It seems that due to the killing of Lu Chen, Shangguan Feiyun completely lost his confidence in him. After all, Lu Chen, a hairy boy, can only be said to be unknown. Recently, one after another of miracles has not been spread to Yin. Of the sect family.

"It's this kid." The man in the green robe pointed at Lu Chen extraneously, wanting Shangguan Feiyun to be in charge of him, even though he didn't say that Shangguan Feiyun knew it, Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he stared at him with a look of fools. The man in the green robe, the air of the five elements gave him an unparalleled sense of oppression.

The complexion of the man in the green robe changed drastically. Lu Chen's strength has undergone an earth-shaking change. The last time he met, Lu Chen still fought against him, fighting each other. How long has passed since then, Lu Chen's progress can be described as rapid progress. , With leaps and bounds, it is no wonder that Lu Chen is able to possess a stronger strength than him at a young age.

This made the man in Qingpao a little depressed, and he didn't know what coincidence Lu Chen had experienced. During this time, Lu Chen did not interrogate him, but Shangguan Feiyun arrived in time.

Lu Chen's calmness gave Shangguan Feiyun an ominous premonition, but his expression didn't show it. Even if Lu Chen was exceptionally strong, he had no chance of winning when facing him.

"Shut up, don't you think it's not enough to be embarrassed?" Shangguan Feiyun didn't beat him, curled his lips, roared angrily, and glared at the man in Qingpao. The latter was startled and said nothing, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little bit of laughter. The man in the green robe was still planning to frame him, but he turned into a show.

The man in the green robe trembled all over and looked at Lu Chen with a little trepidation. The latter looked jokingly, then glanced at the Chenxingmen disciple lying underneath, and said with anger, "You did this? "

He was aggressive and didn't give the slightest retreat. The middle-aged man was slightly taken aback, but he did not expect Lu Chen to react like this. He smiled contemptuously, "How about Lao Tzu?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Chen's whole body was like a sugar-coated cannonball, turning into a strong wind, and attacked him, "Then you go to the funeral!"

Perhaps in the eyes of a middle-aged man, these are just a few ants, but Lu Chen doesn't think so. As long as it is a person who joins the Chenxingmen, it is his brother.

Moreover, the talent potential of these people is quite superior. It seems that this middle-aged man intended to kill them. Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a sense of guilt. They joined the Chenxingmen because they were optimistic about their bright future. But before he grew up, he was killed.

As the master of the Chenxing Gate, Lu Chen is responsible for their safety. This is not a big stop between the clans, but Lu Chen’s personal affair, but it has caused them to spread rumors and get implicated, so Lu Chen has decided to let Not only that, the middle-aged man was buried with him, but the Shangguan family had to pay a heavy price.

There were a total of six people lying here. Lu Chen killed him in the sixty or six hundred geniuses of Shangguan. Only in this way could he eliminate the hatred in his heart. Lu Chen's eyes were red. Although this middle-aged man was good, he passed through the land of Xuanyin. After the party, Lu Chen was no longer Wu Xia Amon.

He believes that as long as he goes all out, the middle-aged man in front of him will sooner or later lie on the ground dying, his murderous aura spreads, proving Lu Chen's determination, Shangguan Feiyun frowned, this kid is somewhat murderous Horror, not what he imagined. It seems that the man in Qingpao lost to Lu Chen and was arrested, which is excusable.

This incident reached the Shangguan family and caused a lot of commotion, and other hermit families also laughed at their Shangguan family. Even a brat can solve their Shangguan family. This is undoubtedly a face slap.

How could Shangguan's face hold on to him? Shangguan Feiyun was directly dispatched. He was an elder-level figure. This was definitely Lu Chen's glory and capital worth showing off. What did it mean to be the elder of a hermit sect family?

Even the most powerful cultivator in the city of Eden is not necessarily his opponent. Shangguan Feiyun didn't want to come, but the high-level sect's orders were not easy to violate, so he bit the bullet to deal with Lu Chen.

When I saw this, Lu Chen’s behavior was unexpected, Shangguan Feiyun did not take it to heart, oncoming Lu Chen, a touch of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his figure rushed out with incomparable appearance. The blasting force condensed a fist mark and hit Lu Chen first.

The latter snorted coldly, the air of the five elements filled his palms, and with a sudden slap, a wandering dragon a few feet long appeared. It was based on the power of the five elements and transformed out of it. This is a test of the cultivator Ability, under normal circumstances, a cultivator can use the breath of heaven and earth to transform other creatures. The more powerful and higher the creature is, the more powerful the breath of heaven and earth is needed. This is beyond doubt.

Lu Chen had the courage to use the Five Elements Qi to simulate a dragon swimming. It was already a brave behavior. As long as he leaned against the dragon, the cultivator was in awe.

Sure enough, a loud dragon roar suddenly spread all around, "Roar." Within at least a kilometer, they could be heard clearly. Although many cultivators were relatively courageous, there was no doubt that they were curious. , Ran out and looked around.

It was discovered that King Lu Chen had returned and saved the Chenxing Gate. Many people thought that the Chenxing Gate would perish due to the arrival of a middle-aged man. After all, the foundation of Chenxing Gate was not established soon after it was established.

How can he develop steadily when he is so overwhelmed by the overbearing middle-aged man, now that Lu Chen has appeared, there is hope of reversing it. The majestic aura makes everyone afraid to look directly, and admiration for Lu Chen rises. To an unprecedented level, they were still wondering whether Lu Chen, a hairy boy, was as magical as in the legend, after all, they had not met Lu Chen in person.

The moment You Long appeared, the middle-aged man's complexion also changed a little. The next moment, his fist mark was broken, and the dragon broke through the fist mark like a bamboo, and then attacked him. The middle-aged man did not. With a punch, a faint light filled his fist. What I have to admit is that the middle-aged man's breath of heaven and earth is quite majestic and majestic. He used 30% of his power before.

With all his strength now, still not believing that he couldn't deal with Lu Chen, "Boom boom." A loud noise came from the earth, and the half of Youlong plunged into his fist, and the faint light faded away.

The old man was full of ecstasy. He did not expect that Lu Chen would be able to turn the tide as soon as he appeared. Originally, the Chenxing Gate was gone. After all, without foreign aid, the old man went out and talked with the middle-aged man, that is to die, the middle-aged man as long as he is willing, Their Chenxingmen will be killed without leaving.

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