The man in the green robe was dumbfounded. He thought that Shangguan Feiyun would go out in person. Isn't it a piece of cake to deal with Lu Chen? Although Lu Chen's strength has increased a lot recently, even surpassing him, it is definitely a world of difference compared to Shangguan Feiyun.

As long as Shangguan Feiyun planned to kill Lu Chen, Lu Chen would have no chance. Not long ago, he and Lu Chen had a bloodbath. Such a strong gap made the Qingpao man unable to accept.

Lu Chen was not the genius leader of those hidden family sects, but he had talent potential comparable to them. The Qingpao man couldn't help comparing Lu Chen with the four great geniuses.

It seems that Lu Chen has no place to show weakness. After all, Lu Chen is just a grassroots cultivator. It is already incredible that Lu Chen can make a prominence in the City of Eden.

Not only did they provoke them, but he was unwilling to let him go. The man in Qingpao couldn't calm the shock in his heart for a long time. He only hoped that Shangguan Feiyun could kill Lu Chen, otherwise such a genius leader would grow up, even for the hermit family. , Are no small threats.

Of course, Shangguan Feiyun knew this well. Originally, he compromised with Lu Chen in order to return to Shangguan's house to find a helper. Who knew that Lu Chen would not give him this opportunity.

"Boom boom." A ghostly figure appeared, and the wonderful fights caused them to discuss.

"Oh, buddy, didn't you just say that you want to quit my Chenxing Gate?" Inside the old man's house, a teasing voice sounded, and a fat man, not too small, patted the younger brother beside him.

The man's face was reddened, so being teased like this is because he has a thicker face and can't stand it.

"Haha, wherever, you remembered it wrong." The younger brother waved his hand and hit a haha.

"Isn't it?" The fat man sneered twice. The people next to him were also well aware of it. They smiled tauntingly. They didn't say any mockery. They all experienced the scorn of the junior.

Now Lu Chen's appearance has turned things around and maintained the reputation and status of Chenxingmen. Not only that, Lu Chen's high-profile courage competed against the upper officials of the Hidden Family.

Even if Shangguan Feiyun wanted to negotiate a peace, he would ignore it. As people from Chenxingmen, they felt enthusiastic, thinking of themselves as Lu Chen, and an unprecedented sense of accomplishment came to their hearts.

They do not regret joining the Chenxingmen. At this moment, the previous worries and regrets are gone, only pride and pride are left. The Chenxingmen will rise in the city of Eden sooner or later. Those so-called hermit families are not terrible. To the point where it cannot be dealt with.

Although for thousands of years, there has not been a hermit family recognized by the world. After all, the various conditions required are quite harsh. There is no doubt about this.

Even if those large sect families have tried their best, it is impossible to advance to the hermit sect family, because the number of hermit sect families is limited, unless one of the hermit sect family is replaced!

How domineering this is, because of this, even the Zhuge family of the first family of Eden City, Qingyunmen, the first sect, did not have such an idea.

The weakest hermit family is not something they can deal with. The Shangguan family can only be regarded as the upper middle and upper reaches of the hermit family, but a Shangguan Feiyun is enough to upset the city of Eden.

Fortunately, Shangguan Feiyun's tentacles only stretched out to the Chenxing Gate, and did not target other sects, because the hermit sect family has also established a custom, they cannot affect the peace of Eden City.

It's just that the matter of Lu Chen was printed by Zhuge's family of asking for help from the Shangguan family. It was the Shangguan family's own business. The Chenxing family was unlucky.

The rest of the hermit family actually observed this incident secretly. Lu Chen, a young elite, was able to get Shangguan Feiyun to come forward. They didn’t know if it could be settled. They thought it was a matter of settlement, but The result is not like that.

The power of the five elements in Shangguan Feiyun's body was constantly raging, and his uncomfortable feeling of qi and blood was simply not something he could bear.

But because of his affection, he was unwilling to bow his head. So many people have witnessed that if he begs for mercy, it would be a shame for Shangguan, even if he retreats barely intact, it would be embarrassing.

Going back to the school inevitably was scolded, Shangguan Feiyun took out a long sword, and everyone looked at it and found that it turned out to be a peach wood sword, which was a bit ridiculous.

Can a mahogany sword be able to deal with Lu Chen's powerful sword? They were not optimistic about Shangguan Feiyun. The old man frowned. He was knowledgeable and knew this peach wood sword. It should be one of the five treasures of Shangguan family. They did not expect Shangguan Feiyun to get it. He had such qualifications and was enough. Demonstrates the importance of Shangguan Feiyun.

The old man did not observe Shangguan Feiyun’s situation. Lu Chen used the power of the five elements superbly. It can be said that the power of the five elements is a kind of toxin. Even if Shangguan Feiyun wants to force it out, Unrealistic, Lu Chen's grasp of the power of the Five Elements has reached an unprecedented height.

Since going through the pagoda, Lu Chen has been a little dissatisfied with the progress of his cultivation, although it didn't take long for him to realize his shame and then courageously, he took the five elements to a higher level.

The Xuanming Divine Bull is a bit unique. It doesn’t know how many years it has lived. As a divine beast, his knowledge makes Lu Chen feel ashamed. Although Lu Chen is powerful and domineering, he has to admit that his age is compared with that of Xuan Ming. Niu is a thousand miles away.

"Boom." There was a loud noise. Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged. His Hongmeng sword aura was everywhere. Even if Shangguan Feiyun avoided, he had to collide head-on with a Hongmeng sword aura, which tore through Shangguan. Feiyun's clothing, he looked embarrassed, extremely embarrassed, and didn't know how to reverse it.

Although the peach wood sword is quite unique and can contend with the magnificent sword aura, the peach wood sword also has mottled marks over time, which is a bit weird.

Shangguan Feiyun was puzzled about what material Lu Chen's Hongmeng Sword was made of, or else he couldn't even resist his peach wood sword.

"Boy, if you stop now, I can still let you and your Chenxingmen a horse, otherwise hum..." Shangguan Feiyun snorted coldly, and he had exposed his humility.

Everyone was a little gloating, but the man in the green robe was extremely embarrassed, his face became more and more ugly, and the look of pig liver, hot eyes from all directions, made him depressed.

No matter how Uncle Feiyun's shots weren't effective, could this fellow Lu Chen grow three heads and six arms, he had also come into contact with the momentum of the five elements.

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