liu Yitian in the future!" Liu Yitian almost spit out a word, speaking loudly, there was a smile at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, and he did not intentionally stay. Liu Yitian, this old guy should have some kind of powerful hole cards, Lu Chen can feel it from him.

In case Lu Chen fell into an unhealable place for a period of time, er, he would not be worth the loss. After all, he already had an absolute advantage, and Liu Yitian's anger was unimaginable.

Lu Chen smiled non-committal, Xuan Yin. Taoist stared at Lu Chen gritted his teeth, speed is his strength, even if he is injured and tired, he can save his life.

"I'll be with you at any time." Lu Chen said lightly. Looking at the back of Liu Yitian, he couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion. Although Lu Chen wanted to keep him, Xuan Yin. Taoist is still aside, light and handy in terms of one enemy and two, but he knows well that if it is to let Xuan Yin. If the Taoist runs away, the situation will get worse.

It was undeniable that the plan could not keep up with the rapid changes. Lu Chen looked at Xuan Yin. The Taoist laughed dryly, "Old immortal fellow, you are so courageous, you kept me in the pagoda." Lu Chen's playful tone was obvious.

Xuan Yin. The corner of the Taoist's mouth twitched slightly, and it seemed that Lu Chen was not going to let him go, but Xuan Yin. The Taoist is not a three-year-old boy, and he is not scared.

So when Lu Chen spoke coldly, his expression remained unchanged, "Boy, if you can escape, you are lucky." How could Lu Chen not be able to see his stern state.

"Haha, you can only say that you are too stupid and you shut me down in the wrong place." Lu Chen said solemnly, and the majestic five-element aura, mixed with a little Xuanyin aura, rushed towards Xuanyin. Taoist, the latter's expression was a little moved. Lu Chen's methods are too terrifying.

In just one day, I learned his profound Yin Qi. Although it is not too pure, as long as Lu Chen is given time, everything is a matter of course. Lu Chen's talent potential is different from that of ordinary people. He realized it in the extremely quiet and extremely cold environment. What he can be sure of is that Lu Chen has never experienced such an environment, but he can't help but believe the facts before him. This can only prove that Lu Chen is too enchanting.

"Boy, since you have all run out, go back quickly." Xuan Yin. The Taoist's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking. This act of deliberately turning off the topic naturally did not escape Lu Chen's capture.

"Old immortal guy, are you old enough? I told you before that my purpose is actually very simple. It is the land of Xuanyin. You said you, why bother to get out of Xuanyin in the first place. The land, not everything is gone, it's better now, a full body of sorrow, is this the result you want to see?" Lu Chen asked aggressively, and the expression of his body was enough to act as a shock.

"Haha, kid, you will regret it if you don't go back." Xuan Yin. The Taoist Feng Qingyun said calmly, it seemed that he was deliberately delaying time, which made Lu Chen a little bit dumbfounded. Did he think he couldn't see his thoughts?

This was not being smart, but Lu Chen didn't say anything, but at this moment, the city of Eden seemed to be shrouded in some unique treasure. With Lu Chen's keen sense of smell, there should be someone spying on the city of Eden secretly.

However, no one can guess what terrifying strength this person has achieved. Lu Chen is no exception. He just kept a mind-set, so as not to be targeted and not knowing, this kind of situation is easy to hide with open spears and difficult to defend with secret arrows. It was not the first time that Lu Chen had experienced it. He was very upset in his heart.

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