Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2314: Shangguan Feiyun

Although the middle-aged man was unarmed, he was in a disadvantaged state at this time. Taking advantage of the middle-aged man's surprise, Lu Chen didn't give him any chance. When he moved his mind, the Hongmeng Sword appeared in his hand.

Before the roaming dragon disappeared, Lu Chen wielded two great sword auras. The middle-aged man hurriedly pinched the roaming dragon formed by five colors with his other hand in the depths, causing a huge wave in his heart. It suddenly became clear that Lu Chen was thinking, after all, the energy of the five elements that had just penetrated into his body was causing trouble.

If he is careless, he will get into trouble. This is too vicious. It is unexpected that Lu Chen is young, but he is quite thoughtful in considering the problem.

Even the middle-aged man sighed. The appearance of this dragon was too abrupt. Although the dragon did not cause substantial damage, the aura of the five elements is completely different from his aura of heaven and earth.

He doesn't have the special physique of Lu Chen, how could he be able to bear it? He was shocked and angry, and could only forcefully suppress the power of the five elements with his original aura, but the power of the five elements was so peculiar, but in the blink of an eye, he penetrated into his The internal organs were simply not allowed to be considered by Shangguan Feiyun.

His contempt for Lu Chen was gone. All that was left was panic and prudence. The Hongmeng sword energy was very close to him. Shangguan Feiyun quickly took out his magic weapon to resist Hongmeng sword energy. .

"Bang Bang." There were another deafening sound, followed by a terrifying aftermath. Those low-powered people have scalp numbness, and they can't help but surging with the breath of heaven and earth to resist, ordinary people just take a mouthful. Blood spurted out, and their faces were full of panic. They didn't understand what kind of strong confrontation would cause such a terrifying, thunderous sound.

A burst of dust spread, confuses the sight of many people, but some tyrannical cultivators can see the situation clearly, although Shangguan Feiyun resisted the sword energy coming from Hongmeng, he also suffered a lot of harm. .

Moreover, Lu Chen was beaten back by defeats, and there was no advantage at all. This situation occurred just after the match. The old man was involuntarily happy. He could probably judge the strength of the middle-aged man. According to common sense, Lu Chen should not be his opponent.

After all, what he knew about Lu Chen's strength, could it be that the two days that Lu Chen had disappeared played a role? The old man knew where Lu Chen went, the land of Xuanyin was very dangerous, and since Lu Chen could come back intact, with a smile on his face at first, he could imagine that Lu Chen had gained something in the land of Xuanyin.

The old man never thought that Lu Chen could use his own power to take down the land of Xuanyin and become the site of the Chenxing Gate. If that were the case, the development trend of the Chenxing Gate would definitely far surpass all the families of Eden City. In time, The star gate is the status of a party hegemon.

Although the possibility is very small, the old man reported some expectations. Lu Chen would not do things that were uncertain. He knew this well, so he knew that there were tigers in the mountains. Let Lu Chen lean towards Hushan.

Once Lu Chen returns successfully in triumph, the benefits will be unimaginable. The old man has not had the opportunity to ask at the moment. He can only wait until Lu Chen and Shangguan Feiyun have finished fighting. The old man, Ru Pingdie, and the disciples of Chen Xingmen, both It's worried.

But after this out, they all cast admiring eyes on Lu Chen, they are worthy of their sect master, just this method makes them beyond reach, and they are deeply moved, as long as they and Lu Chen will be able to get ahead sooner or later.

Isn't this the purpose of joining Chenxingmen in the first place? It’s just that when Shangguan Feiyun came to the door not long ago, he shot and killed a few senior brothers. Their confidence was shaken to the point of panic. Some disciples even asked to leave Chenxingmen. Those with firm confidence People have been more or less scolded and despised.

But at this time, no one would say such cool words. It was all because of Lu Chen. The terrifying and overbearing experience was a turnaround. For a time, Chen Xingmen was inspiring, and the momentum was like a rainbow. Pretty bright.

"Boy, stop first. We have something to say." Shangguan Feiyun actually took the initiative to show weakness. This unexpected scene made everyone stunned in secret. They are not stupid. Shangguan Feiyun is rather powerful. Under circumstances, only others would bow their heads to him, and the unexpected side in front of him proved Shangguan Feiyun's jealousy of Lu Chen.

This achievement alone was enough for Lu Chen to be proud, but he didn't take it seriously, his goal had been determined, and that was to kill Lu Chen.

"Haha, if you take the initiative to invade my Chenxing Gate, you will have to pay a heavy price." Lu Chenfeng said with a light smile, everyone was shocked, and Lu Chen's courage made them frightened, but they were not surprised, as if Lu Chen This is justified and natural.

"What do you want?" Shangguan Feiyun said in a condensed voice, the aura of his body suddenly solidified, the atmosphere was tense for a while, and Lu Chen refused to let him go?

Is this a joke? As the elder of the hermit sect family, he has not experienced any big winds and waves, and how could he compromise and retreat due to Lu Chen's threat.

"I want your life!" Lu Chenyan said a few words concisely, revealing a breathtaking chill, Shangguan Feiyun's mouth twitched slightly, "Haha, boy, you are so loud, it depends on whether you have this I'm capable." He looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Old Zaxian, don't stop laughing, wait for me to end your life with my own hands." Lu Chen said every word, and did not wait for Xuan Yin when he finished speaking. The Taoist responded that the whole person was like a meteor, spanning a distance of ten feet.

There was unprecedented anger in Shangguan Feiyun's eyes. This Lu Chen provoked him time and time again, no matter whether he has this ability or other people's face, there is no need to make things difficult for him so much.

After all, he was a strong man in a family of hermits, and he took the initiative to make peace with Lu Chen, but was rejected, which he had never considered.

They Shangguan’s family didn’t hold them accountable. It’s no wonder that Lu Chen still refuses to raise his precious hand. This is not a laughing matter. Although the power of the five elements in his body is constantly causing trouble and affecting Shangguan Feiyun’s performance, he can’t go all out, but he also has confidence. , Relying on 70% to 80% strength to deal with the reluctant Lu Chen.

"Boy, since you are going to be aggressive, don't blame the old man for being cruel!" Shangguan Feiyun yelled, and stepped up to the difficulty.

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