Only in a short period of time, Lu Chen's progress was beyond doubt. It turned out that he still had some superiority, but by this time, his self-confidence was ruined.

The overwhelming aura suddenly spread, Shangguan Feiyun ignored him and didn't get angry. His superior position had no effect.

He is burning the essence of life. Only in this way can he let go. Although he will sacrifice his Yangshou, he has to admit that if he grasps a glimmer of hope, there is the possibility of success.

Today's shame is unprecedented. Shangguan Feiyun exudes the essence of heaven and earth. Everyone can't help but exclaim, this Shangguan Feiyun is too crazy, in order to deal with Lu Chen, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life.

Although Shangguan Feiyun's talent potential is not bad, it can be reflected by the appearance of his middle-aged person, but it can be fatal to stay in a state of burning life essence for a long time.

His strength got a qualitative leap, and the power of the five elements in his body was temporarily suppressed. The situation that was reversed at this moment was an eye-opener for everyone.

The old man's face changed drastically. He knew best what it meant to burn life essence. Shangguan Feiyun reached a new level, and dealing with Lu Chen was not easy!

I had known that he would not linger and ruined the Chenxing Gate directly, so there was no need to worry about so many things. At least after I went back, there was an explanation, saying that he had not found Lu Chen, and then changed someone.

Shangguan Feiyun complained constantly, and no one talked about it. His eyes were blood red. At this juncture, only by killing Lu Chen could his anger be eliminated.

"Susu." Shangguan Feiyun spurred a few peach wood swords, a rusty sword aura, with a deterrent force like a bamboo, penetrated the space, black cracks appeared in everyone's sight, everyone looked at them dumbfounded. Space cracks.

They still can’t get access to this level of power, but they have also heard of the horror of space cracks. They retreat one after another for fear of being involved in the space cracks. Unless they are particularly lucky, they may be transported to other spaces , That's better.

Generally, people with poor physique will be torn apart directly. It is conceivable that there is no chance of survival. The aftermath of Lu Chen and Shangguan Feiyun's fight has opened their eyes.

They can also get some experience by witnessing with their own eyes. After all, their every move is unreasonably powerful.

"Bang Bang." The earth-shaking blast made everyone dizzy, and there was a terrible wave in their hearts. This Lu Chen deserves to be the master of the Chenxing Gate, although he is young, he is not small!

Shangguan Feiyun entered a violent state, and Lu Chen couldn't help being cautious. This old guy was powerful and domineering, and at the cost of burning his life, he did pose some threats. He had to take a pill that had a good recovery effect. The old man breathed a sigh of relief in secret. Fortunately, Lu Chen was not a defiant genius leader, otherwise he would be delayed by his arrogance.

Ru Pingdie’s beautiful eyes are full of infatuation. It turns out that the man she loves so much has such a peculiar and powerful means. She marvels again and again. Thinking of the promises Lu Chen has given her, Ru Pingdie has no worries. Now, there may have been dissatisfaction and resentment towards Lu Chen before, but at this moment, they all disappeared without a trace.

Originally, the young children of Chenxingmen quarreled, but after the old man drank for a while, they recovered their calm. The aura of the old man made them shudder, especially those who asked to leave Chenxingmen. If the cicada.

They could vaguely perceive the old man's sternness. It seems that even if they can stay at the Star Gate in the future, they will not be reused. There is no doubt about this.

With the insight of the old man, he shouldn't miss a little detail. Even though he was very worried about Lu Chen, he didn't overlook a little detail.

This is an opportunity to test them. The Chenxing Gate has just been established, and it is still necessary to test the loyalty of the disciples with a special method.

The old man was secretly triumphant. Originally, there were a lot of people recruited by the Star Gate. There was no need for those who were disloyal and dry food. The resources for cultivation were always limited. After all, the old man also considered these things.

The green-robed man's eyes lit up and saw some hope, "Uncle Feiyun, kill him!" He shouted, trying to help Shangguan Feiyun shout and cheer, Shangguan Feiyun was slightly taken aback, and his anger suddenly grew. Didn't it delay his confrontation with Lu Chen? Shangguan Feiyun's backhand was a fiery red atmosphere of heaven and earth, "Ah." A scream sounded, and the man in the green robe burned up and down. This sudden scene made everyone shocked.

I didn’t expect that Shangguan Feiyun had lost his mind and even killed his own people. It seems that Lu Chen has driven him to a desperate situation. Shangguan Feiyun is also a senior at any rate. His face is understandable and forgivable. Who knows Lu Chen was extremely tough, and within a short while, the man in the blue robe fell. He never thought that he would end up like this to his death.

Shangguan Feiyun's expression remained unchanged. There was only battle in his eyes. Solving Lu Chen was his goal. As long as he intervened in his performance, no matter who he was, he would suffer a heavy price.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. He could also understand Shangguan Feiyun's actions. The people of Chenxingmen were very addicted. They gloated and whispered for fear of attracting Shangguan Feiyun's attention.

However, Shangguan Feiyun has entered a state of madness, so all aspects of perception have reached a level that has never been seen before. With a big wave of his hand, several beams of light burst out and hit the old man’s house. Lu Chen frowned. Shangguan Feiyun shouldn't be arrogant.

In a state of chaos below, Lu Chen flickered out of ghostly figure, took out the khaki tortoise shell again, blocked it in front of him, and used the power of the five elements.

"Bang Bang." Loud noises came one after another, and the fiery red light group disappeared. The cold sweat of the old man and the others made them startled. They didn't expect that Shangguan Feiyun would make a sudden move. Fortunately, Lu Chen Take the shot in time, otherwise they will be in different places.

The fiery red light group contained an incomparably powerful atmosphere of heaven and earth. Even if the old man tried his life, he could not protect them, let alone a few fiery red light groups, the old man could not protect himself.

The people at Chenxingmen below were all in a cold sweat, watching Lu Chen gratefully, but the latter did not take it to heart.

"Haha, Shangguan Feiyun, are you still a **** elder, are you worthy of this name?" Lu Chen said in a somewhat insulting and joking tone. Shangguan Feiyun was so angry that there was no way to kill those long-winded clutter. It's not because of Lu Chen.

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